Redescription of Crematogastercypria Santschi, 1930, new status, with description of two new related species from Greece and Turkey (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Salata, Sebastian
Borowiec, Lech
journal article
Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Formicidae
Crematogaster gullukdagensis
sp. n.
Type material.
Holotype worker: Collection L. Borowiec |
| LBC-TR00073 || TURKEY, Antalaya Prov. | ancient Termessos | 1018 m, 36°58/30°27 | 3 VII 2010, L. Borowiec (MNHW no. 1223); 15 paratype workers: the same data as holotype (DBET, CASC, TU no. ANTWEB1008863-ANTWEB1008878).
Differential diagnosis.
See diagnosis for
Crematogaster erectepilosa
sp. n.
Measurements: Workers (n=16): HL: 0.981
0.024 (0.932-1.027); HW: 1.001
0.041 (0.949-1.084); SL: 0.894
0.033 (0.843-0.988); EL: 0.224
0.011 (0.201-0.246); EW: 0.156
0.004 (0.151-0.168); ML:1.165
0.054 (1.084-1.309); PSL: 0.229
0.024 (0.19-0.294); SDL: 0.06
0.01 (0.044-0.086); PL: 0.464
0.038 (0.424-0.576); PPL: 0.237
0.025 (0.212-0.317); PH: 0.25
0.024 (0.223-0.323); PPH: 0.283
0.019 (0.263-0.338); PNW: 0.618
0.02 (0.575-0.654); LHT: 0.806
0.028 (0.749-0.86); PW: 0.362
0.01 (0.344-0.38); PPW: 0.31
0.015 (0.268-0.335); CI: 101.9
2.0 (99.4-105.6); SI1: 90.7
1.3 (88.7-93.6); SI2: 88.9
1.8 (84.9-91.0); MI: 187.1
4.1 (179.8-191.8); SPI: 26.3
2.8 (20.2-30.4); PI1: 185.4
12.9 (173.7-222.9); PI2: 58.7
1.0 (57.4-60.8); PPI1: 83.9
4.2 (77.8-93.8); PPI2: 50.2
1.9 (43.6-52.5); HTI: 80.8
1.6 (78.9-83.8); EI: 69.5
3.1 (63.4-73.6); EI1: 22.9
1.0 (20.2-24.5); EI2: 16.0
0.3 (15.5-16.7).
Colour uniformly yellowish brown to pale brown, mesosoma not paler coloured than head and abdomen, legs and antennae the same colour as mesosoma (Figs 5, 6).
Figures 5-6.
Crematogaster gullukdagensis
sp. n., worker 5 dorsal 6 lateral. Scale bar: 1 mm.
Head shape almost square, approximately as wide as long (CI: 101.9
2.0), posterior margin of head in full-face view straight and laterally rounded, occipital carinae distinct (Fig. 9). Antennal scapes slightly surpassing head margin. Midline of eyes situ
slightly above midline of head in full-face view, eyes moderately large (EI1: 22.9
1.0) and protruding. Pronotum laterally rounded, with sharp lateral margins, promesonotal suture absent, mesonotum without posterior face more or less forming one plane with pronotum. Metanotal groove deep, laterally constricted; propodeal spines long, 2.7-2.9 times as long as wide at base, spiniform, in most specimens straight (Fig. 6). Dorsal face of propodeum short but distinct, convex in profile, posterior face of propodeum distinctly sloping, without transverse groove. Petiole in dorsal view cordiform, dorsum flat or slightly concave, without posterolateral tubercules or denticles, sides carinate, subpetiolar process absent. Postpetiole distinctly bilobed, with a narrow median impression, subpostpetiolar process absent.
Figures 7-8. Worker head 7
Crematogaster erectepilosa
sp. n. 8
Crematogaster cypria
. Scale bar: 1 mm.
Figures 9-12. Worker head and scapus 9
Crematogaster gullukdagensis
sp. n. 10
Crematogaster erectepilosa
sp. n. 11
Crematogaster gullukdagensis
sp. n. 12
Crematogaster cypria
. Scale bar: 1 mm (9), 0.5 mm (10-12).
Figures 13-19. Mesosoma 13
Crematogaster gullukdagensis
sp. n. 14
Crematogaster erectepilosa
sp. n. 15
Crematogaster cypria
Crematogaster jehovae
Crematogaster ionia
Crematogaster schmidti
Crematogaster lorteti
. Scale bar: 1 mm.
Head surface finely and sparsely punctate, without microreticulation between punctures, shiny. Masticatory margin of mandibles with four teeth, surface of mandibles distinctly carinate. Clypeus laterally with thin carinae, in the middle smooth or with indistinct carinae. Antennal scrobes laterally with 7-9 long carinae extending
mid length of eye, also genae with carinae and area behind eyes with thin carinae. Whole surface of head appears shiny. Vestiture of head mostly with sparse, short, adjacent to suberect hairs and 4-6 long erect setae on frons and several long erect setae on underside. Antennal scapes on anterior and dorsal surface bearing suberect setae, sometimes with 2-3 longer and more erect setae, on posterior surface basally with adjacent and distally suberect setae (Figs 9, 12). Surface of scape with indistinct microreticulation, shiny. Pronotum dorsolaterally with longitudinal rugae, anterior face mostly sparsely punctate and at most with few very short rugae, posterior face only with punctuation, surface of pronotum appears more or less shiny. Whole dorsal surface of pronotum bearing mixed sparse, short adjacent to suberect and long erect setae. Sides of pronotum only in anterior half with more or less distinct thin, transverse carinae, posterior half in most specimens completely smooth. Mesonotum dorsally on sides with longitudinal and oblique rugae, centrally partly smooth, more or less shiny, with distinct median keel in most specimens running from anterior margin of mesonotum to its
-⅔ length, never reaching to posterior margin of mesonotum. Surface of mesonotum with very sparse, short adjacent setae. Mesopleuron on whole surface with dense, transverse carinae. Dorsal face of propodeum laterally with longitudinal carinae, in central part more or less smooth, with very sparse and short adjacent pubescence, slope of propodeum smooth and shiny, metapleuron on whole surface with dense, transverse carinae. Petiole on sides and posterior half with long erect setae, also post
tubercles several erect setae. First gastral tergite with sparse, moderately long, adjacent to suberect basic pubescence and on whole surface with sparse, moderately long erect setae (Fig. 6), subsequent tergites with row of erect setae along posterior margins. Whole surface of tergites with very fine microreticulation, appears shiny. First sternite with moderately long and sparse basic pubescence and numerous long, erect setae. Legs bearing sparse, moderately long, adjacent to suberect pubescence.
Named after terra typica:
Dag mountains in Antalya Province of Turkey.
SW Turkey (Fig. 20).
Figure 20. Distribution of
Crematogaster cypria
Santschi (red circles),
Crematogaster erectepilosa
sp. n. (yellow circles) and
Crematogaster gullukdagensis
sp. n. (blue circle).
Biological data.
The ants were collected on the trunk of a small oak species and on ground around the tree. The type locality is in a montane area within the ancient Termessos city, at 1018 m a.s.l. The following ant species were recorded from the same area:
Aphaenogaster festae
Aphaenogaster maculifrons
Kiran &
Aphaenogaster sporadis
Camponotus aethiops
Camponotus boghossiani
Camponotus lateralis
Camponotus samius
Crematogaster cf. ionia
Lasius lasoides
Messor cf. structor
Pheidole pallidula
Tetramorium anatolicum
& Schulz, and
Tetramorium cf. semilaeve