Phytoseiid mites of the subfamily Phytoseiinae (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa Author Ueckermann, Eddie A. Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X 134, Queenwood, Pretoria 0121, South Africa. Author Zannou, Ignace D. Depto. Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola, ESALQ-Universidade de São Paulo- 13418 - 900 Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. E-mail: gjmoraes @ carpa. ciagri. usp. br Author De Moraes, Gilberto J. Depto. Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola, ESALQ-Universidade de São Paulo- 13418 - 900 Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. E-mail: gjmoraes @ carpa. ciagri. usp. br Author Oliveira, Anibal R. Depto. Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola, ESALQ-Universidade de São Paulo- 13418 - 900 Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. E-mail: gjmoraes @ carpa. ciagri. usp. br Author Hanna, Rachid Biological Control Centre for Africa, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 08 B. P. 0932, Cotonou, Benin, West Africa Dept. Entomology, Smith Hall Room 100, 901 W. State Street, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 - 2089, USA Author Yaninek, John S. text Zootaxa 2007 2007-12-11 1658 1 1 20 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1658.1.1 1175­5334 5104092 7ECF7D0B-5B53-47F8-BBBC-8BC28CD5F534 Phytoseius duplus Ueckermann & Loots ( Fig. 4 ) Phytoseius ( Phytoseius ) duplus Ueckermann & Loots, 1985: 37 . Phytoseius duplus , Moraes et al ., 2004: 237 . FEMALE. ( Specimens measured. South Africa : holotype and 1 paratype ) Dorsum. Dorsal shield 285 [314] long and 151 [158] wide, mostly covered by rough, roundish elements; with few irregular striae on a narrow band along the margin posteriorly to s6. Female idiosomal setal pattern 12A:3A/JV-3,4:ZV. Setae j1 22 [26], j3 23 [22], j4 5 [7], j5 7 [7], j6 [8], J2 [8], J5 9 [8], z2 20 [24], z3 30 [38], z4 16 [19], z5 7 [6], Z4 74 [87], Z5 60 [66], s4 59 [64], s6 72 [81], r3 36 [37]. Setae j1, j3, z2, z3, z4, Z4, Z5, s4, s6 and r3 thick, generally long, strongly serrate, on tubercles; other setae minute and smooth. Peritreme. Extending anterolateral to j1. FIGURE 4. Phytoseius duplus Ueckermann & Loots (female): A. Dorsal shield; B. Ventral surface; C. Spermatheca; D. Leg IV. Venter. Sternal shield smooth, not clearly outlined in the holotype , but clearly defined in the examined paratype ; with 2 pairs of sternal setae (St3 on the cuticle); distances between St1–St3 52 [52], St2–St2 54 [60]. Genital shield smooth; distance between St5–St5 61 [65]. Ventrianal shield smooth, basically vase-shaped, but with anterior and anterolateral margins variable; anterior margin asymmetrically concave in holotype but straight or slightly convex in paratype , 86 [95] long, 32 [35] wide at level of Zv2 and 44 [52] wide at level of anus; seta Jv2 and the right members of setae Jv1 and Zv2 inserted on the ventrianal shield of the holotype (left members of the latter setae on the soft cuticle); Jv1, Jv2 and Zv2 inserted on the ventrianal shield of the examined paratype . Caudoventral setae smooth, except Jv5, thick and serrate. Chelicera. Movable digit 18 long; number of teeth on this digit could not be counted; position of fixed digit renders examination not possible. Spermatheca. Calyx cup- to cone-shaped, 8 [8] long, atrium apparently bifid. Legs. Macroseta only on telotarsus, knobbed; Stt IV 20 [22]. Specimens examined. Holotype and 1 paratype females , South Africa : Limpopo Province , Pretoria, 6.5 km from Mokopane (previously Potgietersrus), on Terminalia sericea , 26-III-1973 , M.K.P. Smith Meyer; Mpumalanga Province , Blyde River Poort Holiday Resort, on Acacia sieberiana , 21-II-1978 , E.A. Ueckermann. Remarks: The absence of setae J2 and R 1 in this species places it in the horridus species group ( Denmark 1966 ; Chant & McMurtry 1994 ). World distribution. South Africa .