New additions to the shallow-water hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) of the French Lesser Antilles: Martinique
Galea, Horia R.
journal article
Diphasia digitalis
(Busk, 1852)
Fig. 6A–B
Material examined
Stn. 8
, 12–
15 m
: numerous sterile stems on sponge (MHNG-INVE-82973).
. For a recent redescription of this species, refer to
Schuchert (2003)
Geographical distribution
. Circumglobal in tropical and subtropical waters (
Schuchert 2003
). In the Caribbean, it was found in
Puerto Rico
Fraser 1944
), St. Thomas (
Vervoort 1968
), and
(present study).
Sertularella calderi
sp. nov.
Fig. 6
C–G, J–M; Table 3)
Sertularella conica
Calder, 1983
: 11, fig. 4; 1991: 99, fig. 52; 2013: 29, fig.
S. conica
Allman, 1877
Sertulariella gayi
Verrill, 1900
: 571 [not
S. gayi
(Lamouroux, 1821)
; incorrect subsequent spelling].
Sertularella gayi
Verrill, 1907
: 319, fig. 170 [not
S. gayi
(Lamouroux, 1821)
Sertularella tenella
Bennitt, 1922
: 250
S. tenella
Alder, 1857
Sertularella inconstans
Calder & Hester, 1978
: 91
S. inconstans
Billard, 1919
Material examined
Stn. 2
, 1 m,
: fertile stems on sponge and limestone (
: MHNG- INVE-82937).
. Colony comprising both stolonal hydrothecae and erect stems, up to
1.15 cm
high, arising from creeping hydrorhiza. Stems monosiphonic, almost straight, unbranched or with an occasional, short side branch; stem composed of a basal part (210–570 µm long) devoid of hydrothecae, and a much longer, distal part, carrying up to 24 successive thecae. Perisarc moderately thick, nodes unnoticeable; equivalents of internodes of uniform length, rather short, bearing a single hydrotheca distally; aperture of a hydrotheca surpassing base of the following one (
Fig. 6
C, D). Side branches, when present, given off from below the base of a stem hydrotheca (
Fig. 6
C); structure similar to stem. Hydrothecae alternate, flask-shaped, adnate for half or slightly less their total length, widest at level where the adaxial wall becomes free; narrowing distally, and provided with a short neck region below the aperture. Abaxial wall provided with 3–4 undulations, free adaxial wall with only 2–3 of these (
Fig. 6
E). Aperture rhomboidal in frontal view (
Fig. 6
F), margin with four triangular cusps separated by shallow embayments; operculum of four triangular valves. Five internal, submarginal teeth (a prominent abaxial one, two smaller latero-abaxial, and two latero adaxial) projecting for 1/3 inside the lumen of hydrotheca. Hydranths greenish, more markedly in their distal halves; 28–30 filiform tentacles. Gonothecae, one per stem, arising from below the base of a hydrotheca through a short pedicel (
Fig. 6
J); male similar to female, elongate-oval, nearly radially symmetrical, though slightly smaller and with fewer transverse annulations (8–9
. 8–12); aperture distal, borne on short neck region, surrounded by 2–5 blunt spines. Female gonotheca carrying 20–30 spherical oocytes with large nuclei (
Fig. 6
K); male gonotheca producing a homogenous mass of milky-white sperm cells around the blastostyle (
Fig. 6
J). Aperture of female gonotheca obstructed by thin perisarc in younger stages, changing to an internally-projected, funnel-shaped structure, with simple or fronded margin, in ripe gonothecae (
Fig. 6
M); young male gonothecae closed apically, and provided with a rounded aperture when ripe (
Fig. 6
. Two Caribbean congeners,
S. peculiaris
Leloup, 1974
S. fraseri
Galea, 2010a
, superficially resemble the present species, and material belonging to them was reexamined in the course of this study. They are immediately distinguished from
S. calderi
through the more delicate appearance of their colonies, covered by much thinner perisarc, and their slightly smaller hydrothecae, less adnate in the former (
I) and with many corrugated walls in the latter species (
Fig. 6
to the gonothecae, those of
S. peculiaris
bear 7–8 more or less distinct, incomplete transverse ridges (
Galea 2008
), while those of
S. fraseri
are comparatively smaller and provided with sharper corrugations (
Galea 2010a
). For a morphometrical comparison, see Table 3.
. Comparative measurements of
Sertularella calderi
sp. nov.
S. fraseri
Galea, 2010a
, and
S. peculiaris
Leloup, 1974
. *The gonotheca figured by
Migotto (1996, fig. 12K)
was probably injured, thus explaining its smaller size compared to that of the Caribbean
S. peculiaris
Sertularella calderi
sp. nov.
S. fraseri
Sertularella peculiaris
Leloup, 2010
a 1974
Reference |
Present study |
Calder (1983), as
S. conica
Allman, 1877
Calder (1991), as
S. conica
Allman, 1877
Galea (2010a) & present study |
Galea (2008) & present study |
Migotto (1996), as
S. conica
Allman, 1877
Internodes |
- length |
155–325 |
– |
362–851 |
425–850 |
205–820 |
- diameter |
170–220 |
135–181 |
138–255 |
80–105 |
105–120 |
Hydrotheca |
- abcauline |
495–525 |
398–562 |
404–638 |
375–415 |
445–525 |
400–448 |
- free adcauline |
275–300 |
293–445 |
319–553 |
250–280 |
335–380 |
272–352 |
- adnate adcauline |
290–340 |
211–257 |
181–340 |
190–220 |
150–170 |
136–152 |
- maximum width |
265–275 |
– |
230–250 |
205–240 |
240–256 |
- diameter at neck region |
205–215 |
– |
125–145 |
150–170 |
- diameter at aperture |
245–260 |
187–211 |
181–213 |
160–170 |
170–190 |
184–228 |
Gonotheca |
- length 3 - length Ƥ |
1245–1410 1455–1525 |
– – |
. 1250
830–890 |
1270–1385 |
. 720*
- max. width 3 - max. width Ƥ |
660–770 740–840 |
– – |
. 660
535–605 |
760–860 |
. 600*
Earlier records of
S. calderi
appear to be present in the literature. According to the description and illustrations given by
Verrill (1907)
, his Bermudan hydroid assigned to
S. gayi
(Lamouroux, 1921)
corresponds in every respect to the present material. In the absence of formal description and illustrations, I assume that his earlier record (
Verrill 1900
) belongs to the present species as well. The same applies also to the hydroid identified as
S. tenella
Alder, 1857
Bennitt (1922)
In an earlier paper (
Galea 2008
), I considered that the hydroids assigned to
S. conica
Allman, 1877
by both
Calder (1983
) and
Migotto (1996)
belonged to
S. peculiaris
Leloup, 1974
. In light of the present material from
, and after comparison with Leloup's species, I now conclude that Migotto's hydroid belongs instead to the latter, given the size of its hydrothecae (see Table 3) and the low degree of fusion (one third) of the adcauline wall with the internode. In contrast, Calder's specimens belong to the new species under discussion here, based on the fact that their hydrothecae are adnate for half their length.
. A, B:
Diphasia digitalis
(Busk, 1852)
―stem internode in frontal (left) and lateral (right) views (A); optical cross section through internode at level of hydrothecal apertures (B). C–G, J–M:
Sertularella calderi
sp. nov.
―fragments of stem (C, D); hydrothecae (E) and aperture viewed from above (F); comparison of the hydrotheca (G) with those of
S. fraseri
Galea, 2010
a (H) and
S. peculiaris
Leloup, 1974
(I); male (J) and female (K) gonothecae; apertures of male (L) and female (M) gonothecae viewed laterally (below) and apically (above). N–P:
Sertularelloides cylindritheca
(Allman, 1888)
―internodes (N); lateral view of hydrotheca (O) with thickened internal ring of perisarc at base of apophysis (right), and frontal view of the latter (left); apical view of hydrotheca (P). Q–T:
Thyroscyphus longicaulis
Splettstösser, 1929
―fragment of stem (Q); internode and hydrotheca (R); aperture (S); male (left) and female (right) gonothecae (T). U–Z:
Hincksella formosa
(Fewkes, 1881)
―hydrotheca (U); gonotheca seen laterally (V), and in optical cross section (X); aperture (Y). Scale bars: 10 µm (Z), 200 µm (F, L, M), 300 µm (P), 500 µm (A, B, E, G–I, O, S, U, Y), 1 mm (C, D, J, K, N, R, T, V, X), 4 mm (Q).
stated by
Calder (1991)
, the specimens from shallower waters have "smaller and more strongly annulated hydrothecae and shorter internodes", thus perfectly fitting my material. In addition, the dimensions given for his gonothecae fit better those of the males in the specimens in hand.
There is much confusion over the identity of
Sertularella conica
Allman, 1877
, with almost all the subsequent records apparently belonging to other species, as noted earlier by
Calder (1991)
. According to him,
material of
S. conica
Allman, 1877
could not be located for reexamination. However, Allman described and figured the internodes of his species as long6, thus appearing radically different from those of
S. calderi
. The second known record of
S. conica
is, in my opinion, that by
Calder (1991)
, who identified his material as
S. gayi unituba
, a new variety of Lamouroux' (1821) species. He stated that the "hydroids of
S. gayi unituba
resemble those of
S. conica
Allman, 1877
, in colony form and size, and the hydrothecae of both species bear transverse wrinkles", but I think that he was mislead by the discovery of the gonothecae in what he called
S. conica
S. calderi
sp. nov.
). According to him, the gonothecae of
S. gayi unituba
S. conica
Allman, 1877
) are "less strongly ridged, especially towards the base" and have "a more slender neck distally with fewer spines around the margin". I suspect that Calder's (1991) account on
S. gayi unituba
is actually the first redescription of Allman's (1877) species, which further contributes with the discovery of its gonotheca.
Cape Verde
specimens assigned by Medel & Vervoort (1998) to Calder's subspecies, eventually raised to species as
S. unituba
, is reported to be extremely varied morphologically, and it may or many not, partly or all, belong to
S. conica
Sertularella calderi
sp. nov.
appears to be related to a group of species including
S. africana
Stechow, 1919
S. ellisii
(Deshayes & Milne-Edwards, 1836)
S. fusiformis
(Hincks, 1861)
S. mixta
Galea & Schories, 2012
S. lagenoides
Stechow, 1919
S. mediterranea
Hartlaub, 1901
S. simplex
(Hutton, 1873)
, and
S. uruguayensis
Mañé- Garzón & Milstein, 1973, whose common features were summarized by
Galea & Schories (2012)
. Unlike them,
S. calderi
has equally developed hydrothecal cusps (the abcauline one is not conspicuously tilted outwards), five (instead of only three) submarginal perisarc projections, and its female gonotheca is provided with a peculiar, funnel-shaped, interal structure with simple or fronded margin. In addition, its geographical distribution sets it apart from its congeners listed above.
. It is my pleasure to dedicate this species to my colleague Dale R. Calder of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto,
, for his valuable contribution to the sudy of hydroids during more than four decades.
Geographical distribution
. South Carolina (
Calder 1983, as
S. conica
Verrill 1907
, as
S. gayi
Calder 1991
, as
S. conica
), Florida (
Calder 2013, as
S. conica
(present study).