Phylogenetic relationships, systematics, and biology of the species of Amorbia Clemens (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Sparganothini). Author Phillips-Rodríguez, Eugenie Author Powell, Jerry A. text Zootaxa 2007 2007-12-21 1670 1670 1 109 journal article 1175­5334 28818E29-DB9A-4423-8488-648C45E607EF 29. Amorbia eccopta Walsingham, 1913 Figs. 69 , 61 , 91 , 112 , 130 , 138 Amorbia eccopta Walsingham, 1913 , Biol. Centr. Amer., Lep.-Het. 4: 219. DIAGNOSIS. Amorbia eccopta is similar to A. rhombobasis , A. chlorolyca , and A. decerptana . Amorbia eccopta is characterized by the absence of the costal fold and the reduced uncus. It can be distinguished from A. monteverde by its paler color, shorter labial palpus, and the presence of dark marks on the median/postmedian area of the FW near the costa. REDESCRIPTION. MALE. FW length 8.4–9.0 mm (mean = 8.5; n = 10). HEAD: Frons concave, unscaled, vertex smooth, straw yellow, hood concolorous. Antenna pale brown with darker scales on each segment simulating rings. Labial palpus mostly dark golden honey laterally, inner surface paler. THORAX: Dorsum smooth scaled, straw yellow; tegula concolorous. FW ground color straw yellow, U-shaped discontinuous mark of patches of darker scales between median and postmedian area from costa to R2. Interrupted line of dots near base. Two or three discontinuous lines of darker scales at the subterminal fascia. Fringe yellowish. Termen slightly produced. HW straw yellow. ABDOMEN: Pale brown. Genitalia as in Fig. 91 (slide # 5777594, INBio , Costa Rica , Guanacaste , Estación Cacao ; n = 9). Uncus extremely reduced (0.33 length of its base), not extending beyond socii. Transtilla rectangular, fine spines numerous. Valva subrectangular. Sacculus sclerotized, 0.75X length of valva, extending slightly beyond margin of valva as small lobe, emarginate in basal 0.33. Aedeagus 0.8X length of valva, bent ca. 0.6 distance from base . FEMALE. FW length 10.0-11.5 mm (mean =10.6; n = 10). HEAD and THORAX: As described for male, except U-shaped mark on FW absent and subbasal, median and subterminal fascia darker. ABDOMEN: Genitalia as in Fig. 112 (slide # 5806, EME , Mexico , Veracruz ; n = 5). Lamella antevaginalis developed into large, lateral, rounded pockets; median sinus semicircular. Ductus bursae 2.0X length of papillae anales, uniform in width. Ductus seminalis arising near base of ductus bursae . TYPE MATERIAL. Lectotype : Male : Guatemala : Cerro Zunil , 4000–5000 ft , viii–ix.1880 , Champion. “Type M descr.” 66365 ( BMNH ). Selected by Jerry A. Powell , 1971, and designated here. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL. COSTA RICA : ALAJUELA : El Angel Waterfall, 8.2 km downhill Vara Blanca, 1350 m , 1M, 3.i.1981 (D. Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio ). CARTAGO : Monumento Nacional Guayabo, Turrialba, 1100 m , LN570300, 217200, 1F, ix.1994 (G. Fonseca, INBio ); Juan Viñas, 3M [no date] (W. Schaus, USNM ); Tuis, 6M [no date] (W. Schaus, USNM ); Río Aquiares, nr. Sta Cruz, 9 air km NW Turrialba, 1500 m , 1M, (J. Powell & J. Brown, EME ), 1M, 3F ( JAP 85E40), em: 3/ 6.vii.1985 (J. Powell, EME ). HEREDIA : Santo Domingo, 2M 1/ 10.viii.1990 (J. Powell, EME ). Santa Bárbara, Birrí , 1M, 10.x.1999 (r. f. avocado , em: 9.ix.1999 ), 1F, 5.xii.1999 (r. f. avocado , em: 15.i.2000 ), 1M, 26.x.1996 (r.f. Rosa sp. , em: 17.xi.1996 ) (A. González, UCR ). GUANACASTE : 4 km E Casetilla Rincón Nat. Pk., 1M, , 1M, 14.ii.1983 (D. Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio ); Derrumbe, Est. Mengo, W side Volcán Cacao, 1100-1400 m , 1F, 13/ , 1F, , 1M, 11.vii.1988 (D. Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio ); Est. Cacao, Lado SO del Volcán Cacao, 1000-1400 m , LN 323300, 375700, 1M, 25.ix/ 11.x.1990 , 2M, 8/ 29.vii.1991 , 1M, 2F, iv.1991 , 5M, v.1991 , 1M, vi.1991 , 3M, 08/ (C. Chaves, INBio ), 1M, 21/ 29.v.1992 (C. Moraga & P. Ríos, INBio ), 1M, 21/ 28.v.1992 (R. Guzmán, INBio ), 1F, 21/ 29.v.1992 (E. Phillips, INBio ), 1M, 21/ 28.v.1992 (G. Rodríguez, INBio ), 2M, vi.1992 (II Curso Ptx., INBio ) 1M 17.vii.2001 (r.f. Conostegia xalapensis (Melastomataceae) , voucher 01-SRNP-7130, em: 17.viii.2001 ), 1M, 6.ii.1997 (r.f. Inga longispica (Fabaceae) , voucher 97-SRNP-552.01, em: 5.iii.1997 ), 1F, 16.viii.2000 (r. f. unidentified Lauraceae , voucher 00-SRNP- 10432, em: 15.ix.2000 ), 1F, (r.f. Beilschmiedia brenesii (Lauraceae) , voucher 01-SRNP-6979, em: 23.vii.2001 ), 1F, 3.viii.2002 (r.f. Hampea appendiculata (Malvaceae) voucher 02-SRNP-23369, em: 23.viii.2002 ) (D. Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio ); Est. Pitilla, 9 km S Santa Cecilia, LN 406500-260500, 1F, x.1989 (C. Moraga & P. Ríos, INBio ), 1F, 27.vii/ 14.viii.1992 , 1F, xi.1994 (C. Moraga, INBio ); Finca La Luz, W side Volcán Cacao, 1000m , 1M, 1F, viii.1986 (D. Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio ); Santa Rosa Nat. Pk. , 1F, 7/ 9.xi.1979 (D. Janzen, INBio ), 1F, xii.1982 (D. Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio ). Estación Santa Rosa , 250 m , 1F, 23.xi.1999 (r.f. Inga vera (Fabaceae) , voucher 99-SRNP-17758, em: 12.xii.1999 ) (D. Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio ). LIMON : Guápiles, 850 ft. , 1F, v.1907 (W. Schaus, USNM ). PUNTARENAS : Monteverde, 1400 m , 1F, 8/ 10.xii.1978 , 2M, 2F, 10/ 11.xii.1979 (D. Janzen, INBio ), 2M, 2F, 15/ 16.v.1980 (D. Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio ), 1M, 1/ 20.ix.1982 (C. Nagana & M. Hayes, EME ), 1F, 17.v.1985 ( JAP 85 E 65.2 ), 13M, 8F ( JAP 85 E63.2 ), em: 1/ 10.vii.1985 , 2F ( JAP 85 E63.3 ), em: 1.vii.1985 , 3M, 6F ( JAP 85 E64.1 ), em: 3/ 11.vii.1985 , 6M, 9F ( JAP 85 E64.3 ), em: 3/ 11.vii.1985 , 6M, 6F ( JAP 85 E64.4 ), em: 3/ 8.vii.1985 (J. Powell, EME ), 26M, 29F, 20.v.1985 (J. Powell & P. Opler, EME ), 2F, 18.v.1985 (J. Powell, P. Opler & J. Chemsak, EME ), 4M, 4F, 8/ (J. Chemsak & H. Katsura, EME ), 3M, 5F ( JAP 88F41) em: 14/ 16.viii.1988 (Powell, EME ), 21M, 23F, 12 vi.1988 (J. Brown & J. Powell, EME ), 4F, 2.ix.1988 (C.V. Covell, Jr., EME ), 3M, 2F, 22/ 24. vii.1990 (S. Meredith & J. Powell, EME ), 2M, 3F, 29/ 31.iii.1992 (J. McCarty & J. Powell, EME ), 5M, 30.iii.1992 (J. Powell, EME ), 1M, 1F ( JAP 92C70), em: , 1M, 2F ( JAP 92C79), em: 25/ 27.v.1992 (J. Powell, EME ), 4M, 1F, 1/ 4.ix.1999 (V. Becker, VBC ); Est. La Casona, 1520 m , Res. Biol. Monteverde, LN 253250, 449700, 1M, viii.1992 (N. Obando, INBio ); Finca Cafrosa, 1300 m , Est. Las Mellizas, P. Internacional La Amistad, LS 316199, 596100, 1M, v.1991 (M. Ramírez, INBio ), 1M, 1F, i.1991 (M. Chavarría & G. Mora, INBio ), 1M, ix.1990 (M. Ramírez & G. Mora, INBio ), 1F, iv.1991 (M. Ramírez, INBio ); Est. Biológica Las Alturas, 1500 m , 1M, 15/ 24.iii.1999 (R. Barton, INBio ); P.N. Manuel Antonio, Quepos, 80 m , LS 370900, 448800, 1M, x.1992 (G. Varela, INBio ). SAN JOSE : San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Campus UCR , 1F, 1M, 14.vii.1998 (r. f. avocado , em: 8.viii.1998 ), 1F, 12.vii.2000 (r. f. avocado , em: 8.viii.2000 ) (González, UCR ). GUATEMALA : CHIMALTANANGO : Acatenango, Quisache, 1650 m , 1F, 28/ (E. Welling, EME ). QUETZALTENANGO : Volcán Sta. María, 1M, vii.[no year] (W. Schaus & W. Barnes, USNM ). MEXICO : COLIMA 1M, [no further data] (Conrad, EME ). TAMAULIPAS : Gomes Farias, 1M, 29/ 31 vii.1988 (V. Becker & M. A. Solís, EME ). VERACRUZ : Córdoba, 2 M, (J. Buckett, M. R & R. C. Gardner, EME ); Est. Biológica Tuxtlas, 1M, 11/ 16 vi.1981 (V. Becker, VBC ); San Andrés, 6 km NW of Jalapa, 1M, 20.viii.1987 (J. Brown & J. Powell, EME ). DISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGY. This species is recorded from Costa Rica , Guatemala , and Mexico (Fig. 138), from 0 to 1650 m elevation. Capture records indicate it is multivoltine. IMMATURE STAGES ( Fig. 130 ). Eggs are dark green, with about 32–36 per patch; a milky colleterial cover exceeds the egg patch border. Larvae hatched in an average of 10.5 days (n = 8) and fed on synthetic diet. Last instars are approximately 2.5 cm in length; the head is tan, with dark brown lateral bands; the prothoracic shield is tan with narrow lateral dark brown bands. Development time ranged from 7 to 9 weeks ( JAP 85 E40, 85 E63.2 , 85 E63.3 , 85 E64.1 , 85 E64.4 , 85 E65.2 , 88F41, 92C63, 92C70, 92C79, 97A26) . HOST PLANT RECORDS. This species was reared from Persea americana , Ocotea sp. (Lauraceae) , Rosa sp. (Rosaceae) , Conostegia xalapensis (Melastomataceae) , Hampea appendiculata (Malvaceae) , Inga longispica , and Inga vera (Fabaceae) (Appendix III).