On some species of Oxypoda MANNERHEIM from Turkey and adjacent regions (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae Aleocharinae) Author Assing, V. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2006 2006-07-21 38 1 277 331 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5432984 0253-116X 5432984 Oxypoda ( Oxypoda ) longipes MULSANT & REY 1861 ( Figs 193-202 , 217-220 , Map 11 ) Material examined : Turkey , Konya : 4 exs. , Seydişehir, 1400 m , 5.-6. VI .2003 , leg. Lohaj, Smatana (cSch, cAss). Mersin : 1 ex. , road Mut-Karaman, Sertavul Geç., 36°55N , 33°16E , 1570 m , 5. V .2004 , leg. Brachat & Meybohm (cAss). Kahramanmaraş : 1 ex. , Ahır Dağı, 11 km NE Kahramanmaraş, 37°41N , 37°02E , 1580 m , N-slope with juniper, small cedar, and grass, sifted, 11.IV.2004 , leg. Schülke (cSch). Antakya : 4 exs. , 25 km S Şenköy, 36°02N , 36°07E , 914 m , edge of meadow, sifted, 26.IV.2002 , leg. Meybohm (cAss). Israel : 2 exs. , Mt. Hermon, 33°18N , 35°47E , 18.IV.2005 , leg. Assmann (cFel, cAss). D i a g n o s i s: 4.1-5.5 mm ; habitus as in Fig. 193 . External characters as in O. collaris ( Figs 193-196 ), but distinguished as follows: Coloration as in O. collaris , but pronotum and maxillary palpi on average darker, dark brown to blackish; legs on average darker, with the tibiae and tarsi brown, and the femora usually dark brown. Head more weakly oblong ( Fig. 194 ); eyes ( Fig. 195 ) approximately as long as postocular region in dorsal view. Antennae shorter ( Fig. 196 ), antennomere XI in 3 slightly longer than combined length of IX-X, in approximately as long as combined length of IX-X. Pronotum distinctly larger and more transverse, 1.60-1.65 times as wide as head and approximately 1.3 times as wide as long ( Fig. 194 ); maximal width behind middle and more strongly narrowed anteriorly; hypomera not visible in lateral view. Metatarsus approximately as long as metatibia; metatarsomere I of variable length, usually about as long as or slightly longer than combined length of II-III, rarely almost as long as the combined length of II-IV. Tergite VIII as in Fig. 217. 3: posterior margin of sternite VIII projecting posteriad, but not sharply pointed ( Figs 218-219 ); median lobe of aedeagus of highly variable size, 0.54-0.70 mm from apex of ventral process to base; on average larger than in O. collaris , with longer ventral process, with more pronounced crista apicalis, and with internal structures of different shape ( Figs 197-204 ); apical lobe of paramere as in Fig. 205 . : sternite VIII weakly oblong, its posterior margin as in O. collaris ( Fig. 220 ); spermatheca similar to that of O. collaris ( Fig. 206 ). I n t r a s p e c i f i c v a r i a t i o n: The species is subject to considerable intraspecific variation, which not only involves external characters such as size, coloration, the density of the puncturation, and the length of the tarsomeres, with the first metatasomere occasionally almost as long as the combined length of metatarsomeres II-IV. Also, the size of the aedeagus ( 0.54-0.70 mm from apex of ventral process to base), the shape of the ventral process (straight to somewhat bent), and the shapes (length, etc.) of the internal structures are rather variable. This variability is so pronounced that the specimens from Turkey and Israel were at first believed to represent a distinct species. However, a comparison with material from various other regions in southern and central Europe revealed that variation is considerable even within populations and that there are no constant differences in the shape and internal structures of the aedeagus. C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: From the similar and syntopic O. disiuncta and O. collaris , O. longipes is distinguished especially by the larger and more transverse pronotum, by the relatively longer metatarsomere I, the usually less extensively infuscate elytra, and by the shape and internal structures of the aedeagus. C o m m e n t s: Oxypoda fallaciosa , whose original description is based on few specimens from Jerusalem ( SAULCY 1865 ), is currently regarded as a synonym of Nehemitropia lividipennis (MANNERHEIM) . Some details indicated in the original description, however, would suggest that this name is actually a synonym of O. longipes . SAULCY (1865) compares O. fallaciosa with O. vittata and O. opaca stating that it is of similar coloration and morphology (including size), that the metatarsi are longer, and the male sternite VII is triangularly prolonged posteriorly and in this respect similar to that of O. opaca . Type material was looked for, but not found in the Saulcy collection in the MNHNP . D i s t r i b u t i o n: Oxypoda longipes is widespread in Europe and has even been recorded from the Eastern Palaearctic region ( LÖBL & SMETANA 2004). In the Middle East, it had previously been reported from Lebanon ( BERNHAUER 1902 ) and Turkey ( ASSING 2004b ). It is here reported from Israel for the first time ( Map 11 ).