Revision of the genus Culoptila (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae) Author Blahnik, Roger J. Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. text Zootaxa 2006 1233 1 52 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.172764 57f77567-9f74-4e9f-a79a-a19a41e960c8 1175­5326 172764 Culoptila vexillifera , new species Fig. 37 A, B This species is most similar to Culoptila montanensis . Both species have a large and inflated phallobase with a laterally flattened apodeme extending from the anterordorsal margin. This apodeme is short and subtriangular in C. montanensis , but very elongate and rounded in C. vexilliferea . An additional difference is that the phallic spine of C. vexillifera is considerably longer than C. montanensis . Adult. Length of forewing: male 3.7 mm . Color dark brown; wing with small whitish mark at arculus, anastomosis indistinctly marked. Mesothorax of male not noticeably modified; mesoscutal wart short, heart­shaped; mesoscutal setae short. Mesothoracic tegulae of male with elongate setae, not evidently modified (specimen on pin); tegular gland not discernable. Male genitalia. Sternum VI process short, subtruncate. Tergum IX ventral margin acutely angled, tapered from anterolateral margin, slightly produced posteroventrally. Inferior appendages moderately long, subacute apically. Phallotremal sclerite heavily sclerotized and somewhat rugose. Tergum X short, about as long as wide, apex in ventral view truncate to subtruncate; ventrolateral processes with apices incurved, nearly planar in caudal view, mesal margin acute; apices not or scarcely posteriorly bent. Phallobase large, broadly rounded in lateral view, anterior margin compressed and keel­like, extending dorsally to form prominent, rounded projection, apicodorsal projection moderately elongate, straight, apex subacute. Phallic apparatus with 1 phallic spine, short, less than 1/ 2 length of phallobase, distinctly sinuous, widened at middle.
Material examined
Holotype male: GUATEMALA: Chimaltenango, 19–20.viii.1965 (Spangler)
(UMSP000206898) (NMNH).
Etymology This species is named vexillifera , from the Lain vexillum , meaning banner or flag, in reference to the large apodeme at the base of the phallobase of this species.