Nine new species of the genus Pholcus Walckenaer (Araneae: Pholcidae) from South Korea Author Lee, Jun-Gi Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Agriculture, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, 24341, Korea. Author Lee, Jun-Ho Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Agriculture, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, 24341, Korea. Author Choi, Doo-Yeong Korea Institute of Spider and Ecology, Seoul, 08596, Korea. Author Park, Sun-Jae Climate Change and Environmental Biology Research Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon, 22689, Korea. Author Baek, Min-Jeong Climate Change and Environmental Biology Research Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon, 22689, Korea. Author Kim, Sam-Kyu Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Agriculture, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, 24341, Korea. & Department of Plant Medicine, Division of Bio-Resource Science, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, 24341, Korea. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-03-28 5432 2 179 212 journal article 293419 10.11646/zootaxa.5432.2.3 4b32801c-e71e-4bbc-8462-9666356a4dea 1175-5326 10898691 8B157EDE-7ADB-4AC0-8C98-66D68D8EB27B Pholcus mino Lee & Lee , sp. nov. Figs 1O–P , 2O–P , 10, 16G–L, 18 Type material. Holotype : , SOUTH KOREA : Chungcheongbuk-do : Danyang-gun , Daegang-myeon , Mino-ri (36˚51'43"N, 128˚22'45"E, 313 m ), 01 Jul. 2017 , Doo-Yeong Choi leg. ( NIBR ) . Paratypes : 3♀♀ , same data as holotype (KNU-Ar 20230079–81) ; 2♂♂ , same data as holotype (KNU-Ar 20230082–83) ; 3♂♂ 3♀♀ , same data as holotype (KNU-kise 768) . Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the type locality, Mino-ri. Noun in apposition. Diagnosis. Males similar to Pholcus simbok Huber, 2011 , having membranous and spatulate dorsal process and triangular prolateral process submarginally with curved band and distally with single spur ( Fig. 10D ), but can be distinguished by: 1) prolateral process about three times as wide as distal width of dorsal process ( Fig. 10D ) (about twice in P . simbok , see Huber 2011 : fig. 2291); 2) pseudoappendix slender and sinuated, as long as inner margin of uncus ( Fig. 10F–G ) (tiny and triangular in P . simbok , see Huber 2011 : fig. 2289). Females superficially similar to Pholcus sokkrisanensis Paik, 1978 , having triangular epigynal anterior plate, pair of dark brown linear marks on median portion of sclerotized areas on epigynal posterior plate ( Fig. 10H ), and enlarged lateral concave area of internal genitalia ( Fig. 10I ), but can be distinguished by: 1) epigynal posterior plate about half as long as anterior plate ( Fig. 10H ) (slightly longer than anterior plate in P . sokkrisanensis , see Paik 1978 : fig. 44); 2) lateral concave area with anterior portion curved laterally ( Fig. 10I ) (curved anteriorly in P . sokkrisanensis , see Paik 1978 : fig. 46); 3) pore plates oblong ( Fig. 10I ) (obovate in P . sokkrisanensis , see Paik 1978 : fig. 46). Description. Male ( holotype ). Habitus as in Fig. 1O . Total length 5.3. Prosoma 1.5 long, 1.5 wide. Carapace round, pale yellow, with dark brown radial marks and marginal band on thoracic area. Eye area slightly elevated, posteriorly with dark brown marks laterally and medially. Diameter of AME 120 µm, ALE 146 µm, PME 147 µm, PLE 147 µm. AME–AME 42 µm, PME–PME 193 µm, PME–ALE 34 µm. Clypeus with large brown mark, without process. Chelicera ( Fig. 2O–P ) with thumb-like proximo-lateral apophysis with small hump proximoentally, slender, blunt, and slightly ventrally curved frontal apophysis, and ventrally curved, notched triangular distal apophysis slightly shorter than proximo-lateral apophysis. Sternum longer than wide, shield-like, pale yellow with brown marks laterally and posteriorly. Opisthosoma 3.6 long, 1.4 wide, cylindrical, pale yellow, without cuticular patterns, with cardiac pattern and many black granular spots dorsally and laterally. Leg femora and tibiae yellowish brown with two whitish and two dark brown bands distally, two dark brown bands proximally; patellae, metatarsi, tarsi dark brown, without bands; leg Ⅰ femur distinctly darker. Leg Ⅰ 42.5 (10.9 + 0.7 + 10.9 + 17.6 + 2.3), leg II 28.4 (7.9 + 0.7 + 7.2 + 11.1 + 1.4), leg III 19.8 (5.8 + 0.6 + 4.8 + 7.5 + 1.1), leg IV 26.1 (7.7 + 0.6 + 6.5 + 10.1 + 1.3). Ratio of leg Ⅰ (15.4: 1.0: 15.4: 24.8: 3.3), leg II (11.3: 1.0: 10.3: 15.8: 2.0), leg III (9.8: 1.0: 8.1: 12.7: 1.9), leg IV (12.0: 1.0: 10.1: 15.7: 2.0). Leg formula 1243. Tibia Ⅰ L/d 78. Tibiae, metatarsi, tarsi with short vertical setae, tibiae and metatarsi Ⅰ, II with long curved hairs. Tibiae with three trichobothria, except tibia Ⅰ (prolaterally absent). Retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia Ⅰ at 6% proximally. Tarsus I with 24 pseudosegments, mostly irregular. Palp ( Fig. 10A–G ). Trochanter apophysis ( Fig. 10B ) about 0.25 times as long as femur, straight, blunt, proximo-retrolaterally with tubercle; femur ventrally swollen; tibia with prolatero-ventral tubercle; procursus ( Fig. 10B–E ) dark brown, slightly sinuated dorsally, with small ventral knee; dorso-subdistally strongly swollen, with two spines ( Fig. 10C–D ); procursus tip ( Fig. 10C–E ) with three large ridges and several indistinct ridges retrolaterally ( Fig. 10E ), dorsal process membranous, spatulate, distally denticulate, curved ventrally (arrowed 1 in Fig. 10C–D ), and prolateral process triangular and membranous, retrolateral portion with hooked membranous projection curved prolaterally (arrowed 2 in Fig. 10D ), prolateral portion subdistally with single strongly sclerotized spur pointing distally, submarginally with sclerotized curved thin mark (arrowed 3 in Fig. 10D ); genital bulb oval, pale yellow; uncus ( Fig. 10F ) about 0.8 times as long as genital bulb, dark brown, half-heart-shaped, distally slightly curved and pointed, inner margin slightly concave, outer margin with numerous tiny scales, proximally with small concave area; pseudoappendix ( Fig. 10F–G ) strongly sclerotized, slender, sinuated, distally pointed; embolus ( Fig. 10G ) slender, distally fringed, weakly sclerotized, slightly longer than uncus. Female (one of paratypes , KNU-Ar 20230079). Habitus as in Fig. 1P. Somatic characteristics generally similar to male, but cheliceral apophyses absent, legs slightly shorter. Total length 5.3. Prosoma 1.5 long, 1.6 wide. Diameter of AME 110 µm, ALE 162 µm, PME 142 µm, PLE 157 µm. AME–AME 57 µm, PME–PME 198 µm, PME–ALE 47 µm. Opisthosoma 3.6 long, 1.4 wide. Leg Ⅰ 33.8 (8.7 + 0.6 + 8.7 + 13.7 + 2.2), leg II 23.1 (6.5 + 0.6 + 5.8 + 8.9 + 1.4), leg III 16.6 (4.9 + 0.6 + 4.0 + 6.1 + 1.0), leg IV 23.2 (6.9 + 0.7 + 5.7 + 8.7 + 1.3). Ratio of leg Ⅰ (13.7: 1.0: 13.7: 21.7: 3.5), leg II (11.1: 1.0: 10.0: 15.3: 2.3), leg III (8.6: 1.0: 7.1: 10.8: 1.8), leg IV (10.2: 1.0: 8.4: 13.0: 1.9). Leg formula 1423. Tibia I L/d 67. Epigyne ( Fig. 10H ). Anterior plate obtuse triangular, with yellowish brown mark, near epigynal knob dark brown; posterior plate ivory, about half as long as anterior plate, posterior edge very slightly extended, with pair of brown sclerotized areas laterally and dark brown thick linear marks on sclerotized areas medially, running from anteromedially to posterolaterally; epigynal knob dark brown, moderately thick, blunt, about 0.3 times as long as posterior plate; posterior sclerotized cuticle brown, moderately procurved, slightly longer than posterior plate; interspace between posterior plate and posterior sclerotized cuticle yellowish brown, slightly longer than posterior plate. Internal genitalia ( Fig. 10I ). Anterior arch strongly recurved, medially strongly sclerotized with slightly wavy posterior margin; genital valve strongly recurved; lateral portion ventrally strongly concave and dorsally slightly concave, anterior portion elongated as long as posterior portion; pore plates oblong, close together anteriorly and wide apart posteriorly. Variation. Males. Prosoma width: 1.4–1.8 (mean 1.6), tibia Ⅰ: 10.6–13.2 (mean 11.8) (n=5). An intrapopulational variation was observed on the shape of membranous tip of dorsal process and the direction of prolatero-distal spur-like projection of prolateral process in procursus tip ( Fig. 16G–H ). Females. Prosoma width: 1.5–1.7 (mean 1.6), tibia Ⅰ: 7.6–8.7 (mean 8.1) (n=6). An intrapopulational variation was observed on the size of pore plates and the shape of lateral portion of internal genitalia ( Fig. 16K–L ), but the epigynal shapes were largely consistent ( Fig. 16I–J ). Habitat information. This species was found on rock walls and crevices under rocks in streamside of mountainous regions. Distribution. Korea (Danyang) ( Fig. 18 ).