Bryozoan faunas at the Tortonian-Messinian transition. A palaeoenvironmental case study from Crete Island, eastern Mediterranean Author Moissette, Pierre National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, Department of Historical Geology and Paleontology 15784, Athens (Greece) and CR 2 P (CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, Sorbonne Université), Département Origines et Évolution, UMR 7207, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, case postale 38, 57 rue Cuvier, F- 75231 Paris cedex 05 (France) Author Antonarakou, Assimina National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment Department of Historical Geology & Paleontology, 15784, Athens (Greece) Author Kontakiotis, George National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment Department of Historical Geology & Paleontology, 15784, Athens (Greece) Author Cornée, Jean-Jacques Géosciences Montpellier, Université de Montpellier Université des Antilles, CNRS, Pointe à Pitre, Guadeloupe, FWI (France) Author Karakitsios, Vasileios National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment Department of Historical Geology & Paleontology, 15784, Athens (Greece) text Geodiversitas 2021 2021-12-16 43 26 1365 1400 journal article 20894 10.5252/geodiversitas2021v43a26 f8cedc0a-01dc-4bb0-855b-18064d237655 1638-9395 5796571 Discoporella reussiana ( Manzoni, 1869 ) ( Fig. 9C, D ) Cupularia reussiana Manzoni, 1869: 27 , pl. 2, fig. 19. Cupuladria reussiana Annoscia 1963: 226 , pl. 9, fig. 2; pl. 10, fig. 2; pl. 13, fig. 1; pl. 14, fig. 1a-b. — Prenant & Bobin 1966: 316 , fig. 104. — Reguant 1969: 38 , figs 1-3. Reussirella reussiana –Baluk & Radwansky 1984: 27, pl. 11, figs 1-2. Discoporella reussiana Cook 1965: 219 , text-fig.2f; pl. 3, fig. 1. — Poluzzi 1975: 52 , pl. 18, figs 1a-m, 2, 3. — Pouyet & Moissette 1992: 44 , pl. 5, fig. 4-6. — Moissette et al. 1993: 96 , figs 5c-d. — Haddadi-Hamdane 1996: 66, pl. 5, figs 2, 3, 8. OCCURRENCE. — Middle Miocene: Austria (Baluk & Radwansky 1984). Late Miocene: Italy , Crete ( Moissette et al. 1993 ). Pliocene: Algeria (Haddadi-Hamdane 1996), Sicily ( Pouyet & Moissette 1992 ). Pleistocene: Spain ( Reguant 1969 ), Sicily , Umbria , central Italy ( Bizzarri et al. 2015 ). Recent: the present-day occurrence of this species is doubtful ( Cook 1965 ; Prenant & Bobin 1966 ). The nearest living species, R. doma , lives in tropical to subtropical waters of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, on sandy to muddy bottoms at depths of 10 to 370 m ( Cook 1965 ; Prenant & Bobin 1966 ). DESCRIPTION Lunulitiform colony. Frontal surface with alternating radial series of rhomboidal zooids, each bearing a distal vibraculum. The six cryptocystal denticles do not fuse in the middle of the opesia. The apical zone of the colony shows zooids covered by a calcified lamina. Basal surface depressed in the centre, displaying marked radial grooves and strong tubercles. REMARKS D. reussiana resembles very much Reussirella doma (d’Orbigny, 1851) to which it has been confused ( Prenant & Bobin 1966 ). According to Cook (1965) , the unfused cryptocystal denticles are especially characteristic of the western African Reussirella owenii (Gray, 1828).