On some rare and new species of rotifers (Digononta, Bdelloida; Monogononta, Ploima and Flosculariaceae) in the Kaw River estuary (French Guiana) Author Rougier, Claude Université Montpellier II, Écosystèmes lagunaires, case 093, F- 34095 Montpellier cedex 05 (France) claude. rougier @ univ-montp 2. fr Author Pourriot, Roger Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Milieux et Peuplements aquatiques, case postale 51, 55 rue Buffon, F- 75231 Paris cedex 05 (France) pourriot @ mnhn. fr pourriot@mnhn.fr text Zoosystema 2006 28 1 5 16 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5394813 1638-9387 5394813 Dissotrocha guyanensis n. sp. (Fig. 2) TYPE LOCALITY . — Kaw River estuary ( French Guiana ), mud flat station ( V ). TYPE MATERIAL . — Holotype : mounted on a slide ( MNHN AM 871 ); paratypes : 3 ♀♀ mounted on slides ( MNHN AM 875 ). DIAGNOSIS. — Among the bdelloids, D. guyanensis n. sp. is easily distinguished due to the presence of four toes and three pairs of strong dorsal thorns. Two of the pairs are located at the end of the second pseudosegment of the trunk (the first one being more lateral), and the third is situated at the third pseudosegment of the trunk. The foot bears two acutely pointed, long spurs. The rami have three median big teeth with many minor teeth. MEASUREMENTS ( in µm ). — Total length 280-330, spur length 40-50. OCCURRENCE. — Encountered at the three stations of the Kaw River (Fig. 1), in the wet season, during the spring and neap tides, and in the dry season. DESCRIPTION The anterior part, especially the corona, is inconspicuous in the preserved state, except for the dorsal antenna, which is slightly protruding in lateral view. The trunk is composed of three pseudosegments. The second pseudosegment is the widest, and the third is the narrowest. The posterior part of the body bears three pairs of spines: the first pair is the biggest and appears dorso-laterally on the larger part of the second pseudosegment, pointing forward. The two others are on the second and the third segment, respectively, and both point backward. F IG . 3. — Epiphanes desmeti n. sp. : A , dorsal view; B , ventral view; C , corona; D , trophi.Abbreviations: lt , lateral tentacles; mh , medial hump; st , stout toes. Scale bars: A, B, 50 µm; D, 10 µm. DISCUSSION T ABLE 1 . — Size range of tropical taxa of Epiphanes Ehrenberg, 1832 (length in µm). Abbreviation: DRC , Democratic Republic of Congo. The French Guianan form undoubtedly belongs to the genus Dissotrocha in view of its four toes, long spurs and viviparity ( Donner 1965 ). To date, two species with very long toes, D. aculeata (Ehrenberg, 1832) and D. hertzogi Hauer, 1939 , have been recognized as belonging to the genus.
E. desmeti Epiphanes sp. Veltae
n. sp. ( De Smet 1989 ) mesembrinus
Locality Guiana DRC Madagascar
Body 148-200 150-193 255-260
Foot 31.2-36.4 47 ?
Toes 15.6-18.2 16-17 25-28
Although D. aculeata shows great variability ( Berzins 1982a ), the French Guianan taxon cannot be related to this group. Indeed, some of the characters appear more related to D. hertzogi , and particularly to D. hertzogi aculeata Koste, 1996 from S Africa. The foot of D. guyanensis n. sp. has five articles as in D. hertzogi (three in D. aculeata ), the third bearing two long spurs. Although not as long as those of D. hertzogi (40-50 µm versus 80- 90 µm), these spurs are likewise straight, equally wide from the base to the tip, and acutely pointed. The distal point is about 1/5 the length of the entire spur. This shape is very different from that of D. aculeata , which is curved with an enlarged basis. In addition, the number and position of the thorns are characteristic: the posterior part of the body only bears three pairs of spines, whereas in D. aculeata the spines are spread out all over the trunk. These characters seem sufficient to distinguish a new species. Family EPIPHANIDAE Bartos, 1959