Two new sympatric species of Eusarsiella (Ostracoda: Myodocopida: Sarsiellidae) from the Florida Keys with a morphological phylogeny of Sarsiellinae Author Churchill, Celia K. C. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara & Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara Author Ellis, Emily A. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara Author Pique, Alannah E. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara Author Oakley, Todd H. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara & Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara text Zootaxa 2014 2014-05-28 3802 4 444 458 journal article 5388 10.11646/zootaxa.3802.4.2 bbf97b57-5639-45ff-b294-5b0d78dfad67 1175-5326 4917775 2798A542-BD2D-4814-BE54-1F79CF27C47B Genus Eusarsiella Cohen & Kornicker, 1975 Type species: Sarsiella tumida Scott, 1905 by subsequent designation in Cohen & Kornicker (1975) . Diagnosis. The most species-rich genus of the subfamily Sarsiellinae , with c-, f-, and g-bristles not claw-like on the first limb and the d-bristle present. These ostracods have an anterior incisure and the posterior infold bears a row of spinous bristles. In females, the seventh limb bears paired, terminal teeth. Each lamella of the furca with five claws; claw 1 fused to the lamella, claws 2–5 separated from lamella by suture. Claws decrease in length posteriorly along lamella. For a key to Sarsiellidae , see Kornicker (1986) . Composition. The genus includes 78 species— Eusarsiella absens (Kornicker, 1981) ; E. africana (Kornicker & Caraion, 1978) ; E. alata Poulsen, 1965 ; E. antipex Kornicker, 1995 ; E. asciformis ( Hall, 1987 ) ; E. athrix Kornicker, 1986 ; E. bakeri Kornicker, 1986 ; E. bedoyai Baltanas, 1992 ; E. bex Kornicker, 1994 ; E. capillaris (Kornicker, 1958) ; E. carinata (Kornicker, 1958) ; E. chessi Kornicker, 1991 ; E. childi Kornicker, 1986 ; E. claviformis ( Hall, 1987 ) ; E. concentricostata Hartmann, 1974 ; E. cornuta Poulsen, 1965 ; E. costata (Kornicker, 1958); E. cresseyi Kornicker, 1986 ; E. culteri Kornicker, 1986 ; E. dentifera Poulsen, 1965 ; E. dispar Kornicker, 1986 ; E. disparilis (Darby, 1965) ; E. dominicana Kornicker, 1986 ; E. donabbotti Cohen, 1989 ; E. dornellasae (Kornicker & Caraion, 1978) ; E. edax Kornicker, 1994 ; E. elofsoni Kornicker, 1986 ; E. fallomagna Kornicker, 1994 ; E. falx Kornicker, 1992 ; E. fax Kornicker, Iliffe & Harrison-Nelson, 2007 ; E. gettlesoni Kornicker, 1986 ; E. gigacantha (Kornicker, 1958) ; E. gomoiui (Kornicker & Caraion, 1978) ; E. greyi (Darby, 1965) ; E. iayx Kornicker, 1994 ; E. janicea ( Kornicker, 1976 ) ; E. longipenna Poulsen, 1965 ; E. lunata ( Kornicker, 1975 ) ; E. magna Poulsen, 1965 ; E. maurae (Kornicker, 1977) ; E. microthrix (Chavtur, 1983) ; E. neapolis (Kornicker, 1974) ; E. nodimarginis (Darby, 1965) ; E. ocula (Kornicker & Caraion, 1978) ; E. ovalis Poulsen, 1965 ; E. ozotothrix (Kornicker & Bowen, 1976) ; E. paniculata Kornicker, 1986 ; E. phrix Kornicker, 1996 ; E. pilipollicis (Darby, 1965) ; E. pseudospinosa (Baker, 1977) ; E. punctata (Kornicker, 1958) ; E. radiicosta (Darby, 1965) ; E. reticulata ( Hall, 1987 ) ; E. rudescui (Kornicker & Caraion, 1978) ; E . rugosa (Poulsen, 1965) ; E. ryanae Kornicker & Iliffe, 2000 ; E. saengeri Kornicker, 1996 ; E. sculpta (Brady, 1890) ; E. segrex Kornicker, 1995 ; E. serrata ( Hall, 1987 ) ; E. spadix Kornicker, 1995 ; E. spicata Poulsen, 1965 ; E. spinosa (Kornicker & Wise, 1962) ; E. springthorpei ( Hall, 1987 ) ; E. syrinx Kornicker, Iliffe & Harrison-Nelson, 2007 ; E. tampa Kornicker & Grabe, 2000 ; E. texana (Kornicker & Wise, 1962) ; E. thominx Kornicker, 1987 ; E. truncana (Kornicker, 1958) ; E. tryx Kornicker, 1996 ; E. tubipora (Darby, 1965) ; E. tumida (Scott, 1905) ; E. uncus Kornicker, 1986 ; E. vema Kornicker, 1986 ; E. venezuelensis Kornicker, 1986 ; E. vernix Kornicker, 1996 ; E. warneri Kornicker, Iliffe & Harrison-Nelson, 2002 ; E. zostericola (Cushman, 1906) . For a current list of Eusarsiella species , see ( Brandão et al. 2013 ). Distribution. Cosmopolitan between the latitudes of about 63°N and 37°S . Known from depths of intertidal to 1120 m ( Kornicker 1994 ).