A systematic revision of the asterinid genus Aquilonastra O Loughlin, 2004 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) Author O, P. Mark text Memoirs of Museum Victoria 2006 63 2 257 287 journal article 1447-2554 Aquilonastra colemani sp. nov. Figures 1 , 2i–j , 5e , 7f Material examined . Holotype . SE Papua New Guinea , China Straits , Samarai I. , on rubble, 150°48'E , 9°40'S , 10 m , J. Starmer , 6 Jun 1998 , UF 3284 (dry). Paratypes . Type locality and date, UF 2419 (8, dry) . Other material. Indonesia , Flores Sea, West Sumbawa Regency , Mayo I. , underside of coral rubble, shallow sublittoral, 14 Nov 2005 , NMV F112173 (1) ; F109374 (4). Diagnosis . Fissiparous Aquilonastra species ; up to 7 rays, predominantly 6, narrow base, rounded distally, subdigitiform; up to R = 5 mm , r = 3 mm ; high elevation apically, sides of rays steep; up to 2 inconspicuous interradial madreporites seen, up to 3 anal pores; gonopores not evident. At R = 5 mm , upper ray plates irregular in size and form, longitudinal series of large papulae along sides of rays, single papula per plate; secondary plates present; spinelets thick short conical to columnar, spinous surface, not splay-pointed, up to about 12 spinelets on free surface of proximal abactinal plates; superomarginal and inferomarginal plates subequal; superomarginal plates each with up to about 8 spinelets, inferomarginal plates each with up to about 12 spinelets. Spines per actinal plate up to: oral 6, suboral 3, furrow 5, subambulacral 3, actinal interradial 2; interradial spines glassy, rugose, bluntly pointed conical to digitiform. Colour (live) . Abactinally very dark brown on disc and upper rays, white margin (photos from N. Coleman , S. Uthicke ). Distribution . SE Papua New Guinea , China Straits; Indonesia , Flores Sea, Mayo I. ; 0–10 m . Etymology . Named for Neville Coleman, with gratitude for his generous assistance in making available to us his many live colour slides of Indo-Pacific asterinids. Remarks . The distingusihing features of A. colemani are the small size (up to R = 5 mm ), fissiparous habit, and dark brown with white margin colouration