Five new species of the genus Philydrodes Bernhauer, 1929 from China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae: Anthophagini) Author Shavrin, Alexey V. text Zootaxa 2017 4231 2 169 186 journal article 36581 10.11646/zootaxa.4231.2.2 9ac99456-21a6-4413-9554-49805965e0a1 1175-5326 291270 4DA7DFCA-D87C-4DB9-B4BF-5D6033F371CA Philydrodes ( Minyphilydrodes ) michaeli Shavrin , sp.n. ( Figs. 2 , 36, 39 , 42–43, 50–51, 58) Type material examined: Holotype : SICHUAN PROVINCE : CHINA W. Sichuan ( Ya `an | Pref., Tianquan Co. ) | E Erlang Shan Pass , 2900m | 9 km SE Luding , 29°52N/ | 102°18E (brook bank) | 20.–22.VI.1999 D.W. Wrase’ <rectangular label, printed>, ‘ Sammlung | M. Schülke | Berlin’ <green rectangular label, printed>, ‘ HOLOTYPE | Philydrodes ( Minyphilydrodes ) | michaeli sp.n. | Shavrin A.V. des. 2016’ <red rectangular label, printed> ( MNHUB ) . Paratypes : SICHUAN PROVINCE : 2 ♂ [The abdomens of both specimens has been dissected: plastic cards with preparations of aedeagus and apical abdominal segment in Canadian balsam were attached under each card with specimen] , 1 ♀ : same data as the holotype ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : cSch; 1 ♂ : cS) ; 3 ♂ [The plastic card with the preparation of aedeagus and apical abdominal segment in Canadian balsam was attached under the card with specimen], 3 ♀ [The plastic card with the preparation of abdominal tergite VIII and sternite VIII, and apical abdominal segment in Canadian balsam was attached under the card with beetle]: ‘ CHINA : W-Sichuan 20. VI. 1999 | Ya `an Prefecture , Tianquan Co. | E Erlang Shan Pass , 2900 m | 9 km SE Luding , 29°52N, | 102°18E, Bachufer , Moos + | Schotter , leg. M. Schülke’ <rectangular label, printed>, ‘ Sammlung | M. Schülke | Berlin’ <green rectangular label, printed> ( 2 ♂ , 2 ♀ : cSch; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : cS). All paratypes with my additional label: ‘ PARATYPE | Philydrodes ( Minyphilydrodes ) | michaeli sp.n. | Shavrin A.V. des. 2016’ <red rectangular label, printed>. Description. Measurements (n=10): WH: 0.75–0.98; LH: 0.55–0.75; LA ( holotype ): 3.52; LE: 0.22¯0.29; LT: 0.17¯0.20; LPM/WPM ( holotype ): III: 0.22 × 0.10, IV: 0.06 × 0.03; LP: 0.76–0.90; WPMax: 0.73–0.95; WPMin: 0.65–0.70; LEl: 1.32–1.75; WE: 1.65–2.25; WA: 1.65¯2.20; LMTb: 1.20–1.55; LMTr: 0.42–0.60; LAed: 0.80– 0.90; TL: 4.10–5.75 ( holotype : 4.75). Head, antennae and abdomen brown; pronotum and elytra reddish brown; basal margin of pronotum, sometimes narrow band along suture and apical margins of elytra yellowish brown to reddish brown; mouthparts and legs reddish brown; mandibular palpomeres 2 and 4, bases of antennomeres 1¯2 and tarsi yellow to yellowish brown. Punctation of head distinct, regular and moderately dense, small; punctation of pronotum larger, deeper and denser than that on head; punctation of elytra denser and larger than that on pronotum, interspaces between punctures in median part of each elytron equal to diameter of nearest 3¯4 punctures together; abdomen with fine regular punctation. Forebody very glossy; head and pronotum with fine distinct microsculpture between punctures. Habitus as in Fig. 2 . Head 1.3 times as broad as long. Eyes 1.2–1.4 times longer than temples. Maxillary palp segment 3 more than three times longer than apical (4th) segment. Antennomeres with lengths widths ( holotype ): 1: 0.35 0.13; 2: 0.22 0.10; 3: 0.35 0.11; 4–7: 0.32 0.11; 8–10: 0.32 0.12; 11: 0.36 0.12. Pronotum 1.02–1.03 times narrower than head, slightly broader than long. Elytra 1.7–1.9 times longer than pronotum, 1.2 times broader than long. Metarsomere less than three times shorter than length of metatibia. Abdomen same width or slightly narrower than elytra. Male. Apical margin of abdominal tergite VIII somewhat straight (Fig. 42). Apical margin of abdominal sternite VIII with small rounded emargination (Fig. 50). Aedeagus ( Fig. 36 ) similar to that of G . reticulatus sp.n. , with narrower median lobe and parameres and wider rounded apex, with four apical setae on parameres. Aedeagus laterally as in Fig. 39 . Female. Apical margins of abdominal tergite VIII (Fig. 43) and sternite VIII (Fig. 51) rounded. Comparative notes. Based on the narrow shape of the aedeagus with small phallobase, the new species is similar to Ph . reticulatus sp.n. , from which it differs by the narrower median lobe of the aedeagus and parameres, by the wider apical portion of aedeagus, by the arrangment of parameral setae, by well visible punctation on the head, by the shorter eyes, by the wider pronotum, by the slightly longer elytra and by the shape of apical emargination of male abdominal tergite and sternite VIII. Etymology. The species is named after my colleague Michael Schülke ( Berlin ), one of the collectors of the type specimens. Distribution. The new species is at present known only from the type locality ( Fig. 58 ) in the Erlang Shan range in Sichuan , China . Bionomics. The specimens were collected in the same locality of Ya`an Prefecture (Erlang Pass) together with G . sagittatus sp.n. (see below). FIGURES 42–49. Male (42, 44, 46, 48) and female (43, 45, 47, 49) abdominal tergites VIII of Philydrodes : 42‾43— Ph . michaeli , 44‾45— Ph . reticulatus , 46‾47— Ph . tibetanus , 48‾49— Ph . wrasei . Scale bars 0.1 mm .