Review of the Nearctic species of Enargia Hubner, [1821] (Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Xylenini) Author Schmidt, Christian Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa ,, Canada text ZooKeys 2010 2010-03-18 39 39 205 223 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.39.429 5c2ea8f4-6c5d-49ad-bcc6-8946b4eb632b 1313–2970 576642 7056E01D-A8ED-44D1-833C-6909E0D18C10 Key to species of Nearctic Enargia Hübner 1. Forewing without black spot at base of reniform, at most with basal grey shading, but this never darker than other forewing markings; outline of claviform spot often present as thin dark line below orbicular; break of antemedial line generally pointed, at right angle or slightly greater; male with corona of valve extending along 1/2 of valve length (Figs 55, 56); females with abdomen thinly scaled and longer than that of males, ovipositor usually protruding beyond terminal scales; ductus bursae (appearing as bulbous rugose area separated from corpus bursae) 0.4–0.6 × as long as (sclerotized) segment VIII (Figs 64, 65) ................................................................................ E. decolor Forewing with black spot at base of reniform that is distinctly darker than other forewing markings (Figs 1–33) (may be obscure in very dark specimens, e.g. Figs 1, 16); claviform entirely absent; angle of antemedial line generally rounded, obtuse; male with corona of valve extending along valve for 2/3 of valve length; females with abdomen scaled as in male (except for lateral and terminal tufts); abdomen length same as that of male, ovipositor not usually protruding beyond terminal scales; ductus bursae (appearing as bulbous rugose area separated from corpus bursae) 0.8–1.0 × as long as (sclerotized) segment VIII (Figs 66, 67) ............................................................ 2 2. Forewing highly variable in colour, but only rarely yellow ochre with contrasting dark markings (Figs 1–18); AM and PM lines usually indistinct, not thin, sharp, and contrasting; border of reniform and orbicular usually weakly defined and interrupted, or absent altogether; hindwing ground colour dull ochre to greyish ochre; male genitalia with right cornutus relatively small, i.e., length of sclerotized plate 4–5 × greater than length of free apex of cornutus (Fig. 59); female corpus bursae 5–6 × length of segment VIII, and gradually tapering to terminal sac (Fig. 64) .............................................. E. infumata Forewings yellow ochre to orange ochre with contrasting dark markings (Figs 19–30), never unicolourous grey or brown; AM and PM lines distinct, sharp, and contrasting; border of reniform and orbicular usually sharply defined and continuous; hindwing ground colour yellow ochre; male genitalia with right cornutus relatively large, i.e., length of sclerotized plate only 2–2.5 × greater than length of free apex of cornutus (Fig. 60); female corpus bursae 3.5–4 × length of segment VIII, with terminal sac abruptly tapered (Fig. 65) .. ................................................................................................. E. fausta sp. n.