Taxonomic corrections for Asian Fingulus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) Author Wang, Yang 0000-0003-0768-9501 wangyangnk @ sina. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0768 - 9501 & These authors contributed equally to this work. Author Chen, Ling 0000-0002-9693-5024 lingchennku @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9693 - 5024 & These authors contributed equally to this work. Author Rédei, Dávid 0000-0003-1550-2110 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-02-26 4938 2 196 204 journal article 7898 10.11646/zootaxa.4938.2.2 75ce5686-6074-442f-8b7d-23234b23dc60 1175-5326 4563794 01BA875C-D8F1-4077-8165-06883E864364 Fingulus longicornis Miyamoto, 1965 ( Figs. 1–5 , 14 ) Fingulus longicornis Miyamoto, 1965: 154 . Holotype : ³, Japan , Okinawa Is., Kudeken ; KUEC. Fingulus brevirostris Ren, 1983: 290 , 292. Holotype : , China : Yunnan , Yunjinghong ; NKUM! New subjective synonym. Fingulus longicornis : Miyamoto & Yasunaga (1989: 158) (listed, distribution), Stonedahl & Cassis (1991: 9 , 30) (in key, redescription, figure, records, distribution), Schuh (1995: 627) (catalogue), Zheng (1995: 460) (listed, distribution), Kerzhner & Josifov (1999: 49) (catalogue), Nakatani et al. (2000: 317 , 318) (in key, diagnosis, photo, figures, records, distribution, bionomics), Nakatani & Yasunaga (2001: 201) (diagnosis, photo, record, distribution), Hayashi (2002: 132) (distribution), Yasunaga et al. (2015: 13) (bionomics), Komatsu (2016: 109) (diagnosis, photo, record, distribution), Yasunaga et al. (2016a: 583) (bionomics), Yasunaga et al. (2016b: 400) (catalogue, distribution), Kim et al. (2017: 398) (diagnosis, photos, records, bionomics), Ahn et al. (2018: 416) (diagnosis, bionomics, photos, distribution), Nakatani & Yasunaga (2018: 164 , 165) (in key, photo, distribution). Fingulus brevirostris : Stonedahl & Cassis (1991: 3 , 5) (as of unknown identity), Schuh (1995: 626) (catalogue), Zheng (1995: 460) (listed, distribution), Kerzhner & Josifov (1999: 49) (catalogue), Hua (2000: 201) (listed, distribution). Type material examined. Fingulus brevirostris Ren, 1983 . Holotype : , “< Yunnan Yunjinghong > [ch, hw] \ 19 [pr] 79.X.9. [hw] < Zou > [ch, hw] \ < Nankai University > [ch, pr]” [with pr horizontal line between lines #2 and #3], “ Fingulus [hw] \ brevirostris, Ren [hw] \ < holotype > [ch, pr] 1981. Ren Schu-zhi [hw]” [red, with pr black frame]; mounted on triangle, left pedicel and flagellum lacking ( NKUM ) ( Figs. 1–5 , 14 ). Additional specimens examined. CHINA . Zhejiang : Lin’an , Shunxi , 400–600 m , 12.viii.2007 , leg. Z.H. Fan (1 ³ NKUM ); Wuyanling [National Nature Reserve], 2.viii.2007 , at light, leg. G.P. Zhu ( 1 ♀ NKUM ) . FIGURES 1–7. Holotypes of Fingulus spp. and their labels. 1, F. brevirostris Ren, 1983 , dorsal view; 2, same, lateral view; 3, same, ventral view; 4, same, head, dorsal view; 5, same, labels; 6, F. ruficeps Hsiao & Ren, 1983 , head, dorsal view; 7, same, labels. Scales in mm. © NKUM. Diagnosis. Recognized by the combination of a characteristically elongate head with narrow interocular space ( Fig. 4 ), a relatively long and uniformly pale pedicel of the antenna (longer than humeral width of pronotum), a distinctly punctate anterior collar of the pronotum ( Fig. 4 ), a dark metathoracic scent gland peritreme that is not contrastingly lighter in colour than surrounding pleural areas ( Fig. 14 ), dark femora and basally broadly dark tibiae of all legs, and the distal portion of the membrane being uniformly pale. Photographs of this species were provided by Nakatani et al. (2000: 318 , fig. 1), Nakatani & Yasunaga (2001 : pl. 47 fig. 184), Komatsu (2016: 109) , Kim et al. (2017: 397 , figs. 1B, 2B) and Ahn et al. (2018: 416) , its external male genitalia were illustrated by Stonedahl & Cassis (1991: 31 , fig. 19) and Nakatani et al. (2000: 321 , figs. 6, 9). Distribution. KOREA : Jeollanam-do , Chungcheongbuk-do ( Kim et al. 2017 , Ahn et al. 2018 ). CHINA : Zhejiang !, Yunnan ! JAPAN : Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima Is., Amami Is., Okinawa Is., Miyako Is., Ishigaki Is. ( Hayashi 2002 , Yasunaga et al. 2016b ). TAIWAN : Nantou County , Tainan County ( Stonedahl & Cassis 1991 ). PHILIPPINES : Mindanao ( Stonedahl & Cassis 1991 ). Discussion. The adequate original description ( Miyamoto 1965 ) and illustrated redescriptions or diagnoses ( Stonedahl & Cassis 1991 , Nakatani et al. 2000 , Kim et al. 2017 ) allow for an easy identification of Fingulus longicornis . Ren (1983: 291 , 292) differentiated her new species, F. brevirostris , from F. longicornis based on the following three characters: (1) body larger; (2) peritreme black; and (3) cuneus less declivous posteriorly. Based on the re-examination of the holotype ( Figs. 1–5 , 14 ) deposited in NKUM, the following remarks are offered. Ad (1): Body length of the female holotype of F. brevirostris was provided by Ren (1983) as 5.0 mm, and was measured by us as 4.7 mm; body length of females of F. longicornis was given by Miyamoto (1965) as 4.25–4.65 mm. The purported difference in size between the two species cannot be recognized as of specific value. Ad (2): The “evaporating area” associated with the metathoracic scent glands of F. longicornis was described by Miyamoto (1965: 154) as “pruinose and grayish black”. This matches the condition seen in the holotype of F. brevirostris ( Fig. 14 ) as well. Ad (3): The angle enclosed by the plane of the cuneus and membrane with the body axis is subject to individual variation and specimen preparation. The condition of the holotype of F. brevirostris ( Fig. 2 ) does not differ in cuneal declivity observed in non-types of F. longicornis examined or in the living specimen from Shikoku Is., Japan , illustrated by Komatsu (2016: 109) . This character therefore hardly warrants recognition of the holotype of F. brevirostris as a species separate from F. longicornis . Because the holotype of F. brevirostris does not seem to differ from F. longicornis and all diagnostic characters proposed by Ren (1983) were found to be invalid, the subjective synonymy of the two species is hereby proposed.