Systematics of Indo-Pacific fireflies with a redefinition of Australasian Atyphella Olliff, Madagascan Photuroluciola Pic, and description of seven new genera from the Luciolinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) Author Ballantyne, Lesley A. Author Lambkin, Christine text Zootaxa 2009 2009-02-04 1997 1 188 journal article 1175­5334 Pygatyphella undulata ( Pic, 1929 ) ( Figs 263 , 441–444, 447, 448, 450–455) Atyphella undulata Pic, 1929:12 . Luciola (Luciola) undulata (Pic) . McDermott, 1966:114 . Luciola (Pygatyphella) undulata (Pic) . Ballantyne, 1968:115 . Holotype . Female. PAPUA NEW GUINEA : in collection of Dr W. Wittmer , Switzerland. Other material examined. All specimens in BPBM unless indicated otherwise. IRIAN JAYA : 4.10S , 138.95E , Nabire : 5–50m , 25.viii–2.ix.1962 , 2 males , J. S.; S. Geelvink Bay 13 males , female ( 10–15m , 1–5.ix.1962 , J. S., 3 males ; 10–30 m , 1–4.ix.1962 , male; 5–50m , 25.viii–2.ix.1962 , 7 males , J. S.; 10–40 m , 5.x.1962 , jungle, light trap , male, H. Holtman ; 7.x.1962 , female, jungle, N. Wilson. Cyclops Mts : 2.34S , 140.31E , Ifar , 450–500m , 8.ix.1962 , male; 300–500m ,, male, J. S.; Sabron, 930 feet , vi.1936 , 1 male , L. Cheesman ( NHML ) Diagnosis. A large ( 13–14 mm long) species with uniformly bright yellow pronotum and dingy yellow elytra with very dark brown apical and basal markings; V7 large, swollen and apically truncate, apex largely enveloped by the down turned apex of T8; most similar to Pygat. tagensis , in which T8 apex does not engulf the apex of V7, distinguished by its larger size and the uniform colour of the pronotum. Female. 14.5 mm long. Coloured as for male except pronotum is paler yellow, the creamy white LO restricted to V6 and V7, 8 and T7, 8 are orange yellow, and more heavily sclerotised than preceding segments. Ballantyne (1968:116) characterised the holotype female. Remarks. Ballantyne (1968) felt the distinctive colouration allowed reliable association of sexes, and assigned 11 males .