Emballonuridae Author Bonaccorso, Frank text 2019 2019-10-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Editor Wilson, Don E. Editor Mittermeier, Russel A. Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats 350 373 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.3740269 34e4a5a6-881c-4a1a-b64d-6868e12df7fb 978-84-16728-19-0 3740269 37 . Short-eared Bat Cyttarops alecto French: Cytarope furieux / German: Dunkelgraue Kurzohrfledermaus / Spanish: Embalonuro orejicorto Taxonomy . Cyttarops alecto Thomas, 1913 , Mucajatuba, near Para ,” Brazil . This species is monotypic. Distribution. Central America, locally in Caribbean lowlands from Nicaragua to Panama, and South America in Venezuela (Bolivar State), Guyana, French Guiana, and N Brazil (Para State), also in scattered localities in Amazon Basin (extreme S o ­ lombia, E Peru, W Brazil, and N Bolivia). It might have a much larger distribution in the Amazon drainage of all these countries. Descriptive notes. Head-body 47-55 mm, tail 20-25 mm, ear 11-13 mm, hindfoot 10—12 mm, forearm 45-47 mm; weight 6-7 g. Dorsal fur of the Short-eared Bat is long, fluffy, and entirely dark gray; venter is slighdy paler. Ears are broad and rounded, barely rising about crown. Chin is well haired and appears bearded. Flight membranes are black. Hindfeet are small. Thumbs are tiny . Wing sacs are absent. Nostrils are tubelike and slightly divergent. Dental formula is 11/3, C 1/1, P 2/2, M 3/3 (x2) = 32. Habitat . Humid lowland forests and along riparian gallery forests from sea level to elevations of500 m. In Brazil, the Short-eared Bat can occur along gallery forests lining small rivers in the savanna-like Cerrado ecoregion. It tolerates second growth disturbed by humans and forages near buildings and in oil palm plantations and gardens. Food and Feeding . The Short-eared Bat preys on aerial insects. Breeding . A pregnant Short-eared Bat was reported in dry season in Tocantins State, Brazil. In Costa Rica, females with nursing young and subadults are reported in June- August. Activity patterns. Short-eared Bats are nocturnal and roost beneath fronds in palm trees including coconut and oil palms, usually in relatively open areas such as groves or gardens. Roost emergence starts c.45 minutes after sunset. Foraging usually is restricted to immediately around day roosts for 15—30 minutes, after which individuals disperse further from roosts while flying at least 3-4 m aboveground. Echolocation call is unusual among emballonurids: FM call remains above 100 kHz and is short in duration. Movements, Home range and Social organization. Short-eared Bats roost in groups of 1—10 individuals. They hang freely by their feet when roosting, near midribs of fronds. Roosting groups can contain adult males and females, subadults, and dependent young. There is evidence that roosting group composition is not stable even over short periods of time, with different individuals moving into a group. Status and Conservation . Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. The Shorteared Bat has a large distribution and presumably relatively stable overall population. Its rarity in museum collections, known from fewer than 30 global specimens and c.20 localities, is likely due to inefficiency of capture in mist nets. Additional studies are needed on its distribution, habitat, ecology , and threats. Acoustic surveys should produce valuable information to better understand biology and conservation status of Short-eared Bats. Bibliography. Aguirre , Mammani et al. (2010), Fonseca et al. (1996), Koopman (1993), Lim, B.K. (2009 b ), Lim, B.K. & Engstrom (2005), Lim, B.K. et al. (1999), Nunes et al. (2006), Reid (2009), Reid & Langtimm (1993), Rodriguez-Mahecha et al. (1995), Simmons &Voss (1998), Starrett (1972), Starrett & Casebeer (1968), Tavares, Bobrowiec & Farias (2012), Velazco et al. (2011).