Revisionary notes on the genus Adelungia Melichar, 1902 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Megophthalminae), with the description of a new genus Author Gnezdilov, Vladimir M. 0000-0002-7331-8744 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia vmgnezdilov @ mail. ru, Vladimir. Gnezdilov @ zin. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7331 - 8744 Author Neimorovets, Vladimir V. 0000-0001-7096-5447 All-Russian Institute for Plant Protection, Russian Academy of Sciences, Podbelskogo 3, Pushkin, St. Petersburg 196608, Russia neimorovets @ mail. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7096 - 5447 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-12 5284 3 564 574 journal article 57519 10.11646/zootaxa.5284.3.7 7671f18a-7a5e-4ded-99b6-e4e12e7640f0 1175-5326 7929725 3C1C77C6-C26E-48CD-B94A-665AB8DD645C Spathicerula calligoni ( Oshanin, 1908 ) , comb. nov. ( Figs 1B , 4 , 5D–F , 6 , 7C–G , 8 , 9B ) Adelungia calligoni Oshanin, 1908: 467 , figs 3, 4. Adelungia breviceps Kusnezov, 1931: 103 , figs 3–6, synonymised by Emeljanov, 1975: 389 . Adelungia elegans : Dlabola 1981: 224 , fig. 164, misidentification. Adelungia tridigitata Dlabola, 1984: 36 , fig. 38, syn. nov. Adelungia tridigitata : Mozaffarian & Gnezdilov 2022: 418 , figs 7, 32. FIGURE 4. Spathicerula calligoni ( Oshanin, 1908 ) ( Adelungia breviceps Kusnezov, 1931 , male lectotype): A: dorsal view, B: lateral view, C: front view, D: labels. Scale bar—1 mm. FIGURE 5. Adelungiina : A: Adelungia primigena Dlabola, 1984 , holotype, dorsal view, B: same, lateral view, C: same, labels, D: Spathicerula calligoni ( Oshanin, 1908 ) ( Adelungia tridigitata Dlabola, 1984 , holotype), dorsal view, E: same, lateral view, F: same, labels. Scale bar—1 mm. Emended description. Head process long (longer in females than in males), of nearly same width throughout its length, sometimes slightly enlarged apically (in lateral view), compressed, with median carina ventrally ( Figs 1B , 4A–C , 5D–E , 6 , 7C–G ). Laterofrontal sutures not extended beyond antennal base. Lora elongate oval, reaching genal margins ventrally. Ocelli present. Pronotum with median carina. Forewing with reticulate venation, clavus long, 3/4 as long as forewing, appendix reduced. Hind wings well developped, nearly as long as forewings, with well developed appendage ( Fig. 6A ). Hind femur distal macrosetae 2 + 0. Hind tibia laterally flattened. Ovipositor slightly protruding beyond hind margins of pygofer in lateral view. Male terminalia ( Fig. 8 ). Apodemes of abdominal sternites I–II small and short ( Fig. 8I–J ). Apodemes of abdominal tergite II large, nearly reaching tergite hind margin ( Fig. 8K ). Pygofer elongate, nearly triangular in lateral view, with long and narrow sclerotization below dorsal margins (dotted line on fig. 8A), deeply concaved above subgenital plates ( Fig. 8A ). Subgenital plates long, narrowing apically (in ventral view) ( Fig. 8B ). Connective large, elongate and flat ( Fig. 8E–F ). Style with two processes (lobes)—one with an elongate capitulum bearing small semicircular subapical lobe and another ending with a tooth ( Fig. 8 G–H ). Aedeagus with wide base and pair of long and narrow basal processes laterally ( Fig. 8C–D ), Aedeagal shaft flattened dorso-ventrally, strongly curved (in lateral view), with serrated lateral margins and basal part ventrally. Gonopore apical. Female terminalia. Female sternite VII with deep median notch on hind margin ( Fig. 9B ). FIGURE 6. Spathicerula calligoni ( Oshanin, 1908 ) : A: female, Turkmenistan (Merv), lateral view, B: same, front view, C: female, Kazakhstan (Kense), lateral view, D: male, Turkmenistan (Repetek), lateral view, E: male, Uzbekistan (Dzhar-Kurgan), lateral view, F: female, Uzbekistan (Dzhar-Kurgan), lateral view. Scale bar—1 mm. Type material examined. Lectotype of Adelungia breviceps , ♁ (here designated), “Zakaspij [hand written in ink] / Uch. Adzha [hand written in ink] / 1929 [hand written in ink] / A. Shestakov [hand written in ink]” // Adelungia [hand written in ink] / breviceps m. typus [hand written in ink] / V . Kusnezov det. [print] 1931 [hand written in ink]” . Paralectotypes of Adelungia breviceps : 1♁, 1♀ , “Zakaspij [hand written in ink] / Uch. Adzha [hand written in ink] / 1929 [hand written in ink] / A. Shestakov [hand written in ink]” // “c. V . Kusnezov [print]”. All specimens are marked by the golden paper circle . Other material examined. Kazakhstan : 12♁, 12♀ , Karagandinskaya Oblast’ , 150 km NW Betpak-Dala , Kense meteorological station, 10. VI .1961 , on Calligonum , A.F. Emeljanov leg . Uzbekistan : 7♁, 4♀ , S Dzhar-Kurgan , 18.IV.1962 , on Calligonum , E.L. Gurjeva leg.; 1♁, Kyzylkum , Zhamansky tract, 19.VIII.1970 , M.I. Falkovich leg. Turkmenistan : 1♀ , Merv , 5. VI .1905 , T . Sumakov leg. ; 1♀ , 3 km N Tashkepri , 18. V .1954 , V . I. Tobias leg. ; 2♁ , 2♀ , Repetek , 4–5. V .1955 , V . I. Tobias leg. ; 2♀ , Dzhebel , 18. V .1969 , V . Ph. Zajtsev leg. FIGURE 7. Adelungiina , head (antennae not figured), in lateral view: A: Adelungia elegans Melichar, 1902 , male lectotype, B: Adelungia elegans Melichar, 1902 , male paralectotype, 5 th instar larva, C: Spathicerula calligoni ( Oshanin, 1908 ) , male, Uzbekistan (Dzhar-Kurgan), D: same, female, Uzbekistan (Dzhar-Kurgan), E: same, male ( Adelungia breviceps Kusnezov, 1931 , lectotype), F: female, Turkmenistan (Merv), G: female, Kazakhstan (Kense). Scale bar—1 mm. Note. Different populations of S. calligoni throughout its range have some differences in head length and females always have longer heads than males in the same population ( Figs 6 , 7 ), however, the male genitalia structure is rather uniform among these populations. Thus A. tridigitata Dlabola, 1984 having the same structure of the aedeagus ( Dlabola 1984 , fig. 38) as S. calligoni is treated as a junior synonym of S. calligoni .