Huffmanela spp. (Nematoda, Trichosomoididae) parasites in coral reef fishes off New Caledonia, with descriptions of H. balista n. sp. and H. longa n. sp. Author Justine, Jean-Lou text Zootaxa 2007 1628 23 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179332 fda1599d-74e1-4b04-8783-217c0d1968b7 1175-5326 179332 Huffmanela mexicana Moravec et Fajer-Avila, 2000 ( Fig. 6 ) Material examined. Syntypes , eggs from a fragment of swimbladder of Sphoeroides annulatus Jenyns (Tetraodontidae) . Original registration number in Helminthological Collection of the Institute of Parasitology, Ceské Budéjovice: N-759; material deposited in the collection of MNHN , registration number JNA40. Because the published measurements of H. mexicana eggs ( Moravec & Fajer-Avila, 2000 ) were close to that of H. balista , the original material was requested for comparative observation. Eggs, measured with the same microscope and methods as for other species mentioned here, were 57.3 ± 2.7 (48–63) × 29.7 ± 2.2 (27– 37) (n = 83). These measurements were different from that of the original description (63–69 × 30–33 including plugs). In addition, it was observed that a few thin filaments were present on the surface of most eggs ( Figure 6A ); this was not reported in the original description but perhaps can be attributed to the use of differential interference microscopy in the present study.