Taxonomic corrections for Asian Fingulus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) Author Wang, Yang 0000-0003-0768-9501 wangyangnk @ sina. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0768 - 9501 & These authors contributed equally to this work. Author Chen, Ling 0000-0002-9693-5024 lingchennku @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9693 - 5024 & These authors contributed equally to this work. Author Rédei, Dávid 0000-0003-1550-2110 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-02-26 4938 2 196 204 journal article 7898 10.11646/zootaxa.4938.2.2 75ce5686-6074-442f-8b7d-23234b23dc60 1175-5326 4563794 01BA875C-D8F1-4077-8165-06883E864364 Fingulus ruficeps Hsiao & Ren, 1983 ( Figs. 6–13 , 15–19 ) Fingulus ruficeps Hsiao & Ren, 1983: 70 , 76. Holotype : , China : Sichuan , Ya’an ; NKUM! Fingulus umbonatus (non Stonedahl & Cassis, 1991 ): Liu et al. (2011: 8 , 11). Misidentification. Fingulus henrytomi Yasunaga & Nakatani, 2018: 165 . Holotype : , Japan : Shikoku , Kochi, Monobe , Nishikuma-keikoku ; NIAES. New subjective synonym. Fingulus ruficeps : Stonedahl & Cassis (1991: 3 , 5) (as of unknown identity), Schuh (1995: 627) (catalogue), Zheng (1995: 460) (listed, distribution), Kerzhner & Josifov (1999: 49) (catalogue), Hua (2000: 201) (listed, distribution). Type material examined. Fingulus ruficeps Hsiao & Ren, 1983 . Holotype : , “< Sichuan Ya’an > [ch, pr] \ 800– 900m [pr] \ 1963.VII. [pr] 4 [hw] \ < Tianjin Museum of Natural History > [ch, pr]” [with pr horizontal line between lines #3 and #4], “<collector: Xiong Jiang >” [pr], “D1a” [hw], “ Fingulus [hw] \ ruficeps Hsiao [hw] \ et Ren [hw] \ < holotype identified 19> [ch, pr] 81 [hw]” [red, with pr black frame]; mounted on triangle, tarsus of left hind leg, tibia and tarsus of right hind leg lacking ( NKUM ) ( Figs. 6–11 ). Additional specimens examined. CHINA . Yunnan : Ruili Rare Plants Botanical Garden , 30.vii.2006 , leg. M. Li (1 ³ NKUM , Figs. 12, 13 ), Nanjian , Jianshan , Pingdi Village , 1500 m , 2.vii.2001 ( 1 ♀ NKUM ) ; Hainan : Jianfeng [= Jianfengling National Natural Reserve], Tianchi , 18.iv.1985 , from Ficus heteropleura ?, leg. [L.Y.] Zheng ( 1 ♀ NKUM ) , same locality and collector, 19.iv.1985 ( 1 ♀ NKUM ) , Lingshui , Mt. Diaoluo , 900 m , , leg. X. Zhang , det. as “ Fingulus umbonatus Stonedahl & Cassis, 1991 ” by Jing-Yang Xu ( 1 ♀ NKUM ) ; Fujian : Nanjing , 21.iv.1965 , leg. L.C. Wang , det. as “ Fingulus ? ruficeps Hsiao & Ren ” by G. Stonedahl , 1992 (1 ³ NKUM ) ; Zhejiang : Mt. Fengyang , 29.vii.2007 , leg. W.B. Zhu ( 1 ♀ NKUM ) , same but 1.viii.2007 , leg. W.B. Zhu et al. (1 ³ NKUM ) . Diagnosis. Readily recognized by the combination of a whitish metathoracic scent gland peritreme ( Fig. 11 ) and the corium possessing an extensive pale spot in its proximal third ( Figs. 8, 12 ). A more detailed comparison with its phylogenetically most closely related congeners is provided in the Discussion below and Table 1 . The external male genitalia are illustrated in Figs. 15–19 ; the distal portion of the phallus (“vesica” of authors) is characterized by its lateral wall being sclerotized around a membranous apical portion and the presence of a small, membranous flap around its middle ( Figs. 18, 19 ). Distribution. CHINA : Sichuan !, Yunnan !, Hainan !, Fujian !, Zhejiang ! JAPAN : Shikoku Is., Tsushima Is. ( Nakatani & Yasunaga 2018 , as F. henrytomi ). FIGURES 8–14. Fingulus spp. 8, F. ruficeps Hsiao & Ren, 1983 , holotype, dorsal view; 9, same, lateral view; 10, same, ventral view; 11, same, metathorax, most exposed (ventrolateral) view; 12, F. ruficeps , a non-type male from Ruili, Yunnan, China, dorsal view; 13, same, lateral view (arrow shows tubercle of prosternal xiphus); 14, F. brevirostris Ren, 1983 , holotype, metathorax, most exposed (ventrolateral) view. Scales in mm. © NKUM. Discussion. Fingulus ruficeps was described based on a single female (the holotype ) from Sichuan , China( Hsiao & Ren 1983 ). Although the original description states that it is deposited in the Tianjin Museum of Natural History , it is now found in NKUM and it was re-examined in course of the present study ( Figs. 6–11 ). The line illustration of the head and prothorax of F. ruficeps accompanying its original description ( Hsiao & Ren 1983: 71 , fig. 3) is inaccurate in respect of proportions of the head and the position of the postocular furrow; a photo of the head of the holotype is herein provided ( Fig. 6 ). Additional specimens of both sexes were examined from Yunnan , Hainan , Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces of China . FIGURES 15–19. External male genitalia of Fingulus ruficeps Hsiao & Ren, 1983 . 15, posterior portion of genital capsule, dorsal view; 16–17, left paramere in two different aspects; 18, phallus, left lateral view (ejaculatory duct detached immediately proximad of secondary gonopore and remained inside of phallotheca in repose); 19, distal portion of phallus, ventral view. Scales in mm. Fingulus henrytomi was described based on a female holotype from Kochi , Shikoku Is., and a female paratype from Tsushima Is., Japan ( Nakatani & Yasunaga 2018 ). Its authors did not compare it with F. ruficeps in their original description and diagnosis, apparently due to being unaware of the latter species. A comparison of the original description and illustrations of F. henrytomi with the holotype of F. ruficeps ( Figs. 6–11 ) left no doubt that the two species are conspecific, and accordingly their subjective synonymy is proposed here. This species is morphologically similar to F. collaris Miyamoto, 1965 , F. inflatus Stonedahl & Cassis, 1991 , and F. umbonatus Stonedahl & Cassis, 1991 (all distributed in East and Southeast Asia) and potentially belongs to the monophyletic clade formed by the above three species (cf. Stonedahl & Cassis 1991: 52 , fig. 33). Among the Asian representatives of the genus only these four species possess a pale metathoracic scent gland peritreme conspicuously contrasting with the surrounding dark areas of the thoracic pleuron and possess a weakly developed tongue-like process at the apex of the ostiolar canal ( Fig. 11 ) (a peritreme with a well-developed example is shown in Stonedahl & Cassis 1991: 7 , fig. 2); they also share a similar, relatively broad habitus, a head that is paler than the general body colour, and an impunctate ( F. collaris , F. inflatus , F. umbonatus ) or very insignificantly punctate ( F. ruficeps ) anterior collar of the pronotum. Based on the examination of the holotype and non-types of F. ruficeps , non-types of F. collaris and F. inflatus , and photographs of the holotype of F. umbonatus (deposited in BPBM) ( Figs. 20–23 ), the skeletal diagnostic characters of these four species are summarized in Table 1 ; illustrations of their external male genitalia are found in the work of Stonedahl & Cassis (1991) and the present paper ( Figs. 15–19 ). FIGURES 20–23. Holotype of Fingulus umbonatus Stonedahl & Cassis, 1991 . 20, dorsal view; 21, lateral view (arrow shows strongly prominent tubercle of prosternal xiphus); 22, frontal view; 23, labels. Scale in mm; labels not to scale. © BPBM, courtesy of D.A. Polhemus. The voucher specimens for the records of F. umbonatus and F. collaris from China ( Liu et al. 2011: 8 ) ( F. umbonatus : a female from Hainan , Lingshui, Mt. Diaoluo, 900 m , , leg. X. Zhang; F. collaris : a male from Zhejiang , Mt. Fengyang, 28.vii.2008 , leg. Z.H. Fan, and a female from Yunnan , Menghai, Mt. Nannuo, 1200 m , 27.iv.1957 , leg. L.C. Zang, coll. IZAS), are all now deposited in NKUM, have been re-examined in course of the present study, and revealed that the record of F. umbonatus pertains to F. ruficeps , whilst that of F. collaris pertains to F. inflatus . No specimens of F. umbonatus and F. collaris from China have been seen, and therefore although they likely occur in subtropical and tropical areas of southern China , for the time being these two species are deleted from the Chinese fauna.