Taxonomy of the Panorpa issikiana species group, with descriptions of twenty new species (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) Author Wang, Ji-Shen College of Agriculture and Biological Science, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, P. R. China; e-mail: wangjishen 826 @ gmail. com & Cangshan Forest Ecosystem Observation and Research Station of Yunnan Province, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, P. R. China & Corresponding author Author Zhao, Can-Jun Biodiversity Conservation and Breeding Center (Dali) of Northwestern Yunnan, Bureau of the Cangshan-Erhai National Nature Reserve, Dali, Yunnan 671000, P. R. China; e-mail: 180389099 @ qq. com text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2024 2024-06-15 64 1 79 106 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2024.007 1804-6487 12519728 B87622D2-95FB-4692-A76E-ABC00EF184B1 Panorpa wenhai Wang sp. nov. ( Figs 177–186 ) Type material. HOLOTYPE : J ( CN23 Piskwen001), CHINA : YUN- NAN: Lijiang Prefecture , southern slope of the Yulong (Jade Dragon) Snow Mountain , road to Wenhai , 26°56′59″N , 100°11′15″E , 2900 m , 9.viii.2023 , leg. Chun-Mei Liao & Ji-Shen Wang ( DALU ) . PARATYPES : 1 J 9 ♀♀ ( CN 23Piskwen002–011), same data ( DALU ). Diagnosis. This species superficially resembles P. niaodiaoshana Wang sp. nov. , but can be differentiated from the latter by: in males, 1) parameres with dorsal branch short, not extending beyond aedeagus ( Fig. 182 vs. longer, exceeding aedeagus in Figs 112–114 ); 2) ventral branch of parameres longer than half length of dorsal branch ( Figs 183, 184 vs. short and hook-like in Figs 113, 114 ); in females, 3) medigynium with basal portion of main plate much broader than distal portion ( Fig. 186 vs. nearly rectangular in Fig. 116 ). Measurements (mm). Male (n = 2): AtL 10.0–10.3, AbL 9.5–9.6, BdL 13.1–13.3, FL 13.1–13.3, FW 3.2, HL 12.0–12.1, HW 3.1. Female (n = 9): AtL 10.0–11.4, AbL 6.6–7.0, BdL 10.0–12.0, FL 12.0–13.5, FW 2.9–3.2, HL 11.0–12.2, HW 2.9–3.1. Etymology. Named after Wenhai, an alpine lake near the type locality. Noun in apposition. Distribution. China : Yunnan : Lijiang: Yulong Snow Mountain ( Fig. 212 ).