Systematic revision of American Glaresidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) Author Gordon, Robert D. Author Hanley, Guy A. text Insecta Mundi 2014 2014-01-10 2014 333 1 91 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4645613 1942-1354 4645613 112A1F0B-1A82-4672-842B-A79A21F251D6 Glaresis arenata Gordon Glaresis arenata Gordon 1974: 93 . Description . Male . Length 3.8 mm , width 2.0 mm; body form elongate, somewhat slender, feebly widened from elytral base to apical 1/3 ( Fig. 12A ). Color pale brownish yellow. Head with clypeal surface finely rugose with fine, sparse tubercles extended onto frons, frons densely rugose, vertex finely reticulate without basal carina, setae short, indistinct. Clypeal apex slightly raised, weakly sinuate with median emargination, lateral angles oblique, angulate ( Fig. 12B ). Mandible pair symmetrical; mesal tooth strong; lateral prominence weak, outer margin rounded. Pronotum with distinct, long, transverse fovea in anterior 1/4 extended completely across pronotum, small slightly transverse fovea on each side of middle in anterior 1/2, wide, deep fovea on each side medially near lateral margin, distinct central furrow extended from base to transverse furrow; surface finely rugose, with sparse, straight setae-bearing carinae, setae decumbent, about 1/2 length of carina; anterior and lateral pronotal margins not bordered, all margins crenulate(Fig, 12C). Elytra with surface dull, finely microreticulate; all striae slightly convex, nearly flat, not carinate, remnants of carinae reduced to setal bases, seta much longer than base; intervals with large, shallow, slightly rectangular punctures ( Fig. 12C ). Metasternum long, dull, finely, densely microreticulate, median surface without ridges, laterally with scattered, straight ridges in basal 2/3, median area flat, with median carina extended anteriorly from apical keel 1/2 or more distance to mesocoxae ( Fig. 12D ); metasternal groove not visible. Lateral protibial teeth unevenly spaced, basal 2 teeth closer together. Mesotibia with 4 spines laterally, spinal bases widely separated, tibia slightly projecting at apex ( Fig. 12D ). Posterior metatrochanteral margin without small teeth; posterosuperior surface of metatrochanter with single large tooth near femur ( Fig. 12G ). Metafemoral surface with widely, evenly spaced, strong setae-bearing tubercles, microreticulate; width to length ratio 1.0:1.5, without noticeable flange on anterior margin; posterior metafemoral margin angulate next to trochanter; posterosuperior margin with 2 small teeth ( Fig. 12G ). Metatibia broadly triangular, surface entirely microreticulate, with large, shelflike ridge about as wide as 1/2 metatibial width on outer margin postmedially, small teeth present on outer margin from near base to lateral ridge, single tooth present anterior to ridge, an irregular row of coarse tubercles extended from base nearly to apex medially, inner margin smooth, pubescent ( Fig. 12F ). Apical margin of 5th abdominal ventrite weakly rounded. Genitalia long, basal piece longer than parameres, proximal end curved; median lobe shorter than parameres, tapered from base nearly to rounded apex, narrower at middle than a paramere, slightly curved upward in apical 1/3, parameres slightly curved before apex in lateral view, margin straight, apex narrowly rounded ( Fig. 12E ). Female . Apex of 5th abdominal ventrite strongly rounded. Variation . Length 3.2 to 3.8 mm , width 1.7 to 2.2 mm . Lateral mesotibial spine number varies from 4 to 5; posterosuperior margin of trochanter may have 2nd tiny tooth; and surface of metatibia varies slightly in degree of sculpture. Type locality . California , San Bernardino Co., 7 mi. SW Kelso, sand dunes. Type depository . ( USNM ). Temporal distribution. April-May. Geographical distribution . UNITED STATES . California : Imperial Co., Hwy 78, 1.3 miles SW Glamis; San Bernardino Co., Amboy R., 11-15 miles E 29 Palms, Wonder Valley, 2000 ft. ; 7 mi. SW Kelso, sand dunes; Kelso sand dunes, 3.7 mi W Kelbaker Rd.; Kelso sand dunes. ( CMNC ) ( CSCA ) ( RCCC ) ( USNM ). Remarks . Glaresis arenata shares some G . canadensis characters, especially the strongly tuberculate metatibial surface, and has 4 to 5 spines on outer mesotibial margin as does G . inducta , but elytral stria without carinae distinguish G . arenata from both species. In addition the posteromedian metatibial ridge is more well developed and transversely elongate in G . arenata , and geographical distributions are widely disjunct.. Glaresis zvirgzdinsi is similar in appearance and range, see Remarks under that species.