A new species of Oiovelia from Colombia, with notes for other three species of South American Veliinae (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Veliidae) Author Rodrigues, Higor D. D. Author Arango, Luisa Fernanda Álvarez text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2019 Pap. Avulsos Zool., S. Paulo 2019-08-15 59 1 9 http://dx.doi.org/10.11606/1807-0205/2019.59.35 journal article 10.11606/1807-0205/2019.59.35 1807-0205 4637377 1415D3F3-9009-4B40-826B-03D3D6E6C901 Paravelia cunhai Rodrigues & Moreira, 2016 ( Figs. 2 A-B, 5) Paravelia cunhai Rodrigues & Moreira, 2016b: 184-187 (original description). Description: Macropterous female (n = 2): Length 4.50-4.80, maximum width (across the humeral angles) 1.80-1.95. Similar to male in color and morphology ( Figs. 2 A-B) except: Fore tibia with small grasping comb, 0.12 mm long. Hind femur with 7-9 small spines on mesal margin of distal half. Laterotergites slightly elevated. Lateral margins of abdominal segments III-V with whitish pruinose areas below insertion region of lateral abdominal muscles (viewed using a posterior illumination). Posterior corner of last laterotergite rounded to slightly acuminate, not forming a spine. Venter of abdomen without black denticles. Superior portion of first gonocoxa with some black denticles. Distribution: Brazil , Pará : Vitória do Xingu ( Rodrigues & Moreira, 2016b ), Canaã dos Carajás (present study) ( Fig. 5 ). Discussion: The pattern of maculae on the fore wings of the female is similar to that of the holotype . This species was described based on a macropterous male collected inside a cave, without incidence of light, in the State of Pará , northern Brazil ( Rodrigues & Moreira, 2016b ). The two females examined here also were collected inside a cave in the State of Pará . Material examined: All specimens macropterous, glued to a paper point, and deposited at MZUSP . Brazil , Pará : Brasil, Pará, Canaã dos Carajás , Serra da Bocaina , caverna, 620096 mE, 9306129 mN, SAD 69, 05-15.Mar.2012, Pellegati et al., col., GEM 1471, Carste 2523 ( 1 female ) ; same data, except Carste 2594 ( 1 female ) . Paravelia polhemusi Rodrigues, Moreira, Nieser,