A new record of deep-sea shrimp Glyphocrangon investigatoris Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891 (Decapoda: Glyphocrangonidae) from the southeastern Arabian Sea Author Kuberan, G. Author Chakraborty, Rekha Devi Author Purushothaman, P. Author Maheswarudu, G. Author Sreesanth, L. Author Ragesh, N. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-05-31 4612 4 566 570 journal article 26615 10.11646/zootaxa.4612.4.8 a1e0e30a-aaed-4f65-b22a-30b702bf4a0c 1175-5326 3235912 14984E88-CAAE-41BA-A9BC-90DC3ABF231F Glyphocrangon investigatoris Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891 ( Fig 1 A, B ) Glyphocrangon investigatoris —Wood-Mason, in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891a: 191 ; 1894, pl. 6: fig. 3.— Alcock 1901: 127 .— Calman 1939: 216 . Glyphocrangon investigatoris var. andamanensis Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891b: 356 [ type locality: off South Andaman Island; 11°31’40”N , 92°46’06”E ; 344–402 meters]; 1894, pl. 6: fig.2. Not Glyphocrangon investigatoris Chace 1984: 14 .— Kensley et al . 1987: 326 , fig. 25A.— Takeda & Hanamura 1994: 29 . = G. lineata n. sp. Glyphocrangon investigatoris —Lakshmi Pillai & Thirumilu 2013 figs. 1 & 2.—Deepak Jose et al . 2014 Material examined : Southeastern Arabian Sea; Sakthikulangara, Quilon Bank, Kerala , India , 200–300 m depth, December 2017, 3 female ovigerous which included 1 voucher specimen, CL 26–28 mm . Voucher specimen (Accession number: ED., submitted to the Marine Biodiversity Referral Museum at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Characters of specimen from off Kerala Rostrum armed with two pairs of lateral teeth, mid dorsal carina with 16 tubercles, with one pair of blunt tubercle between posterior pair of lateral teeth; carapace with presence of tubercles 1 st (submedian) carina composed of long tubercles, 5 on anterior section, 4 on posterior section; 2 nd (intermediate) carina composed of 4 on anterior, 6 lobes on posterior section; 3 rd (antennal) posterior carina discontinue anteriorly; anterior fourth (lateral) carina small; Anterior 5 th (sublateral) relatively swollen, posterior section with high, distinct and narrow; 6 th (submarginal) carina highly elevated; Postorbital region with 3 small conical tubercles; median gastric region with 10 tubercles; hepatic upper region with 37 prominent tubercles, lower hepatic region with 11 tubercles; branchial region with upper part bearing 29 tubercles, middle region with 56 tubercles, lower branchial region with 46 tubercles; anterior 5 th and 6 th carina bearing single row; 1 st abdominal somite with 4 large tubercles either side of the median carina; 2 nd to 4 th with high median carina; 5 th somite median carina long; 6 th somite with blunt tooth; telson dorsolateral ridge strongly tuberculate, ventrolateral ridge with double row of relatively large tubercles; posterior 3 pairs of pereiopods relatively slender. Eggs 2.3–2.4 mm ; 73–75 ova (modified from Komai 2004 ) Coloration: Eyes large, spherical and darkly pigmented. Body is orange-white in color. The carapace with dark brown to orange-red color tubercles ( Fig 1 ). Distribution: Bay of Bengal, Myanmar , Sri Lanka . Depth 145– 655 m . Remarks: Morphologically the specimen agrees with the descriptions of Wood-Mason & Alcock (1891), Komai (2004) and Pillai & Thirumilu (2013) , with some minor variations in the tubercle counts on mid dorsal carina 16 tubercles, 1 st submedian carina with 5 on anterior section. Glyphocrangon investigatoris showed wide distribution in the Indian Ocean particularly from BOB recorded from ‘Investigator’ from 263 to 746 m (145–594 fathoms) and 342 to 737 m (188–405 fathoms) from Andaman Sea ( Alcock & Anderson 1894 ), Myanmar ( type locality) at depth 497 m ; Porto Novo, 546 m (McArdle 1901); Sri Lanka , between 347 and 803 m ( Komai 2004 ); Phillippines at 960 m and Indonesia at 635 m ( Chace 1984 ); Nagapattinam between 200 and 400 m ( Pillai & Thirumilu 2013 ) and off Orissa in BOB between 633 and 655 m ( Jose et al. 2014 ). Later, the G. investigatoris species identified by ( Chace 1984 ) was re-examined ( Komai 2004 ) from the Phillippines are actually G. longipes n. sp, Indonesia are G. lineata n. sp, Flores Sea are G. lineata n. sp and northwestern Australia are G. confusa n. sp and also concluded that the G. investigatoris is restricted only to Bay of Bengal. In the present study, three specimens (female ovigerous) were obtained from 200 to 300 m from the southern region of Quilon bank, off Kollam along the southeastern Arabian Sea. Until now ten species are recorded under the genera Glyphocrangon , along the Indian coast, from that only four species namely G. regalis Spence Bate, 1888 , G. cerea Alcock & Anderson, 1894 , G. priononota Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891 and G. unguiculata Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891 were described in the previous records from the Arabian Sea and Lakshadweep Islands, southwest coast of Indian Exclusive Zone (EEZ) ( Samuel et al. 2016 ). Here, we report the very limited distribution of G. investigatoris , for the first time from Kerala coast along Arabian Sea with its morphological key characters. FIGURE 1. Glyphocrangon investigatoris Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891 , female berried specimen (CL: 26 mm); A. Lateral view. B. Dorsal view of G. investigatoris . Collected in Southeastern Arabian Sea; Sakthikulangara fishing port, Kerala coast, India; depth of 200–300 m. Mitochondrial DNA sequencing : COI (accession number: MH923239 ) and 16S (accession number: MH923238 ) sequences of G. investigatoris were submitted to GenBank. The sequence lengths are 618 and 464 bp for cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and 16s rDNA genes, respectively. The intraspecies divergence between the present specimen and other COI sequences retrieved from NCBI showed lesser ranges ( KJ143751 & KJ143752 : 0.6% & 0.7%) while for 16S molecular data was unavailable in NCBI for the species G. investigatoris . Interspecies genetic divergence was calculated for the present sequence and with others sequences retrieved from the NCBI for the genus Glyphocrangon . Among COI, G. armata Komai, 2004 ( HQ241546 ), G. regalis Spence Bate, 1888 ( KP759401 ), G. hastacauda Spence Bate, 1888 ( LC309098 ) and G. indonesiensis Komai, 2004 ( JX486076 ) & for 16S, G. perplexa Komai, 2004 ( KF 023104 ), G. armata ( HQ241513 ), G. stenolepis Chace, 1984 ( KF 023103 ), G. regalis ( KP725525 ) and G. alispina Chace, 1939 ( EU868657 ) were retrieved from GenBank. The divergence was observed for COI and 16S sequence, G. investigatoris exhibited high genetic distance ranging from 5% to 26.5% with COI, while with 16S sequences the genetic distance was comparativelyin lesser range of 1.1% to 8.1%. Glyphocrangon regalis showed lesser genetic variation (16S: 1.1 % & COI: 5%) with the present specimen, G . investigatoris in comparison with all the sequences retrieved. Morphologically, the present species G. investigatoris vary in the number of tubercles on the upper part of hepatic region (37, subconical shape) and high tubercles on middle and upper parts of the branchial region. While G. regalis , hepatic region with upper part bearing 20 scattered tubercles, tubercles small to very small, low, blunt; lower part without row of tubercles ( Komai 2004 ).