Description of fifteen new species of the Hypoxys balteatus species group (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Author Mendonca, Maria Thayane S. 66075 - 110, Belém, Pará, Brazil; Author Nunes, Benedito M. e-mail: beneditomn @ gmail. com Author Fernandes, Jose Antonio M. text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2021 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2021-08-07 61 1 289 318 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2021.017 1804-6487 5177527 DD0F4CB0-2288-4285-9FE2-6843F4952967 Hypoxys breddini sp. nov. ( Figs 2C–D , 10A–F , 21A ) Material examined. Hඈඅඈඍඒඉൾ: J, BOLIVIA : Sൺඇ Cൺඋඅඈඌ: Mapiri ( IRSB ). Pൺඋൺඍඒඉൾඌ: BOLIVIA : Sൺඇඍൺ Cඋඎඓ: , Potrerillos del Guendá / 5–20.xi.2004 / B. K. Dozier // 7º40.20 S -063º. 27.44 W ( JEE ). Sൺඇ Cൺඋඅඈඌ: , Sarampiuni / 8.ix.1950 / W. Forster leg. ( ZSMC ); , no data ( UFRGS ). Diagnosis. Antennae reddish ( Fig. 2C ). Antennomere III longer than II. Pronotum with smoky stripe reaching posterior margin. Thoracic and abdominal pleurites and sternites with black spots ( Fig. 2D ). Anterior excavation of metasternal process harboring fourth and almost whole third rostral segment ( Fig. 10F ). Male genitalia. Pygophore ( Figs 10A–D ). Posterolateral angles developed, bent inwards ( Fig. 10A ). Superior process of genital cup bilobate, short and close to proctiger; inner and outer ends projected ventrally ( Figs 10C,D ). Paramere with two lobes; anterior lobe developed, triangular and directed to base of proctiger; lateral lobe large and rounded ( Figs 10C,D ). Proctiger with scattered setae on lateral excavation; posterior face subtriangular ( Figs 10A–C ). Ventral rim with expansions acuminate, ventrolateral side gently impressed, dorsal side with brown spot on margin; barely surpassing level of posterolateral angles ( Fig. 10B ). Female genitalia . Genital plates ( Fig. 10E ). Valvifers 8 posterior margin with posterolateral angles dentiform and short, inner angles dentiform, reaching valvifers 9; imaginary line tangent to posterolateral angles not reaching medial line of valvifers 9; excavation widely U-shaped. Valvulae 8 visible. Apices of laterotergites 8 clearly above level of apices of abdominal segment VII. Laterotergites 9 clearly surpassing band connecting laterotergites 8; apices clearly below imaginary line tangent to apices of abdominal segment VII. Figs 10A–F. Hypoxys breddini sp. nov. A–D – pygophore in dorsal, ventral, posterior and posterolateral view, respectively; E – genital plates; F – metasternal process. Scale bars = 1 mm. Measurements (n = 4; mm). Total length 17.0–18.2; head length 1.6–1.8; head width 3.2–3.5; pronotum width 10.2–11.9; abdomen width 8.2–9.0; length of antennomeres: I – 0.8–0.9; II – 1.4–1.6; III – 1.5–1.8; IV – 1.8–3.5; V – 3.3–4.0; scutellum length 7.4–8.4; scutellum width 5.7–6.0; pronotum length 3.1–3.5. Differential diagnosis. See differential diagnosis of H. balteatus . Etymology. Named after Gustav Breddin (1864–1909), the German entomologist that made the most important contribution to the knowledge of Hypoxys in the early 20 th century. Distribution ( Fig. 21A ). Bolivia : Santa Cruz and San Carlos.