Order Rodentia - Family Muridae Author Wilson, Don E. Author Reeder, DeeAnn text 2005 The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2 1189 1531 book chapter 0-8018-8221-4 10.5281/zenodo.7316535 Myomyscus angolensis (Bocage 1890) [Myomyscus] angolensis (Bocage 1890) , J. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa , ser. 2, 2: 12 . Type Locality: Angola , Capangombe, interior of Moçâmedes District, 527 m (additional information provided by Crawford-Cabral, 1989 b , 1998 ) . Vernacular Names: Angolan Myomyscus . Synonyms: Myomyscus angolae (Crawford-Cabral 1989) . Distribution: W Angola , primarily on the Angolan Plateau ( Crawford-Cabral, 1998 ). Conservation: IUCN – Lower Risk (lc) as Mastomys angolensis . Discussion: Our inclusion of this species in Myomyscus is provisional. It has been placed in Rattus ( Ellerman, 1941 ) , Myomyscus (or Myomys ) (G. M. Allen, 1939 ; D. H. S. Davis, 1965; Hill and Carter, 1941 ), Praomys (see references in Crawford-Cabral, 1989 b ), or regarded as a species of Mastomys ( Crawford-Cabral, 1989 b , 1998 ; Misonne, 1974 ). Ansell (1978) and Ellerman et al. (1953) thought it morphologically similar to M. shortridgei , which they treated as a subspecies of M. angolensis . In their review of Mastomys systematics, Granjon et al. (1997 b ) transferred angolensis to Myomys and retained shortridgei in Mastomys . Incorporation of M. angolensis in phylogenetic analyses derived from morphological and molecular data is needed to clarify its relationship. Myomyscus angolensis is either sympatric ( Hill and Carter, 1941 ; Crawford-Cabral, 1983 , 1998 ) or altitudinally parapatric (specimens in FMNH from Mt Soque) with Mastomys natalensis in Angola . In a report devoted to the identity of Bocage’s Mus angolensis , Crawford-Cabral (1989 b ) noted that the type series was destroyed by fire in the Lisbon Museum in 1978. According to the original description the specimens represented a species with a tail much longer than head and body, white feet, soft and thick fur, and five pairs of teats, all characters of other species in Myomyscus . Crawford-Cabral considered Angolan specimens collected after 1890 outside of the Capangombe region and identified as angolensis to be another species. He proposed Praomys angolae for this rat and considered it a Mastomys , not an example of Myomyscus . In our view he simply renamed Bocage’s angolensis .