Descriptions of new species of the genus Woznessenskia (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae: Gryllacridinae) from China
Guo, Li-Ying
Shi, Fu-Ming
journal article
Woznessenskia bimacula
sp. nov.
(Figs. 16–22, 25, 28, 32)
Body large for the genus. Distance between antennal sockets equal to width of scape. Eyes ellipsoidal, obviously protruding. Fore margin of pronotum weakly prominent, hind margin nearly straight; lateral lobe subrectangular, high slightly shorter than length, humeral sinus indistinct. Tegmina considerably surpassing apices of hind femora, about 2.3 times as long as hind femora; media vein arises singly from base of tegmen; R-M and CuA1- CuA2 areas of tegmina are separated from each other along entire length by intermediate area.
wings slightly longer than tegmina. Fore and middle tibiae with 5 pairs of spurs (including a pair of apical spurs) on ventral margin, apical spurs short; hind femora with 10–12 inner spines and 9–11 outer spines on ventral margin; hind tibiae with 6 inner spines and 7 outer spines on dorsal margin, a pair of ventral spurs near apex, a pair of apical spurs on dorsal margin and 2 pairs of apical spurs on ventral margin. Eighth abdominal tergite enlarged; apex of ninth abdominal tergite curved downwards, lateral margins of apex of ninth abdominal tergite with a pair of characteristic S-curved hooks, the hooks with many hairs on inner side; tenth abdominal tergite with a pair of long processes, the processes considerably surpassing apices of cerci, base part cylindrical and straight, apical part curved and compressed, with 10 conspicuous denticles along rather long distance, apex acute. Subgenital plate simple, broad approximately equal to length, with shallow emargination at middle of apex; styli short, cylindrical, on both sides of subgenital plate near apex. Cerci slender, with long hairs. Apex of male abdomen as in Figs. 17–18.
Body yellowish brown. Occiput black, genae with a pair of black stripes; eyes brown; carina surrounding antennal sockets black; dorsal margin of scape black; other part of antenna dark brown. Pronotum with black margins, and a pair of crescent-like black spots as in Figs. 20, 28. Veins on tegmina and hind wings dark brown, cells hyaline. All spines and spurs on legs darkened; inner margin of apex of fore femora and base of fore tibiae dark brown. Tergites of basal part of abdomen yellowish at base and black in apical half; tergites of apical half of abdomen entirely black. Hooks on ninth tergite black, inner margin yellowish. Apical portion of processes of tenth abdominal tergite blackish brown.
Measurements (mm).
Body: 327.0; pronotum: 36.0; hind femora: 316.0; tegmina: 337.0.
, male, Gulinjing, Maguan, Yunnan,
21 July
, 2006, collected by Hao-Yu Liu.
The new species is similar to
W. deminuta
Gorochov, 2002
, but it differs from the latter in: R-M and CuA1-CuA2 areas of tegmina are separated from each other along entire length by intermediate area; pronotum with only a pair of crescent-like black spots; inner margin of apex of fore femora and base of fore tibiae dark brown.
The name of the new species refers to the spots on pronotum.