An Annotated Catalog of the African Primate Genera Colobus and Procolobus (Cercopithecidae: Colobinae) in the Collections of the American Museum of Natural History Author O'LEARY, RUTH text American Museum Novitates 2003 2003-03-27 3399 1 1 26 journal article 3802 10.1206/0003-0082(2003)399<0001:AACOTA>2.0.CO;2 72eac1c6-3417-4475-b7a3-f45e31700c41 0003-0082 4734878 Procolobus ( Piliocolobus ) badius tephrosceles (Elliot, 1907) TAXONOMIC NOTES: Dandelot (1971) considered tephrosceles to be a subspecies of rufomitratus , while Delson et al. (1982) included it as a subspecies of pennantii . Groves (2001) considered it a good species. PELAGE NOTES: There are no skins in the collection to represent these specimens. RANGE OF SPECIMENS: All the specimens are from the Kibale Forest, western Uganda . The range of the subspecies extends from western Uganda , Rwanda , Burundi , and northwestern Tanzania ( Dandelot, 1971 ; Groves, 2001 ). SPECIMENS: Appendix 1 , no. 19. Procolobus ( Piliocolobus ) badius tholloni (Milne­Edwards, 1886) TAXONOMIC NOTES: Dandelot (1971) considered tholloni to be a valid species, while it was considered to be a subspecies of pennantii by Delson et al. (1982) . Groves (2001) regarded it as a good species. PELAGE NOTES: Rich auburn head, cheeks a lighter auburn. Nape red, speckled with black. Shoulders orange­red. Top half of back black to dark brown. Rest of back and sides rich auburn. All limbs rich auburn to wrists and ankles. Wrists, ankles, hands, and feet all black. Underparts creamy, infused with auburn. Tail deep auburn grading to redbrown at tip. This subspecies is distinctly red in color. The red tail and the abrupt transition of red to black at the wrists and ankles are distinguishing features in the specimens in the AMNH collection. No other group in the collection has as much red in its pelage. RANGE OF SPECIMENS: Western DRC , just south of the River Congo , on the border with Congo . Dandelot (1971) noted that this subspecies is found south of the Congo River; the southern limit may be the Rivers Kasai and Sankuru. Groves (2001) recorded the eastern limit as the River Lomami. SPECIMENS: Appendix 1 , no. 20. GENUS PROCOLOBUS , SUBGENUS PROCOLOBUS ROCHEBRUNE, 1886 –1887