Calotheca nigromaculata species-group from sub-Saharan Africa with descriptions of two new species from KwaZulu-Natal (Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini) Author D'Alessandro, Paola Department of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquila, Via Vetoio, I- 67100 L'Aquila, Italy Author Iannella, Mattia Department of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquila, Via Vetoio, I- 67100 L'Aquila, Italy Author Grobbelaar, Elizabeth Biosystematics Division, ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X 134, Queenswood, Pretoria 0121, South Africa Author Biondi, Maurizio Department of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquila, Via Vetoio, I- 67100 L'Aquila, Italy text ZooKeys 2022 2022-01-28 1084 119 137 journal article 1313-2970-1084-119 1CD83BDC591D40DB82982E6E2F8F1CE5 78CD0BFB64B65DFB88DA0AE7871A8E5B Calotheca nigromaculata (Jacoby) Figures 2A-F , 4 , 5 Blepharida nigromaculata Jacoby, 1888: 194 Calotheca nigromaculata (Jacoby) Biondi et al. 2017 : 121 (pars) Type material examined. Lectotype ♂: [Mozambique]: Delagoa B[ay] [Maputo Bay, 25°53'31"S , 32°36'18"E ], [R.] Monteiro [leg.], Jacoby Coll., 1909-28a (NHMUK) (M. Biondi des. 2017). Paralectotype : 1♂; same data as for lectotype (NHMUK). Additional material examined. Mozambique : 10 specimens , Delagoa Bay [ Maputo Bay, 25°53'31"S , 32°36'18"E ], [R.] Monteiro [leg.], ex. coll. R. Oberthur (MNHN) ; 2 specimens , ibid, 1885 (MNHN) . Republic Of South Africa : [KZN]: 3 specimens , Hluhluwe Game Reserve , 28°02'S , 32°05'E , 4-6.ii.1994 , U. Goellner leg. (ZSM) ; 1 specimen , ibid, 4-7.ii.1994 (ZSM) ; 3 specimens , Natal [KZN]: Itala Game Reserve , Thalu River , 27°30'S , 31°20'E , 27.i.1994 , U. Goellner leg. (ZSM) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: Itala Game Reserve , Louwsburg , 27°35'S , 31°17'E , 10-23.xii.1992 , F. Koch leg. (BAQ) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: Santa Lucia [ 28°22'21"S , 32°24'51"E ], 29.x.1981 , Klapperich leg. (BAQ) ; 1 specimen , [KZN]: St. Lucia Estuary , 22.x.[19]66, G. du Plessis leg., (SANC) ; 1 specimen , ibid, 24.x.[19]66 (SANC) ; 1 specimen , KwaZulu-Natal : Mkuze Natural Reserve , 27°37'S , 32°03'E , 100 m , 16.xi.1988 , Colonnelli leg. (BAQ) ; 1 specimen , Zululand [KZN]: Mkuzi [Mkuze, 27°36'24"S , 32°02'53"E ], xii.1945 , DDT Killed , DDT No. 153; 7/15; Imp. Inst. Ent. Coll.No. 10519 (SANC) ; 7 specimens , KZN: Mkuzi Game Res. [erve], c. 2 km NE Mantuma Rest Camp , 27°35'06"S , 32°14'14"E , c. 69 m , 21.i.2006 , adults beaten off cf. Rhus gueinzii ( Anacardiaceae ), C. Chaboo & E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 2 specimens , [KZN]: King [s]burgh, 18km S, 30°05'S , 30°47'E , 24.ii.1989 , B.[=E.] Grobbelaar & E. v.d. Linde leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: Cape Vidal , 28°10'S , 32°32'E , 15.xi.1986 , D. D'Hotman & A. Nel leg. (SANC) ; 2 specimens , ibid, 13.i.1981 , I.M. Millar leg. (SANC) ; 3 specimens , KZN: Tembe Elephant Park , Research Camp , 27°02'40"S , 32°25'17"E , c. 100 m , 25-26.i.2006 , adults beaten off cf. Allophylus decipiens ( Sapindaceae ), C. Chaboo & E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 3 specimens , KZN: Tembe Elephant Park , Sihangwane Area , 27°02'S , 32°25'E , 100 m , 01.ii-04.ii.1996 , collected from Rhus sp. ( Anacardiaceae ), E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 8 specimens , Natal [KZN]: Estcourt , 29°00'S , 29°53'E , 25.ii.1984 , R. Oberprieler & C.G.E. Moolman leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: Pietermaritzburg , Ukulinga Station [ 29°40'27"S , 30°24'31"E ], 3.x.1983 , A. Freidberg leg. ( DG Furth coll) (BAQ) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: S Coast , Umkomaas [ 30°12'06"S , 30°46'57"E ], 11.x.1983 , A. Freidberg leg. ( DG Furth coll) (BAQ) ; 1 specimen , [KZN]: Isipingo , Nat. , [ 29°58'58"S , 30°55'20"E ], ii.1896 (NHMUK) ; 2 specimens , KZN: Ndumo Game Reserve , c. 1 km NE Rest Camp , 26°54'07"S , 32°18'20"E , c. 80 m , 28.i.2006 , collected by beating, C. Chaboo & E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 4 specimens , KZN: Ndumo Game Reserve , Fig. Tree Forest , 26°51'39"S , 32°15'32"E , c. 42 m , 29.i.2006 , adults beaten off Rhus gueinzii ( Anacardiaceae ), C. Chaboo & E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 6 specimens , KZN: Vryheid Hill Nature Res. [erve], Ntinginono Eco Centre , 27°45'14"S , 30°47'11"E , c. 1259 m , 30.i-02.ii.2007 , E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 6 specimens , ibid, adults beaten off Rhus sp. ( Anacardiaceae ) (SANC) ; 1 specimen , KZN: Empangeni , 28°45'S , 31°54'E , 152 m , xii.1999 , P.E. Reavell leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , KZN: Lewomba, SE 28 31 Da [Lewomba Miss., Empangeni, 28°44'54"S , 31°53'53"E ], 20.iv.1979 , R. Oberprieler leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , KZN: Lugwavana [?], SE 27 31 Bb , 1.i.1980 , on forest vegetation, R. Oberprieler leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , KZN: Ingwavuma , Mac's Pass, SE 27 31 Bb [ 28°44'54"S , 31°53'53"E ], 13.i.1980 , on vegetation, R. Oberprieler leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: Lynnfield Park , 13km SE Pietermaritzburg , 29°41'S , 30°29'E , 28-30.iii.1989 , A.E. Whittington leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , NTL [KZN]: Kuleni Farm , Hluhluwe , 27°54'S , 32°22'E , 13-14.ii.1990 , N. Verheijen leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: Balgowan , 29°23'S , 30°02'E , 26.ii.1984 , R. Oberprieler & C.G.E. Moolman leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , KZN: Ntinini Nature Reserve , 28°17'S , 30°56'E , 1015 m , 16.xi.2010 , collected by sweeping through very short grass with various forbs, some flowering, R. Stals leg. (SANC) ; 2 specimens , KZN: Nyala Game Ranch [ 28°42'S , 31°46'E ], 16.xii.1980 , R. Oberprieler leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , KZN: Intendele Game Ranch , nr Bayala , 27°50'S , 32°12'E , 07.i.2000 , ex Rhus sp.1 ( Anacardiaceae ), C.N. Duckett leg. (SANC) ; 4 specimens , Natal [KZN]: Dr. Martin (NMPC) ; 6 specimens , ibid (MNHN) ; 1 specimen , ibid (NHMUK) ; 1 specimen , ibid, Zululand (NMPC) ; 1 specimen , ibid (SANC) ; 1 specimen , [KZN]: Howick [ 29°29'21"S , 30°12'60"E ], 1901, J.P. Cregoe leg. (NHMUK) ; 2 specimens , [KZN]: Durban [ 29°51'31"S , 31°01'18"E ], x.1896 , J.P. Cregoe leg. (NHMUK) ; 2 specimens , ibid, viii.[19]20, A.F.J. Gedye leg. (NHMUK) ; 1 specimen , [KZN]: Durban , The Bluff [ 29°56'08"S , 31°00'07"E ], 15.x.1931 , Mrs L. Ogilvie leg. (NHMUK) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: Weenen [ 28°51'31"S , 30°00'12"E ], xii.1926 , H.P. Thomasset leg. (NHMUK) ; 4 specimens , ibid, i.1927 (NHMUK) ; 1 specimen , ibid, xi.1927 (NHMUK) ; 2 specimens , ibid, iii-iv.1925 (NHMUK) ; 1 specimen , Zululand [KZN]: Gingindhlovu [ 29°01'S , 31°35'E ], , R.E. Turner leg. (NHMUK) ; 2 specimens , Natal [KZN]: Lower Tugela [ 29°09'50"S , 31°26'16"E ], E. Reynolds leg. (NHMUK) ; 1 specimen , Natal [KZN]: Malvern [Malvern, Queensburgh, 29°53'S , 30°55'18"E ] iii.1897 , G.A.K. Marshall leg. (NHMUK) ; 1 specimen , ibid, xii.1899 , J.P. Cregoe leg. (NHMUK) ; 4 specimens , KwaZulu-Natal : between Colenso and Weenen Game Reserve , 28.48S , 29.57E [ 28°28'48"S , 29°34'12"E ], 900 m , 4.iii.1998 , P. Audisio , M. Biondi & M. Zapparoli leg. (BAQ) ; 19 specimens Natal [KZN]: Ulundi [ 28°19'S , 31°25'E ], 22.i.1994 , A. Poll leg. (ZSM) ; 1 specimen (NE), KwaZulu-Natal : Ubombo Mountain Nat. Res. , - 27.6100S / 32.0802E [ 27°36'36"S , 32°04'49"E ], 110 m , beating, 30.xi.2012 , M. Wanat leg. (UWCP) ; 2 specimens , Tvl. [LIM]: Hans Merensky Nat. [ure] Res. [erve], 23°42'S , 30°44'E , 23-25.i.1987 , collected by beating, B.[=E.] Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , Limpopo : Strydpoortberge Pass , hill slope, S 24 02.741 E 29 52.198, [ 24°02'44"S , 29°52'12"E ], 1650 m , 21.ii.2007 , P. Audisio & M. Biondi leg. (BAQ) ; 1 specimen , [LIM]: Pietersburg [Polokwane], 24°14'40"S , 29°15'30"E [ 23°53'55"S , 29°27'01"E ], 18.ii.1989 , F.J. Joubert leg. (SANC) ; 5 specimens , [LIM]: Mathlari , Nas. K.W. [Kruger National Park], 17.iii.1970 , H.A.D. van Schalkwyk leg. (SANC) ; 4 specimens , NProv [LIM]: Thabaphaswa ( Groenkom Farm ), near Potgietersrus , 24°03'S , 29°02'E , 21-23.ii.2001 , adults and larvae collected from Rhus leptodictya ( Anacardiaceae ), E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , LIM: Orrie , The Downs , Baragwanath Pass , forest edge, 24°08'S , 29°57'E , 900-1370 m , 14.iii.1998 , M. Biondi & M. Zapparoli leg. (BAQ) ; 2 specimens , Mpumalanga : Mariepskop base Picnic Site at Blyde River , - 24.5931S / 30.8249E [ 24°35'35"S , 30°49'29"E ], 780 m , night collecting, 26.xi.2012 , R. Ruta leg. (UWCP) ; 1 specimen , Transvaal [MPU]: Blydepoort [ 24°34'51"S , 30°46'20"E ], 20.xi.1981 , Klapperich leg. (BAQ) ; 1 specimen , Transvaal [MPU]: Pretoriuskop , 25°10'S , 31°16'E , 500 m , 12.xi.1988 , E. Colonnelli leg. (BAQ) ; 7 specimens , Transvaal [MPU]: Badplaas , 26°03'S , 30°33'E , 1250 m , 25.xi.1988 , E. Colonnelli leg. (BAQ) ; 2 specimens , MPU: Mapoch's Caves , c. 4 km ENE Roossenekal , 25°11'S , 29°58'E , 16.i.1989 , collected from Rhus sp. ( Anacardiaceae ), E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 10 specimens , Tvl. [MPU]: 20 km NE of Barberton , 25°41'S , 31°09'E , 21.iii.1993 , collected from Rhus pentheri Zahlbr. ( Anacardiaceae ), E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 5 specimens , Tvl. [MPU]: Sudwala Caves , [N] W of Nelspruit , 25°22'S , 30°42'E , 21.iii.1993 , E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 12 specimens , MPU: Paddadors Farm , Nelspruit , 22 km SE, 25°37'02"S , 31°07'56"E , 28.i.1984 , E. de Wet , A. Nel & E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , [MPU]: Marloth Park , 25°21'S , 31°47'E , 04.iv.1989 , F.J. Joubert leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , Tvl. [MPU]: Swadini , Blydepoort Nat. [ure] Res. [erve], 24°32'S , 30°54'E , 26-29.i.1987 , collected by beating, B.[=E.] Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , Tvl. [MPU]: Barberton , 25°48'S , 31°03'E , 26-29.iii.1979 , C. Moolman leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , ibid, iii.1979 , C. Kok leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , MPU: Gustav Klingbiel Nature Reserve , 25°06'S , 30°00'E , 17.i.1989 , collected by sweeping, E. Grobbelaar leg. (SANC) ; 5 specimens , TVL [MPU]: Blyderivierpoortdam Nat. [ure] Reserve , 24°32'S , 30°47'E , 25-26.x.1984 , G.L. Prinsloo leg. (SANC) ; 1 specimen , Tvl [MPU]: between Baberton & Kaap Muiden , 24°29'S , 28°35'E , 25.ii.1991 , V.M. Uys leg. (SANC) . Taxonomic remarks. Calotheca nigromaculata displays much variation in the number, shape, and color of the elytral patches (Fig. 2A-C ), and in some biometric ratios (e.g., LE/LP) (Fig. 4 ). However, pronotal shape, sculpture, and color are consistent and useful for identification (Fig. 2A-D ): lateral margins barely or not visible in dorsal view, more incurved in the anterior third; punctate lateral striae and basal furrows distinctly impressed and generally darker than the rest of the pronotal surface; pronotal margins mostly darkened. Median lobe of the aedeagus (Fig. 2F ) in ventral view: lateral margins sinuate, but prominently rounded in apical 1/4, subtruncate apically; ventral surface with a pair of rounded lateral U-shaped depressions with a wrinkled surface in the apical half; surface clearly punctate in the apical 1/4; in lateral view, aedeagus curved in the basal 1/2 and distinctly sinuate in the apical 1/2; dorsal ligula short but clearly visible in lateral view, formed by a subtriangular, apically truncate median lobe, and two lateral lobes. The apical part of the median lobe shows considerable variability: in ventral view it is more or less sinuate laterally and more or less prominently rounded in apical 1/4, and more or less sinuate in lateral view. Spermatheca (Fig. 2E ) globosely fusiform basally, sub-conical and generally dorsally orientated at the ductus attachment; distal part distinctly curved, generally about as long as the basal part, with a distinct appendix; ductus basally inserted, thickset, short, uncoiled, roughly U-shaped. Figure 2. Calotheca nigromaculata . A habitus, ♂ (KZN, Tembe Elephant Park, Research Camp) B ibid, ♂ (MPU, Mapoch's Caves) C ibid, ♂ (KZN, Vryheid Hill Nature Reserve) D head, and pronotum, ♂ (MPU, Mariepskop base Picnic Site at Blyde River) E spermatheca (KZN, Estcourt) F median lobe of aedeagus, from left to right in ventral, dorsal, and lateral view (MPU, Pretoriuskop). Abbreviations: bf = basal furrow; bfg = frontal groove; pls = punctate lateral stria. Biometrics. Males ( n = 10; mean +/- standard deviation, range): LE = 5.04 +/- 0.37 mm (4.25 ≤ LE ≤ 5.30 mm); WE = 3.73 +/- 0.25 mm (3.18 ≤ WE ≤ 4.10 mm); LP = 1.46 +/- 0.07 mm (1.35 ≤ LP ≤ 1.55 mm); WP = 2.88 +/- 0.20 mm (2.45 ≤ WP ≤ 3.10 mm); LAN = 2.74 +/- 0.15 mm (2.45 ≤ LAN ≤ 3.00 mm); LAED = 2.62 +/- 0.10 mm (2.45 ≤ LAED ≤ 2.83 mm); LB = 6.36 +/- 0.53 mm (5.15 ≤ LB ≤ 7.15 mm); LE/LP = 3.45 +/- 0.21 (3.19 ≤ LE/LP ≤ 3.79); WE/WP = 1.30 +/- 0.03 (1.24 ≤ WE/WP ≤ 1.36); WP/LP = 1.97 +/- 0.08 (1.81 ≤ WP/LP ≤ 2.07); WE/LE = 0.74 +/- 0.02 (0.71 ≤ WE/LE ≤ 0.78); LAN/LB = 0.43 +/- 0.03 (0.39 ≤ LAN/LB ≤ 0.48); LE/LAED = 1.92 +/- 0.09 (1.73 ≤ LE/LAED ≤ 2.00). Females ( n = 10; mean +/- standard deviation; range): LE = 5.41 +/- 0.37 mm (4.75 ≤ LE ≤ 6.00 mm); WE = 3.96 +/- 0.28 mm (3.40 ≤ WE ≤ 4.30 mm); LP = 1.42 +/- 0.12 mm (1.23 ≤ LP ≤ 1.55 mm); WP = 3.01 +/- 0.25 mm (2.70 ≤ WP ≤ 3.25 mm); LAN = 2.60 +/- 0.21 mm (2.20 ≤ LAN ≤ 2.93 mm); LSP = 0.70 +/- 0.06 mm (0.63 ≤ LSP ≤ 0.85 mm); LB = 6.48 +/- 0.48 mm (5.60 ≤ LB ≤ 7.25 mm); LE/LP = 3.81 +/- 0.17 (3.57 ≤ LE/LP ≤ 4.00); WE/WP = 1.32 +/- 0.03 (1.26 ≤ WE/WP ≤ 1.37); WP/LP = 2.12 +/- 0.06 (2.03 ≤ WP/LP ≤ 2.25); WE/LE = 0.73 +/- 0.01 (0.72 ≤ WE/LE ≤ 0.77); LAN/LB = 0.40 +/- 0.02 (0.38 ≤ LAN/LB ≤ 0.44); LE/LSP = 7.71 +/- 0.33 (7.48 ≤ LE/LSP ≤ 8.23). Distribution. Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa (KZN, LIM, MPU). Records from Namibia (1 specimen, Fish River Canyon, Ai-Ais, 27°55'S , 17°29'E , 250 m, 13.ii.1994, F. Koch leg. (ZSM)), WCape Province (RSA) (3 specimens, Knysna, [ 34°02'S , 23°03'E ], i.1979, C.D. Eardley leg. (SANC)), and Tanzania ( Biondi et al. 2017 ) need additional confirmation (Fig. 5 ). Chorotype: probably Southern-Eastern Afrotropical (SEA). Ecological notes. Adults were collected from October to March, between 42-1650 m a.s.l., on Searsia sp. [= Rhus pars, cf. Moffett (2007) ], S. leptodictya (along with larvae), S. cf. gueinzii , S. pentheri ( Anacardiaceae ), and on Allophylus decipiens ( Sapindaceae ), in forest or habitat with very short grass.