Dorcadionini of Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Author Özdikmen, Hüseyin text Journal of Natural History 2016 2016-05-31 50 2399 2475 journal article 21214 10.1080/00222933.2016.1193653 c792028c-932d-41fd-b41a-d2a136c789ad 1464-5262 3993075 * D. scabricolle balikesirense Breuning, 1962a: 460 Type information: Holotype , ex collection S. Breuning , Muséum d Histoire Naturelle de Genève [type locality Balıkesir ( Turkey )] Provincial distribution in Turkey : TR-A: BL ( Breuning 1962a ; Braun 1978a ; Löbl and Smetana 2010 ; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a ) Range: A: TR * D. scabricolle caramanicum K. Daniel and J. Daniel, 1903: 332 Type information: Syntypes and ♀♀ , ex collection K. Daniel, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde [type locality Bulghar-Maaden und Bulghar- Magara ( Bolkar Mts. -Çamardı) ( Turkey : Niğde )] bulghardaghense Breuning, 1946: 121 ( D. scabricolle m.) [ Bulghar-Maaden ( Turkey : Bolkar Mts.: Niğde : Çamardı)] Provincial distribution in Turkey : TR-A: NI ( Bodemeyer 1900 ; Daniel and Daniel 1903 ; Breuning 1946 , 1962a ; Löbl and Smetana 2010 ; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a ) Range: A: TR * D. scabricolle crassofasciatum Özdikmen in Küçükkaykı et al., 2013: 56 Type information: Holotype , Department of Biology at Eskişehir Osmangazi University , Eskişehir [type locality Edremit: Sarıkız hill ( Turkey : Balıkesir )] Provincial distribution in Turkey : TR-A: BL (Özdikmen in Küçükkaykı et al. 2013 ; Danilevsky 2015a ) Range: A: TR * D. scabricolle paphlagonicum Breuning, 1962a: 459 Type information: Holotype , ex collection S. Breuning , Muséum d Histoire Naturelle de Genève [type locality Kastamonu ( Turkey )] Provincial distribution in Turkey : TR-A: CN KS ( Breuning 1962a ; Braun 1978a ; Önalp 1991 ; Löbl and Smetana 2010 ; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Al-Hamadani and Özdikmen 2014 ; Danilevsky 2015a ) Range: A: TR D. scabricolle scabricolle Dalman, 1817: 174 ( Lamia ) Type information: Holotype , ex Musaeo Schönherr , Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet , Stockholm [type locality Georgia ] modestum Tournier, 1872: 338 [ Azerbaijan : Annenfeld] lutescens Kraatz, 1873: 50 [Caucasus] aeruginosum Breuning, 1946: 121 ( D. scabricolle m.) [ Turkey : Konya : Akşehir] Provincial distribution in Turkey : TR-A: AD AF AG AN ANT AR BI CO ER EZ GU IC IP KA KAR KN KU KY MA SV US VA YO ( Heyden 1888 ; Bodemeyer 1900 ; Breuning 1946 , 1962a ; Demelt 1963 ; Perissinotto and Luchini 1966 ; Breuning and Villiers 1967 ; Fuchs and Breuning 1971 ; Gfeller 1972 ; Tuatay et al. 1972 ; Özbek 1978 ; Braun 1978a ; Sama 1982 ; Adlbauer 1988 ; Önalp 1991 ; Özdikmen and Hasbenli 2004a ; Özdikmen et al. 2005 , 2009 , 2010; Özdikmen and Demir 2006 ; Özdikmen and Okutaner 2006 ; Löbl and Smetana 2010 ; Özdikmen 2010; Turgut and Özdikmen 2010 ; Okutaner et al. 2011 ; Sama et al. 2012 ; Cihan et al. 2013 ; Şenyüz and Özdikmen 2013 ; Danilevsky 2015a ) Range: A: AB AR GG TR