A new genus and two new species of Platyarthridae Verhoeff, 1949 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea) from Brazil Author Bezerra-Pereira, Carlos Anderson Soares Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Conservação (PPGBC), Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Floriano, Piauí, Brazil. Author Grangeiro, Daniela Correia 0000-0001-5457-1616 Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Campus Professor Barros Araújo, Laboratório de Biologia, Picos, Piauí, Brazil. & danielagrangeiro @ pcs. uespi. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5457 - 1616 danielagrangeiro@pcs.uespi.br Author Lima, Lucas Ramos Costa 0000-0001-5943-3351 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Conservação (PPGBC), Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Floriano, Piauí, Brazil. & Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Campus Heróis do Jenipapo, Laboratório de Zoologia, Campo Maior, Piauí, Brazil. & lucaslima _ 86 @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5943 - 3351 lucaslima_86@hotmail.com text Zootaxa 2023 2023-08-09 5325 3 436 450 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5325.3.8 journal article 54301 10.11646/zootaxa.5325.3.8 8bda8ddc-34e6-446a-b00c-099f11c4d8d9 1175-5326 8243564 A922DD99-07AC-47CA-A815-34A21936B6CE Paratrichorhina taitii Bezerra-Pereira & Grangeiro n. sp. ( Figs 6–9 ) Material examined . Holotype : Male ( MZUSP 42753 ), Brazil , Piauí , Picos , Povoado Aroeiras do Matadouro , Chácara dos trabalhadores: decompaction soil, 6°59’58.28”S , 41°28’23.47”W , 13/III/2022 , leg. C. Bezerra-Pereira , J. Lopes & M. Viana. Paratypes : 3 males , 2 females ( GETOPI-UESPI 0119 ) , 1 male , 1 female ( LABISO-UECE 0579 ) , 2 males , 2 females ( MNRJ 30463 ) , 1 male , 1 female ( MZUSP 42754 ), same data as holotype . Etymology. The new species name honors Dr. Stefano Taiti for his invaluable contribution to the systematics of Oniscidea. Diagnosis. Color Body with brownish, eyes of three dark ommatidia, second antenna with antennal flagellum with second article about 3 times longer than first, outer endite of first maxilla with 3+5 teeth, they are all pectinated. Description. Maximum body measures: male 3.1 mm long, 1.8 mm wide; female (not ovigerous) 4 mm long, 2 mm wide. Color brownish pigments. Habitus narrow ( Fig. 6A ). Dorsal surface bearing fan-shaped scale-setae ( Fig. 6B ). Cephalothorax ( Fig. 6A, D ) slightly involved by pereonite 1 epimera, anterior borders not reaching posterior margin of eyes, lateral lobes not well-developed; suprantennal line slightly downwards on middle; eyes of three dark ommatidia, arranged in triangle. Pereonites 1–7 epimera with flagelliform noduli laterales , d/c coordinates with peak on epimera 2 and 5 ( Fig. 6C ). Pleon narrower than pereon, pleonites 1–2 epimera covered by the last pleon segment ( Fig. 6A ). Pleotelson ( Fig. 6A ) triangular with proximal part broader than distal part. First antenna ( Fig. 6E ), basal article is larger than the others, medial is the smallest, and the distal is about 2.5 times larger than the medial and relatively equal to the basal, distal article with six aesthetascs in the subapical region, all robust. Second antenna ( Fig. 6F ) short, distal article of peduncle stout bearing; flagellum with article second about three times longer than first; apical organ short. Mandibles with molar penicil bearing up to four branches; left mandible ( Fig. 7A ) with 2+1 penicils, right mandible ( Fig. 7B ) with 1+1 penicils. FIGURE 6. Paratrichorhina taitii n. gen. et n. sp. Male holotype: E, first antenna; F, second antenna; G, uropod. Male paratype: A, habitus , dorsal view; B, detail of seta that covers the body; C, b/c and d/c of noduli laterales coordinates. D, cephalothorax, frontal view; Scale bar: A = 3,1 mm; B, E = 100 µm; D, F = 1 mm; G = 200 µm. FIGURE 7. Paratrichorhina taitii n. gen. et n. sp. Female paratype: A, left mandible; B, right mandible; C, first maxilla; D, second maxilla; E, maxilliped. Scale bar: A–E = 100 µm. FIGURE 8. Paratrichorhina taitii n. gen. et n. sp. Male paratype: A, pereopod I; B, pereopod VII. Female paratype: C, pereopod I; D, pereopod VII. Scale bar: A–D = 1 mm; ornamental setae = 100 µm. FIGURE 9. Paratrichorhina taitii n. gen. et n. sp. Male paratype: A, pleopod exopod I; B, pleopod endopod I; C, pleopod exopod II ; D, pleopod endopod II; E, pleopod exopod V. Female paratype: F, pleopod exopod I; G, pleopod exopod II ; H, pleopod exopod V. Scale bar: A–H = 100 µm. First maxilla inner endite (not drawn) with two hairy penicils; outer endite ( Fig. 7C ) with 3 simple teeth + 5 teeth, they are all pectinated. Second maxilla ( Fig. 7D ) inner and outer lobes rounded, without discernible separation; inner lobe with five thick setae, outer lobe with one thick setae. Maxilliped ( Fig. 7E ) basis with some conspicuous setae and sulcus lateralis ; palp with two setae on proximal article; endite subrectangular, with a penicil in the median portion. Pereopods ( Fig. 8A–D ) with strong, slender, simple and ornate setae; dactylus with two claws, outer claw being larger than inner claw, dactylar and ungual setae are simple and not exceeding beyond outer claw ( Fig. 8A–D ). Uropod ( Fig. 6G ) protopod subrectangular, endopod inserted proximally, exopod twice as long as endopod. Male. No apparent sexual dimorphism on pereopod VII ( Fig. 8B ) except for differences in size, number and topology of spine-like setae. Pereopod I carpus with longitudinal antennal grooming brush and ornamental setae ( Fig. 8A ). Pleopod I exopod ( Fig. 9A ) triangular two simple setae on outer margin; endopod ( Fig. 9B ) elongated, slightly longer than was exopod, with distal portion bent laterally. Pleopod II exopod ( Fig. 9C ) ovoid without setae; endopod ( Fig. 9D ) elongated, about twice longer than exopod, slightly thin half of the distal portion. Pleopod V exopod ( Fig. 9E ) triangular, outer margin convex with three simple setae. Ecological aspects. The specimens were collected in an area impacted by human activity and cattle grazing ( Fig. 1A–B, D ). The decompacted soil and lack of moisture may have contributed to the low number of specimens collected at the site. The soil was covered by typical Caatinga vegetation with a large quantity of leaf litter, as well pebbles and fallen wood, sites where the animals were concentrated. Remarks. Paratrichorhina taitii n. sp. differs from P. piauiensis n. sp. by the following: a) absence of subapical aesthetascs on the first antenna (vs. two subapical aesthetascs); b) absent of feather-like scale-setae in peduncle (vs. present); c) outer endite composed of 3 simple teeth + 5 teeth (all pectinated) (vs. 4+5, inner set with four teeth pectinated); d) molar penicil bearing up to three branches (vs. molar penicil with six branches).