On the taxonomy of Heterarthrus (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), with a review of the West Palaearctic species Author Liston, Andrew https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1278-424X Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalder Str. 90, 15374 Muencheberg, Germany andrew.liston@senckenberg.de Author Mutanen, Marko https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4464-6308 Ecology and Genetics Research Unit, PO. Box 3000, FI- 90014 University of Oulu, Finland Author Viitasaari, Matti Alkutie 41 E, 00660 Helsinki, Finland text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2019 2019-10-31 72 83 126 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/jhr.72.39339 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/jhr.72.39339 1314-2607-72-83 FF31285C684D4A64AB2B19BB98EF604E 8A644B2448E0561280E1C1D6E3605D88 3532349 Heterarthrus smithi Ermolenko, 1994 Heterarthrus smithi Ermolenko, 1994: 17-22. Holotype ♀, in Schmalhausen Institute, Kiev (not examined). Type locality: Azerbaidjan, Talysh, near Lerik village. Remarks. The type series was collected from Acer ibericum M. Bieb., now usually treated as a subspecies of A. monspessulanum L. From the original description, H. smithi resembles H. leucomela in its large size (compared to other H. aceris group species), with the body length given as 5.5 mm (♀) and 4.5 mm (♂), and the shape of the serrulae of the lancet illustrated by Ermolenko for H. smithi fits well with the illustration for H. leucomela by Altenhofer and Zombori (1987) . The extensively pale malar space and lower gena, which distinguish female H. leucomela from some other H. aceris group females, are also shared by H. smithi , as are its conspicuously darkened wings. Most of the other characters given by Ermolenko for H. smithi do not differ from H. leucomela , but are also found in most of the other Acer -feeding Heterarthrus species. However, the penis valve figure of H. smithi by Ermolenko differs considerably from that of H. leucomela figured by Altenhofer and Zombori (1987) , e. g. the valvura is much more slender in Heterarthrus smithi . However, we have already expressed our strong doubts on the significance of penis valve characters in Heterarthrus (see under Character states, and discussion of H. cuneifrons ).