New earthworm species of the genus Pheretima (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) from Mountain Province, Philippines Author Hong, Yong Author James, Samuel W. text Journal of Natural History 2011 2011-08-31 45 29 - 30 1769 1788 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2011.560726 1464-5262 5203969 Pheretima amuyaoensis sp. nov. ( Figure 2 ) Type material Holotype : Clitellate (NMA 04374): Philippines , Mountain province , Amuyao Low Ridge ( 17 01.27 N , 121 07.00 E ), 2233 m a.s.l. , lower montane forest, in soil, 6 April 2001 , A. Castillo coll. paratype : 1 clitellate (NMA 04380): Mountain province , Mt. Amuyao , just below summit at N. slope ( 17 00.81 N , 121 07.69 E ), 2720 m a.s.l. , mossy forest, in soil, 6 April 2001 , S. W. James coll. Figure 2. Pheretima amuyaoensis sp. nov. : (A) ventral view; (B) spermathecae. Scale bars = 3 mm (A), 2 mm (B). Etymology The species is named after its type locality, Mt. Amuyao . Diagnosis Two pairs of ventral spermathecal pores in 5/6, 6/7, 0.23–0.24 circumference apart; copulatory bursae openings 0.23 circumference apart, distance between openings 2.9 mm , openings flanked internally by anterior, posterior semicircular pads, penis an oval ridge with shallow groove on crest, intestinal origin in XVI, fan-shaped array of prostatic ductlets join main prostatic duct. Description Red-brown dorsal pigment, ventral I–VIII; setal zones with reduced pigment. Dimensions 88 mm by 3.8 at segment X, 4 mm at XXX, 3.5 mm at clitellum, segments 74; body circular in cross-section. Dorsal setae wider spacing than ventral, numbering 21 at VII, 21 at XX; 2 between male pores, setal formula AA:AB:YZ:ZZ = 4:3:6:5 at XIII. Clitellum annular XIV–XVI; setae invisible externally. First dorsal pores 12/13. Two pairs of ventrolaterally placed spermathecal pores in 5/6, 6/7 at 6th setal lines, pores, surrounded by white unpigmented circle, 0.23–0.24 circumference apart; distance between spermathecal pores 2.8–2.9 mm . Female pore single in XIV; 0.4 mm openings of copulatory bursa paired in XVIII at 5 th –6th setal lines, 0.23 circumference apart ventrally; distance between openings 2.9 mm . Genital markings lacking. Septa 5/6–6/7 thick, 7/8 very thin, 8/9–9/10 absent, 10/11–13/14 very thin with some muscle fibres. Gizzard in VIII–X, intestine begins in XVI, small paired lymph glands from XXVII along dorsal vessel; intestinal caeca simple originating in XXVII, extending anteriorly about to XXIII, finger-shaped sac; typhlosole 1/4 lumen diameter from XXVII. Hearts X–XIII oesophageal; X, XI small, XII, XIII large; 34 longitudinal intestinal wall blood vessels. Ovaries and funnels in XIII, spermathecae in VI, VII with nephridia on ducts; spermathecal ampulla egg-shaped with smooth surface, with some small black pigment spots, non-muscular duct shorter than ampulla; diverticulum with egg-shaped, iridescent chamber, stalk as long as chamber. Male sexual system holandric, testes and funnels in ventral paired sacs in X, XI. Seminal vesicles two pairs in XI, XII, small ovate dorsal lobes in shallow notches; prostates in XVII–XVIII, glands single racemose mass with fan-shaped array of ductlets to muscular duct along anterior face of copulatory bursae, duct bending posteriorly to enter centre of copulatory bursae without coelomic glands; copulatory bursae opening flanked anterior, posterior by semi-circular pads with glandular tissue under them, penis an oval ridge with shallow groove on crest, slit pore at lateral end of groove. Remarks Pheretima amuyaoensis sp. nov. and the next new species, Pheretima salcedoi sp. nov. share the spermathecal pores in 5/6 and 6/7, and are the first such species recorded in the genus Pheretima . Pheretima amuyaoensis sp. nov. was collected on two sites, the low ridge ( 2233 m ), and just below the summit ( 2720 m ), but Pheretima salcedoi sp. nov. was only found at the higher elevation site. Pheretima amuyaoensis sp. nov. has 21 setae in segments in VII and XX, compared to Pheretima salcedoi sp. nov. with 27–28 setae in VII and 33– 35 setae in XX. Pheretima amuyaoensis sp. nov. has fewer setae between the male pores than Pheretima salcedoi sp. nov. (2 versus 6–7). Pheretima amuyaoensis sp. nov. lacks septa 8/9 and 9/10, has non-muscular spermathecal ducts, and has an intestinal origin in XVI, and Pheretima salcedoi sp. nov. has septum 8/9, has muscular spermathecal ducts, the intestinal origin is in XV and the typhlosole begins in XXIV rather than in XXVII.