On Chinese Trachyphloeini with description of four new species (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) Author Ren, Li Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8597-0449 Author Borovec, Roman Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Department of Forest Protection and Entomology, Kamycka 1176, CZ- 165 21 Praha 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic Author Zhang, Runzhi Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9001-0154 zhangrz@ioz.ac.cn text ZooKeys 2020 974 93 119 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.974.56059 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.974.56059 1313-2970-974-93 A7F28C32A0644CAB8F6674462E6D54A4 3C4B40D4246C57A680AA7657C27AD210 Rhinodontodes alashanensis sp. nov. Figs 1-4 , 25 , 26-27 , 52 Type locality. Alashan, Bayanhaotezhen (China: Inner Mongolia). Material examined. Holotype. China - Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region • 1 ♂; Alashan , Dyn-yuan-in , V.08 ek . Kozlova [Alashan, Ding-yuan-ying (now Bayanhaotezhen), v.1908, Kozlov's expedition]; Pseudocneorhinus alashanicus Typ. m.; G. Suvorov det.; ZIN. Paratypes . CHINA - Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region • 1 ♂ 1 ♀; same data as for holotype; ZIN. Description. Body length: 3.94-4.31 mm, holotype 3.94 mm. Body (Figs 1-4 ) dark brownish, epistome, mucros, and claws reddish brown, fringe of setae on protibiae yellowish. Appressed scales covering antennae, head, pronotum, elytra and legs, except antennal clubs; scales on elytra oval, wider than long, densely and finely longitudinally striate, very dense, imbricate, six or seven scales across interval width, light brownish on disc with small, irregularly scattered dark brownish and greyish spots and with light greyish stripe along lateral margins, occupying three lateral intervals and very short apical part of elytra. Pronotum and head with rostrum with oval appressed scales standing on their edges and visible only as special structure of narrow short lines, only short flat area behind frons with the same appressed scales as elytra. Semi-appressed elytral setae subspatulate to spatulate, in holotype more slender than in paratypes, approximately as long as half of width of one interval, densely and finely longitudinally striate, creating one regular row on each interval, distance between two setae 2 x length of one seta. Pronotum and head with rostrum with almost identical semi-appressed setae, irregularly scattered, on pronotum transversely directed, on rostrum shorter than on elytra and longitudinally directed. Antennal scapes and femora with semi-appressed setae, funicles, tibiae and tarsi with semi-erect, moderately long setae, prominent from outline. Clubs densely and finely setose. Rostrum (Figs 1-4 , 25 ) 1.17-1.22 x as long as wide, from base slightly, regularly enlarged apicad with straight sides, at apex only slightly wider than at base. Epifrons at basal third distinctly tapered apicad, then weakly enlarged apicad, in both parts with slightly convex sides, at apex distinctly narrower than at base, longitudinally shallowly depressed. Epistome long and conspicuous, distinct in dorsal and lateral view, as wide as apex of rostrum or slightly wider, separated from frons by very narrow carina, in females U-shaped, slender, lengthily exceeding anterior rostral margin, with tips directed anteriad, in males V-shaped, wider, less exceeding anterior rostral margin, with tips directed obliquely, laterally. Frons flat, squamose, bearing in lateral parts four or five pairs of stout apical setae, obliquely directed anteriad. Scrobes in dorsal view visible in apical third of rostrum as narrow furrows; in lateral view narrow, subparallel-sided, weakly curved, directed towards middle of eyes, visible as short furrow only in apical half of rostrum, in basal half with margins weakly indicated. Rostrum in lateral view somewhat convex, separated from head by shallow transverse depression. Eyes almost flat, hardly prominent from outline of head. Head distinctly enlarged basad. Antennae slender; scapes faintly regularly curved, approximately equally long as funicles, at basal two thirds weakly and regularly enlarged apicad, at apical third enlarged somewhat more, at apex equally wide as clubs. Funicles with segments 1 and 2 conical, long, funicle segment 1 slightly longer and wider than segment 2, in males more slender than in females; in males funicle 1 1.7-1.8 x as long as wide; segment 2 1.8-1.9 x as long as wide; segment 3 1.1 x as long as wide; segments 4 and 5 isodiametric; segment 6 1.1 x as wide as long; segment 7 1.4 x as wide as long; in females funicle 1 1.7-1.8 x as long as wide; segment 2 1.6-1.7 x as long as wide; segment 3 and 4 1.2 x as wide as long; segment 5 1.3 x as wide as long; segment 6 1.4 x as wide as long; segment 7 1.6 x as wide as long. Pronotum (Figs 1-4 ) 1.34-1.36 x as wide as long, widest just behind the midlength, with rounded sides, more strongly tapered anteriad than posteriad, behind anterior margin weakly constricted. Disc regularly convex. Base arched. Pronotum in lateral view moderately convex, ocular lobes developed. Elytra (Figs 1-4 ) 1.26-1.30 x as long as wide, oval, widest at midlength, with regularly rounded sides; shoulders regularly rounded; basal margin arched. Striae narrow, punctured, punctures hidden by appressed scales; stria 1 at base distinctly curved outwards, sutural interval at base distinctly enlarged. Interval almost flat, equally wide and elevated. Elytra in lateral view convex. Protibiae moderately long and slender, mesally distinctly, laterally weakly enlarged, at apex rounded, with fringe of short and fine yellowish setae, mucronate, inner margin of protibiae and metatibiae with 2-3 very small, black, almost indistinct teeth; metatibial corbels densely squamose. Tarsi slender; tarsomere 2 1.2-1.3 x as wide as long; tarsomere 3 1.5-1.6 x as wide as long and 1.4 x as wide as tarsomere 2; onychium (tarsomere 5) 1.4-1.6 x as long as tarsomere 3. Claws fused at basal third, moderately and regularly divergent apicad. Penis (Fig. 26 ) short and wide, 1.91 x as long as wide, in ventral view at base and at apex approximately equally wide, parallel-sided with slightly concave sides; apex regularly rounded to small, regular triangular prolongation; in lateral view wide, regularly curved, subcrescent-shaped, with slender and short apical elongation. Female genitalia. Sternite VIII umbrella-shaped with short apodeme. Gonocoxites not examined. Spermatheca (Fig. 28 ) with long, regularly and distinctly curved cornu; corpus large; ramus subsquare, nodulus smaller, subtriangular. Figures 1-8. Habitus of species of Rhinodontodes : 1, 2 R. alashanensis sp. nov., female, paratype, dorsal and lateral view 3, 4 R. alashanensis sp. nov., male, holotype, dorsal and lateral view 5, 6 R. subsignatus , female, dorsal and lateral view 7, 8 R. subsignatus , male, dorsal and lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Biology. Unknown. Distribution. China, Inner Mongolia (Fig. 52 ). Etymology. Patronymic, name is derived from the name of type locality. Differential diagnosis. Rhinodontodes alashanensis is similar to the only other known species of the genus, R. subsignatus Voss, 1967. It is possible to distinguish the two species by the following key:
1 Larger body size, 4.5-5.4 mm. Epistome short, with points narrower than rostrum at apex, in females V-shaped, moderately robust, slightly exceeding anterior margin of rostrum (Figs 5-8 ). Pronotum wider, 1.37-1.41 x as wide as long (Figs 5-8 ). Penis with long apical part (Fig. 27 ). China, Inner, Mongolia; Mongolia R. subsignatus Voss
- Smaller body size, 3.9-4.3 mm. Epistome long, with tips as wide or wider than rostrum at apex, in females U-shaped, slender, distinctly exceeding anterior margin of rostrum (Figs 1-4 ). Pronotum narrower, 1.34-1.36 x as wide as long (Figs 1-4 ). Penis with short apical part (Fig. 26 ). China, Inner Mongolia R. alashanensis sp. nov.