Phylogenetics and taxonomy of the Indo-Australian genus Ulonemia sensu Drake (Hemiptera: Tingidae), with the recognition of new genera and species collected from Proteaceae in Australia Author Shofner, Ryan Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia Author Cassis, Gerasimos Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2024 2023-08-28 200 2 360 425 journal article 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad080 0024-4082 11240237 E024A072-8083-4D91-BC40-A420D1280BEDC Proteatingis mjobergi ( Horváth 1925 ) comb. nov. ( Figs 13M, N , 14M, N , 20 , 21 ) Tingis ( Tingis ) mjobergi Horváth 1925: 5 [original description]. Tingis myobergi [sic]: Drake (1947: 114 , fig. 24b) [figure]. Ulonemia mjöbergi : Drake and Ruhoff (1960a: 29) [taxonomy]. Ulonemia mjobergi : Drake and Ruhoff (1961 a: 139, fig. 12) [redescription]; Drake (1961: 112) [checklist]; Drake and Ruhoff (1965a: 421) [world catalogue]; Cassis and Gross (1995: 438) [Australian catalogue]; Dang et al . (2014: 49) [taxonomy]. Ulonemia plesia Drake and Ruhoff 1961: 138 [junior synonym]; Drake and Ruhoff (1965a: 425) [world catalogue]; Cassis and Gross (1995: 438) [Australian catalogue]; Dang et al . (2014: 49) [taxonomy]. Type material Syntypes . AUSTRALIA : Western Australia : Freemantle ( 2 ♂ , 4 ♀ ), Broome ( 2 ♀ ) ( MHNG ). Photograph of syntype examined . Other material examined AUSTRALIA : Western Australia : 15 km N of Millstream- Roebourne Rd on Karratha—Tom Price Rd, 21.07402°S 116.97158°E , 96 m , 30 Aug 2005 , G. Cassis, S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Stemodia grossa Benth. ( Scrophulariaceae ), det. Perth staff PERTH 7273126, 1 ♀ ( UNSW _ENT 00046459) ( AM ). 4 km SW of Poison Creek Beach, Cape Arid National Park, 33.92254°S 123.3181°E , 70 m , 25 Nov 1999 , R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Hakea obliqua R. Br subsp . obliqua ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 05671825, 4 ♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00011749- AMNH _PBI 00011752) ( AM ), Conospermum distichum R. Br. ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH05670403, 1 ♀ ( UNSW _ENT 00046461) ( UNSW ). 7.5 km E of Balladonia Road on Fisheries Road, 33.74644°S 123.1687°E , 120 m , 25 Nov 1999 , R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Hakea preissii Meisn. ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 05670926, 6 ♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00011753, AMNH _PBI 00011754, AMNH _PBI 00011756, AMNH _PBI 00011758, AMNH _PBI 00011761, AMNH _PBI 00011763), 1 unknown sex ( AMNH _PBI 00011755), 4 ♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00011757, AMNH _PBI 00011759, AMNH _PBI 00011760, AMNH _PBI 00011762) ( AM ). 39 km E of Lake King, 33.07796°S 120.0936°E , 400 m , 21 Nov 1999 , R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Hakea pandanicarpa R. Br. ( Proteaceae ), det. Perth Staff 05671620, 1 unknown sex ( AMNH _PBI 00011776), 11 ♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00011777- AMNH _PBI 00011779, AMNH _PBI 00011781, AMNH _PBI 00011782, AMNH _PBI 00011784- AMNH _PBI 00011786, AMNH _PBI 00011788, AMNH _PBI 00011790, AMNH _PBI 00011791), 4 ♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00011780, AMNH _PBI 00011783, AMNH _PBI 00011787, AMNH _ PBI 00011789) Hakea horrida R.M. Barker ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 05671221, 1 ♂ ( UNSW _ENT 00046445), 4 ♀ ( UNSW _ENT 00046446- UNSW _ENT 00046449) ( AM ). 135 km W of Coolgardie on Great Eastern Hiway, 31.27202°S 120.0059°E , 489 m , 17 Nov 1999 , R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Grevillea hookeriana Meisn. subsp . apiciloba ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 05670187, 1 ♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00179348) ( AMNH ). Mosman Park, Perth, 32°S 115.75°E , 30 m , 06 Sep 2001 , G. Cassis, Hakea sp. ( Proteaceae ), 4 ♂ ( UNSW _ENT 00046473- UNSW _ENT 00046476), 15 ♀ ( UNSW _ENT 00046477- UNSW _ENT 00046491) ( UNSW ). Yalgorup National Park, 32.83472°S 115.6524°E , 80 m , 04 Dec 1999 , R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Hakea trifurcata (Sm.) R. Br. ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 05670330, 4 ♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00011744- AMNH _PBI 00011747), 1 ♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00011748) Hakea prostrata R. Br. ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 05671728, 5 ♂ ( UNSW _ENT 00046450- UNSW _ENT 00046454), 4 ♀ ( UNSW _ENT 00046455- UNSW _ENT 00046458) ( AM ). Yalgorup National Park, 32.83583°S 115.65111°E , 27 Nov 1998 , G. Cassis, Dryandra sessilis (Knight) Domin var . cygnorum ( Proteaceae ) PERTH 05227623, 1 ♂ ( UNSW _ENT 00046444) ( AM ). Yalgorup National Park, near Martins Tank Campground, 32.84222°S 115.66222°E , 15 m , 14 Dec 1997 , Schuh, Cassis, Brailovsky, Dryandra sessilis (Knight) Domin ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 05055083, 1 ♂ ( UNSW _ENT 00046460) ( AM ). ca 13 km E of Denmark on South Coast Hiway, 34.99397°S 117.5086°E , 80 m , 01 Dec 1999 , R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Hakea prostrata R. Br. ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 05672236, 1; ( AMNH _PBI 00011764), 6 ♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00011765, AMNH _PBI 00011769, AMNH _ PBI 00011772- AMNH _PBI 00011775), 5 ♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00011766- AMNH _PBI 00011768, AMNH _PBI 00011770, AMNH _PBI 00011771) ( AM ). Diagnosis: Proteatingis mjobergi is recognized by the following combination of characters: antennal segment I black; collum elevated, forming short hood; anterior margin of collum projecting forward; paranota areolate along entire length, areolae easily visible and well-defined; metasternal carinae truncate-obovate. Male: Macropterous; 3.36 ± 0.13 mm ( N = 10) ( Table 3 ). COLORATION. Straw-coloured to reddish brown. Head : black; spines straw-coloured; bucculae straw-coloured; eyes red in nymphs and teneral imagos, fading to black with age. Antennae : AI black, AII–AIII golden-brown, AIV golden-brown proximally, quickly darkening to dark brown or black distally. Rostrum : golden-brown with dark brown to black apex. Pronotum : disc straw-coloured to brown; calli black; collum and paranota straw-coloured to golden-brown; lateral and medial carinae straw-coloured, medial carina reddish brown to brown posteriorly, lateral carina white posteriorly. Thoracic pleura and sterna : proepisternum straw-coloured to golden-brown anteriorly, mostly black posteriorly, proepimeron straw-coloured to golden-brown, supracoxal lobes golden-brown; mesepisternum mostly black, mesepimeron and supracoxal lobes golden-brown; metepisternum black ventrally, golden-brown dorsally; peritreme of metathoracic gland straw-coloured; prosternum and mesosternum black, metasternum brown; pro-, meso-, and metasternal carinae straw-coloured. Hemelytra : discoidal area straw-coloured medially, straw-coloured to brown proximally and distally; subcostal area straw-coloured to reddish brown to brown; costal margin straw-coloured to golden-brown with brown costal veins; sutural area straw-coloured. Legs : mostly golden-brown, coxae dark brown to black; tarsi dark brown to black distally. Abdominal venter : golden-brown. VESTITURE. Head : distribution of golden-brown aciculate setae in bands from base of AI to occipital spines and from frontal spines along either side of medial spine, to back of head; frons and gena with straw-coloured aciculate setae; medial spine with straw-coloured short aciculate to hooked setae; vertex with globules of wax; bucculae with arcuate aciculate setae and ciliate punctures. Antennae : AI–AII with straw-coloured sparse, aciculate arcuate setae; AIII with straw-coloured aciculate decumbent setae, AIV with straw-coloured aciculate setae; distal ends of AII and AIII with dense ring of microtrichia. Pronotum : anterior and paranotal margins with sparse distribution of arcuate aciculate setae; medial and lateral carinae with sparse distribution of arcuate aciculate setae; disc with minute scale-like setae and numerous punctures with six to eight cilia distributed evenly around internal rim of punctures; calli often with globules of wax. Thoracic pleura and sterna : proepisternum with arcuate aciculate setae and ciliate punctures anteriorly as on pronotal disc, lacking ciliate punctures posteriorly, proepimeron and supracoxal lobes with arcuate aciculate setae and ciliate punctures; mesepisternum with arcuate aciculate setae, mesepimeron and supracoxal lobes with arcuate aciculate setae and ciliate punctures posteriorly; metepisternum with arcuate aciculate setae and ciliate punctures; pro-, meso-, and metapluron covered with small wax globules. Legs : coxae to femur glabrous, tibia with golden-brown aciculate setae, setae very short proximally, increasing in length distally; coxae with single row of arcuate aciculate setae. Hemelytra : sparse distribution of short aciculate setae on veins. Abdominal venter : aciculate setae and wax distributed throughout. STRUCTURE. Head : frontal spines slightly conical, strongly convergent to crossed, approximately one-half length of AI; medial spine stout, conical, height subequal to AI; occipital spines straight, cylindrical, exceeding length of medial spine, easily exceeding anterior edge of collum. Antennae : AI and AII short, AII one-half length of AI; AIII longer than the pronotal width across humeral angles; AIV lanceolate. Labium : moderate length, extending to anterior margin of metasternum. Pronotum : strongly convex; collum apex inflated, forming short hood, height equal to disc; anterior margin of collum projecting forward; carinae slightly elevated from disc, uniseriate, areolae very small; medial and lateral carinae equal thickness, lateral carinae divaricating anteriorly; paranota curved, following disc, upturned obliquely, uniseriate to biseriate, areolae rectangular. Thoracic sterna : pro-, meso-, and metasternal carinae elevated, uniseriate, areolae small, rectangular; prosternal and mesosternal carinae straight, parallel, metasternal carinae truncate-obovate. Hemelytra : areolae small, irregular, and nearly uniform size in discoidal and subcostal areas; sutural area areolae similar to discoidal area proximally, increasing in size to 2× distally; costal area areolae rectangular; costal area uniseriate, subcostal area biseriate, discoidal area increasing from one to six or seven areolae wide, sutural area increasing from two to seven areolae wide. Male genitalia : pygophore ( Fig. 20A, B ); parameres ( Fig. 20C–E ); dorsal plate Y-shaped ( Fig. 20F ); aedeagus with paired large endosomal lobal sclerites ( Fig. 20F–H ); endosomal spinulation present ( Fig. 20F–H ). Female: Macropterous; 3.58 ± 0.08 mm ( N = 10) ( Table 3 ). COLORATION. As in male. VESTITURE. As in male. STRUCTURE. As in male. Plant associations: Recorded from two families and five genera. Proteaceae : Conospermum distichum , one specimen ; Dryandra sessilis , two specimens ; Grevillea hookeriana , one specimen ; Hakea horrida , five specimens ; H . obliqua , four specimens ; H . pandanicarpa , 16 specimens ; H . preissii , 11 specimens ; H . prostrata , 21 specimens ; H . trifurcata , five specimens ; Hakea sp. , 19 specimens . Scrophulariaceae : Stemodia grossa , one specimen . Distribution: Found in south-western Western Australia and near Broome, WA ( Fig. 21 ). Remarks: This species is superficially similar to P r. burckhardti and Pr . howardi but does not overlap the distribution these species. The records reported by Drake (1961) in New South Wales , from Lane Cove and Sydney, likely represent Pr . burckhardti ; we have not seen any specimens of Pr . mjobergi south of SE Queensland , and Pr . burckhardti is well represented in the Sydney region. It can be distinguished from Pr . burckhardti by the black first antennal segment (golden-brown in Pr . burckhardti ), and from Pr . howardi by the ovorectangular areolae of the costal area (vs. reticulate in Pr . howardi ).