A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical termite genera Labiotermes Holmgren and Paracornitermes Emerson (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) Author Constantino, Reginaldo Author Acioli, Agno N. S. Author Schmidt, Karen Author Cuezzo, Carolina Author Carvalho, Sérgio H. C. Author Vasconcellos, Alexandre text Zootaxa 2006 1340 1 44 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.174374 80503f5c-7804-48b8-ba08-74e829445a6b 1175­5326 174374 Labiotermes labralis (Holmgren) Cornitermes labralis Holmgren, 1906 : 553 –557, 657–658 [imago (Fig. N), soldier (Fig. O ), worker (Fig. P), nest]; Holmgren 1909 : 175 , 193 [morphology, Fig. 65]; Holmgren 1912 : 50 ( Cornitermes subgenus Labiotermes ); Sjöstedt 1926 : 150 ( Eutermes ); Emerson & Banks 1965 : 12 ( Labiotermes ) [imago, soldier, Fig. 2–4 ]; Mathews 1977 : 207 –208 [nest (Pl. 45), enteric valve (Pl. 48)]; Noirot 2001 : 439 [enteric valve, fig. 7­D]. Lectotype : soldier, designated by Emerson & Banks 1965 : 19 (NHRS), not examined. Type­locality: Peru : Chaquimayo. Synonym: Labiotermes labralis boreus Emerson (in Snyder 1949 : 334); Emerson 1925 : 363–365 (as Cornitermes labralis ) [imago, soldier, Fig. 47]. Holotype : soldier (AMNH). Type­locality: Guyana , Kartabo. Synonymized by Emerson & Banks 1965 : 12, 18–19. Imago. Described and illustrated by Emerson & Banks 1965 : 13–15. Additional measurements are presented in Table 1 . Soldier ( Figs. 4 A–B, 11D). Described by Emerson & Banks 1965 : 15–18. Additional measurements are presented in Table 2 . Comparisons. The soldier of L. labralis can be recognized by the small number of hairs on the head, absence of a projection on the front coxa and the very large and sclerotized labrum with two bristles near tip. The head capsule is also more rounded than in the other species. Worker ( Figs. 4 , 13 D, 14B, 15G–H, 16D). Head capsule with very few, sparse bristles. Postclypeus with 2 bristles. Pronotum with a row of bristles on anterior margin and no bristles on posterior margin. Mesonotum without bristles. Front coxa without a lateral projection near base. Antenna with 15–16 articles. Fontanelle large and oval. Enteric valve with 4 ridges, 3 large and a very small one, covered with short spines. Mixed segment with two elongate mesenteric lobes; large one with a broad tip; small lobe about half the length of the large one. Measurements in Table 3 . Comparisons. The worker of L. labralis can be recognized by the small number of hairs on the head and the absence of a projection on anterior coxa. The most similar species in external morphology is L. guasu , which is conspicuously larger. The enteric valve is also distinct from all other species, with 3 large ridges and one small. Remarks. Mathews (1977: 207–208) mentions only 3 plates in the enteric valve of L. labralis . However, the small plate is visible in his figure (page 233, Plate 48), and is also clearly visible in Noirot’s (2001: 439) figure. Habits. L. labralis occurs only in rainforest. It builds a large, dark, arboreal nest of irregular shape, made with a mixture of soil and fecal material. The internal surface is sculptured in a peculiar pattern, described and illustrated by Mathews (1977: 208 and plate 45) . Martius & Ribeiro (1996) report a density of 10 nests/ha near Manaus. Geographical distribution. L. labralis occurs in the whole Amazon region, and is also found in Trinidad and in the Brazilian Atlantic forest as far south as 21S ( Fig. 19 ). The absence of records from Ecuador is probably due to lack of collecting. The distribution is apparently disjunct between the Amazon and the Atlantic forest. FIGURES 4. Labiotermes labralis . Soldier: A, head in dorsal view; B, head in profile. Worker: C, head in dorsal view; C, thorax; D, head in profile; E, right front leg. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Material examined BRAZIL . Amapá . Curiau: s., w., 18.x.1989 , R. Constantino (MPEG­3176). Mazagão: s., w., 20.x.1989 , R. Constantino (MPEG­3179). Oiapoque: s., w., im., 01.v.1979 , A.G. Bandeira (MPEG­0653). Amazonas . Anavilhanas: s., w., 17.iv.1981 , A.E. Mill (MZSP­ 10467). Humaitá: s., w., 13.ix.1990 , R. Constantino (MPEG­3682). Manaus: s., w., 07­ 08.ix.1978 , P. Howse (MPEG­485, 489); s., w., 06.iv.1979 , A.G. Bandeira (MPEG­609); s., w., 06.x.1998 , R.L. Abreu (UnB­2629). Manaus, Reserva Ducke: s., w., im., 01.ix.1990 , F.B. Apolinário (UnB­3630). Manaus, Rodovia ZF­3: s., w., 09.x.1999 , T. Miura (UnB­ 1593). Rio Negro: s., w., no date, H.R. Coles (UnB­1076). Itacoatiara, Fazenda Aruanã: s., w., im., 23­30.iv.1977 , A.G. Bandeira (MPEG­091, 163, 260). Bahia . Ilháus: w., 16.xi.2000 , E.M Cancello ( MZSP ). Monte Pascoal: s., w., 08.viii.1974 , R.L. Araujo (MZSP­5460). Espírito Santo . Linhares: s., w., im., 28.i.1993 , E.M. Cancello (MZSP­ 9811). Mato Grosso . Ique­Juruena: s., w., 27.ix.1980 , A.E. Mill (MZSP­10463). Juruena, Rohden Lignea: s., w., 03.vii.2002 , R. Constantino (UnB­3331). Minas Gerais . Viçosa: s., w., 19.ii.2002 , C. Galbiati (UnB­5552). Pará . Cachoeira do Arari: s., w., 09.iii.1989 , R. Constantino (MPEG­3025). Paragominas: s., w., 27.vi.1990 , R. Constantino (MPEG­ 3515). Parque Nacional da Amazonia: s., w., 19.viii.1978 , A.G. Bandeira (MPEG­394). Oriximiná, Porto Trombetas: s., w., 30.vii.2000 , A.N.S. Acioli (UnB­5518). Novo Progresso, Serra do Cachimbo: s., w., im., 18.ix.2003 , R. Constantino (UnB­3892). Serra dos Carajás: s., w., 01.viii.1985 , C.R.F. Brandão (MZSP­8709). Taperinha: s., w., 03.ii.1968 , unknown collector (MZSP­1888). Tucurui: s., w., im., 21.iv.1979 , A.G. Bandeira (MPEG­0628). Paraíba . Areia: s., w., 28.xii.1998 , A. Vasconcellos (DSEC­ 1216). João Pessoa: s., w., 08.x.1993 , J.C.D. Pereira (DSEC­142). Quebrangulo: s., w., im., 26.i.2001 , A. Vasconcellos ( DSEC ). Pernambuco . Caruaru: s., w., 20.ix.1997 , A. Vasconcellos (DSEC­1048). Recife: s., w., im., 29.i.1980 , E.M. Cancello (MZSP­8019). Rondonia . Guajará­Mirim: s., w., 18.i.2001 , D.L. Bernardo (UnB­2728, 2729). Pimenta Bueno: s., w., 17.vii.2000 , O . Kitade (UnB­2600). Vilhena: s., w., 27.vii.2000 , R. Constantino (UnB­2567). Roraima . Ilha de Maracá: s., w., im., 19.xi.1978 , A.G. Bandeira (MPEG­448); s., w., 21.xi.1978 , A.G. Bandeira (MPEG­469); s., w., im., 19.xi.1978 , A.G. Bandeira (UnB­3536). FRENCH GUIANA . Saül: s., w., 27.v.1997 , J.S. Ashe (UnB­2848, 2849, 2852). PERU . Huánuco . Tingo María: s., w., no date, W. Weyrauch (MZSP­1889). VENEZUELA . Amazonas . Alto Orinoco, Motorema: s., w., im., 10.v.1998 , M.G. Paoletti (UnB­508, 509). San Pedro : s., w., 23.viii.1981 , J.L. Garcia (MZSP­10425).