Taxonomic Studies of the genus Decticus Serville, 1831 from China (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Tettigoniinae), based on Morphology and Songs Author Liu, Fei College of Agriculture / Key Laboratory of Oasis Agricultural Pest Management and Plant Protection Resources Utilization, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Shihezi University, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832003, China. Author Chen, Liusheng Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization, Guangdong Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou, 510520, China. Author Liu, Chunxiang Key Laboratory of the Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-10-14 4860 4 563 576 journal article 8210 10.11646/zootaxa.4860.4.6 dc14c45b-38bb-45b5-b8bc-706866f7fb41 1175-5326 4414355 92E2564C-60AB-4759-AB06-F177CC6841DE Decticus verrucivorus verrucivorus ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) Gryllus (Tettigonia) verrucivorus Linnaeus, 1758 . Systema Naturae per Regna tria naturae (10th ed.), Holmiae 1:431. Locusta verrucivora : Fabricius, 1775 . Flensburgi et Lipsiae, in officina libraria Kortii 286; Tigny, 1802. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Orthoptères: 5:63; Lamarck, 1835. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres 4(2nd Ed.):440. Decticus verrucivorus verrucivorus : Wesmaël, 1838 . Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles. 5:591; Hebard, 1925. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 51:50; Miksic, 1967. Glasn. Zemaljsk. Muz. N.S. 6:97–124; Storozhenko. 1980. Taxonomy Ins. Soviet Far East, Vladivostok 10–19; Heller, 1988 . Bioakustik der europäischen Laubheuschrecken. Ökol. Forsch. Anwend 1:90. Tettigonia verrucivora Kirby, 1906 . A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera ( Orthoptera Saltatoria , Locustidae vel Acridiidae ) 2:213. Gryllus (Tettigonia) rubicundus Goeze, 1778 . Entomologische Beyträge zu des Ritter Linné zwölften Ausgabe des Natursystems 2:95 (syn.). Peltastes hastatus Fischer von Waldheim, 1839 . Bull. Soc. imp. natur. Moscau 12(3):112 (syn.). Pterolepis radiata Fischer von Waldheim, 1846 . Nouv. mem. Soc. Imp. natur. Moscou 8:214, pl. 20 (syn.). Decticus verrucivorus variety deliae Fritze, 1918 . Entom. Rundschau 35:12 (syn.). Decticus verrucivorus insularis Baccetti, 1963 . Arch. bot. biogeogr. 39:229–235 (syn.). Diagnosis. Medium-sized. Center of pronotal lateral lobe black. Tegmen brown with dark brown or black spots, gradually reducing, with rounded apex, slightly extending over abdominal apex; aspect ratio about 4.15 ( Fig. 5a ). Male subgenital plate with obtusely angular apical incision ( Fig. 4l ). Ovipositor not obviously crenulated at apex. Redescription. Male. Stridulatory file with about 62–63 teeth ( Fig. 6f ). Hind femora armed with 3–5 small ventro-posterior spines. Tenth abdominal tergum with an approximate rectangular concavity in middle ( Fig. 4g ). Epiproct tongue-shaped, covered by tenth abdominal tergum, bent down at a angle of 90° at base. Cercus with an enlarged basal tooth in middle. Female. Tegmen extending up to abdominal apex. Measurement (mm). See Table 6 and Table 7 . Song. The calling song consisted of stereotyped chirps with a regular period (367.08±18.75 ms) and duration (182.68±4.74 ms) ( Fig. 7 f–h). Each chirp was comprised of 5 syllable groups ( Fig. 7h ). The frequency ranges from 6 to 22 kHz, and the frequency of main peak is about 16.95 kHz and that of second peak is not significant ( Fig. 7 i–j). The important parameters are listed ( Tab. 3 ). FIGURE 7a–j. Song diagrams per populations. a–e: D. albifrons ; f–j: D. v. verrucivorus ; k–o: D. v. crassus (The temperature of m2 is 29.8 °C and others are 27 °C.); a–b, f–g, k–l: A phrase series; c, h, m1–2: Elements in a chirp; d, i, n: Sonogram of the calling song; e, j, o: Power spectrum of the calling song. Material examined. ( See Table 1 and Table 2 ). Distribution. Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America (dispersed species in Palaearctic Region).