One new genus and species of the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae) from China Author Wang, Tao Author Huang, Jianhua Author Shi, Fuming text Zootaxa 2020 2020-03-10 4750 1 138 142 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4750.1.8 958d2d25-ba6f-4878-b174-cb0011611e4d 1175-5326 3702919 82B45F55-7D69-4CAB-ACE4-F45DF6F5BD5B Paradoxitettigia longicaudica sp. nov. ( Fig. 1–2 ) Description. Male. Body small, medium size for the tribe Meconematini , robust. Fastigium verticis conical, stubby, apex obtusely rounded, with a thin median sulcus. Eyes oval, protruding forwards and outwards. Maxillary palpus slender, apical segment longer than subapical one, slightly swollen apically. Pronotum short, posterior margin reaching middle area of first abdominal tergite, anterior margin faintly straight while posterior margin arc-shaped; disc smooth, only posterior transverse sulcus distinct ( Fig. 1A ); lateral lobe longer than deep, posterior margin tapering, without humeral sinus ( Fig. 1B ). Thoracic auditory spiracle exposed. Tegmina somewhat short, apices not reaching posterior margin of pronotum, visible in lateral view in some specimens, while some slightly surpassing posterior margin of pronotum, visible in dorsal view; apices of tegmina obtusely rounded ( Fig. 1A ); hind wings absent. All femora unarmed ventrally, genicular lobes with apices obtuse. Fore coxae with 1 short spine; tibiae with 5–6 spines respectively on both sides of ventral surface, tibial tympana open on both sides, oval. Middle tibiae with 5 inner and 6 outer spines on ventral surface. Hind tibiae with 2 inner and 3 outer spines on ventral surface as well as 26–30 spines on both sides of dorsal surface, bearing 2 pairs of ventral apical spurs and 1 pair of dorsal apical spurs. The length of first to eighth abdominal segments is shorter than half of abdomen ( Fig. 2A ). Ninth abdominal tergite rather strikingly swollen, of which posterior margin concave ( Fig. 1 C–D). Tenth abdominal tergite obviously prolonged posteriorly, 1/3 basal area slightly broad while 2/3 apical area narrow, lateral margins almost parallel, with a deep longitudinal groove in the midline ( Fig. 1 D–E); ventral surface near middle area with a moundy process ( Fig. 1H ); apex of tenth abdominal tergite blunt, gently expanded ventrally ( Fig. 1C ), centre of posterior margin spilt. Cerci short, conical, apices subacute; inner surface of subapical areas with 1 spiniform process, of which terminal subacute ( Fig. 1I ). Tenth abdominal sternite fused with subgenital plate (with trace of fusion), broad, flat in ventral view, rectangular, basal area concave ( Fig. 1F ); lateral surfaces of apical half folded dorsad and strongly expanded, triangular, apical area narrow, terminal obtusely rounded; styli absent ( Fig. 1C, E ). Genitalia sclerotized, not surpassing posterior margin of subgenital plate, apical area expanded, centre of dorsal margin conspicuously concave ( Fig. 1G ). Female. Pronotum is similar to that of male; posterior margin of lateral lobe gradually narrowing; humeral sinus absent. Tegmina short, deposited laterally; some specimens exposed, visible in dorsal view; while tegmina of some specimens completely covered by pronotum. Appearance of first to seventh abdominal segments alike. Seventh abdominal sternite triangular, posterior margin bluntly rounded ( Fig. 1J ). Eighth abdominal tergite faintly prolonged posteriorly, posterior margin arc-shaped ( Fig. 1K ); lateral margins strongly prolonged ventrally ( Fig. 1L ). Lateral margins of ninth abdominal tergite prolonged posteriorly ( Fig. 1M ); tenth abdominal tergite elongated posteriorly, basal area somewhat broad then tapering apically, with a U-shaped concavity in the middle on posterior margin ( Fig. 1K ). Cerci conical, apices acute. Subgenital plate short and broad, slightly concave on posterior margin ( Fig. 1L ). Ovipositor stout, mildly bent dorsad, with tip subacute; dorsal and ventral margins smooth ( Fig. 1M ). Coloration. Body green when alive, while yellowish green when dried and pinned ( Fig. 2 A–B). Eyes brown. Fastigium verticis brown. Dorsal area of head with 1 longitudinal light brown stripe in the midline. Disc of pronotum with 1 broad longitudinal light brown stripe, 3/4 anterior area of which with a black brown edge on each lateral margin, outer margins with 1 longitudinal light yellow stripe respectively ( Fig. 1A ). Dorsal surface of abdomen with 1 longitudinal light brown stripe. Basal area of tenth abdominal tergite with a black brown spot in the middle ( Fig. 1D, K ). Inner spiniform process of male cercus black brown ( Fig. 1I ). Apices of all third segment of tarsi and claws brown, apices of dorsal spines on hind tibiae brown. FIGURE 1. Paradoxitettigia longicaudica sp. nov. : A–B. pronotum: A. dorsal view; B. lateral view; C–E, H, K, M. apex of abdomen: C, M. lateral view; D, K. dorsal view; E. apical view; H. antero-lateral view; F, L. subgenital plate in ventral view; G. genitalia in apical view; I. right cercus in latero-dorsal view; J. seventh –eighth abdominal sternites in anterior view. A–I. male; J–M. female. Measurements (mm). Body: 12.7–13.3, 10.6–13.2; pronotum: 3.8–4.1, 4.4–4.5; hind femora: 9.4– 9.6, 10.3–10.9; ovipositor: 5.6–6.3. Material examined. Holotype : , Hengshan, Hengyang, Hunan , 21 August, 2018, coll. Tao Wang. Paratypes : 3♂ 4♀ , same data as holotype. Other specimens : 9♂ 3♀ , Hengshan, Hengyang, Hunan , 21 August, 2018, coll. Tao Wang; 2♂ 1♀ , Hengshan, Hengyang, Hunan , 23 August, 2018, coll. Tao Wang. Distribution. China ( Hunan ). Etymology. The name of new species is derived from male tenth abdominal tergite prolonged posteriorly. Latin “ long -” means long, and Latin “ caud -” means caudal.