Hortipes, A Huge Genus Of Tiny Afrotropical Spiders (Araneae, Liocranidae) Author BOSSELAERS, JAN Author JOCQUÉ, RUDY text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 2000-10-19 2000 256 4 4 http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1206%2F0003-0090(2000)256%3C0004%3AHAHGOT%3E2.0.CO%3B2 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)256<0004:HAHGOT>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5351417 Hortipes ostiovolutus , new species Figures 10d–f , 11d ; Map 2 TYPES: Male holotype : intermediate montane rain forest, elev. 1000–1100 m , Mwanihana Forest Reserve , Uzungwa mountains , Tanzania (10–24 September , 1984; N. Scharff ) ( ZMUC ). Paratypes : 1♀ from litter in montane rain forest, elev. 1250 m , same locality (25 July , 1982; M. Stoltze and N. Scharff ) ( ZMUC ) ; 1♀ in pitfall trap , elev. 1000 m , same locality (1 August , 1982; M. Stoltze and N. Scharff ) ( ZMUC ) ; 1♀ : litter, elev. 1000 m , same locality (1 August , 1982; M. Stoltze and N. Scharff ) ( ZMUC ) . ETYMOLOGY: The species’ epithet refers to the convoluted entrance of the IDs of the female vulva. short RTA, almost parallel with the proximal margin of the cymbium. Males are very similar to those of H. salticola , in which the MA reaches the last sharp bend of the sperm duct and the embolus originates farther backward on the tegulum. Females can be recognized by the coiled ID running in posterior direction and the large, comma­shaped ST1. MALE: Holotype specimen damaged: carapace crushed, left palp and first left leg missing. Measurements. Total length 1.70; carapace 1.00 long, 0.78 wide; length of fe: I 0.84, II 0.89, III 0.68, IV 1.00. Leg spination. Fe: I rv 2; IV plt 0 rlt 0; ti: I, II vsp 6; mt: III plt 0 vt 0 rlt 0; IV plt 1 vt 1 rlt 1. Coloration. Carapace yellow ochre; chelicerae, legs, and sternum yellow. Abdomen very pale yellow, no pattern. Palp. RTA simple, fairly narrow at base and gradually tapering toward sharp tip, distal part almost parallel with axis of segment; cymbium fairly elongate, with shallow, narrow retrolateral concavity but without series of curved hairs; sperm duct fairly broad over entire course, restricted to anterior half of tegulum except for last loop, slightly narrowed just before entering embolus; MA originating in frontal part of tegulum, fairly broad at base, curved over tegulum, strongly tapered in basal part, slender and sharply curved down in distal part, tip reaches beyond base of RTA; embolus originating on prolateral part of tegulum at about middle of tegular length, whiplike, fairly short, distal part appressed against MA (fig. 10d, e). FEMALE: Measurements. Total length 2.65; carapace 1.19 long, 0.95 wide; length of fe: I 1.16, II 1.22, III 0.95, IV 1.32. Leg spination. Fe: I rv 2; IV plt 0 rlt 0; ti: I, II vsp 7; mt: III plt 0 vt 0 rlt 0; IV plt 1 vt 1– 2 rlt 1. Coloration. Carapace, chelicerae, and legs yellow. Sternum whitish. Abdomen pale yellow, no pattern. Genitalia. Epigyne a bluntly triangular scape, situated between anterior ends of ST1 (fig. 10f). Vulva: IDs first coiled over 360°, then running parallel to each other in posterior direction, entrance associated with glandular structure connected with the lumen through a series of pores. Spermathecae comma shaped, very large (fig. 11d). 2000 BOSSELAERS AND JOCQUÉ: HORTIPES 39 Fig. 10. a–c. Hortipes fastigiensis , new species . a, b. Male left palp, ventral and retrolateral views. c. Epigyne. d–f. Hortipes ostiovolutus , new species . d, e. Male right palp, ventral and retrolateral views. f. Epigyne. g, h. Hortipes exoptans , new species , male right palp, ventral and retrolateral views. i–k. Hortipes scharffi , new species . i, j. Male left palp, ventral and retrolateral views. k. Epigyne. Scale lines: 0.25 mm . 40 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO . 256 DISTRIBUTION: Mwanihana Forest Reserve, Uzungwa Mountains, Tanzania , in rain forest between elevations of 1000 and 1250 m .