Checklist of order Tetraodontiformes (Actinopterygii) from Puducherry Coasts, Southeast Coast of India with Nine New Records Author Mary, S. Nithya Kanchi Mamunivar Government Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Lawspet - 605008, Puducherry, India; Email: sofinithy @ gmail. com Author Ravitchandirane, V. Kanchi Mamunivar Government Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Lawspet - 605008, Puducherry, India; Email: sofinithy @ gmail. com Author Gunalan, B. Thiru Kolanjiappar Government Arts College, Virudhachalam - 606001, Tamil Nadu, India text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 2021 121 3 393 404 journal article 10.26515/rzsi/v121/i3/2021/155960 2581-8686 13186261 Cyclichthys orbicularis Bloch, 1785 ( Figure 2Q ) Material examined : India : Puducherry, Pillaichavadi fish landing centre (12°0’31”, 79°51’31” NE 4892), 08.xii.2020 , 4 exs. , leg. Nithya Mary [ MARC /ZSI/F- 8310] . Common Name : Bird beak burrfish, Fixed Spine Porcupinefish, Orbicular Burrfish, Rounded Porcupinefish, Short-spined Porcupinefish. Distribution : India : Puducherry , Odisha ( Karna et al. , 2018 ), Tamil Nadu ( Murugan & Namboothri, 2012 ), Kerala ( Baiju et al ., 2016 ). Elsewhere : Indo-Pacific ( Froese & Pauly, 2013 ). G I K H J L M O Figure 2G-L. G . Aluterus monoceros ; H. Paramonocanthus choirocephalus ; I. Paramononthus sulcatus ; J . Tetrosomus gibbosus ; K . Lagocephalus lunaris ; L . Lagocephalus inermis . Q N P R S Figure 2 M-S. M . Arothron immaculatus ; N . Arothron stellatus ; O . Torquigener brevipinnis ; P. Chelonodon patoca ; Q . Cyclichthys orbicularis ; R . Diodon hystrix ; S . Diodon holocanthus .