Morphological description and DNA barcode information of seven newly reported nudibranch species from Korea Author Lee, Yucheol Marine Research Center, National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service, Yeosu 59723, Republic of Korea Author Nam, Eunjung Exhibition and Education Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea Author Park, Hyun-Jong Kil and Joong-Ki text Journal of Species Research 2022 11 2 102 107 journal article 10.12651/JSR.2022.11.2.102 2713-8615 13139953 4. Antiopella fusca (O’Donoghue, 1924) ( Figs. 1D ) ũNjfflẖš갯ḏệj Janolus fuscus O’Donoghue, 1924 ; Chichvarkhin et al. , 2016: 24 , figs. 2, 3. Antiopella fusca : Pola et al. , 2018: 363, 364, fig. 10; Kil et al. , 2020: 130 , 131. Material examined. 1 individual (MO00178871): Munamjin-ri , Jugwang-myeon , Goseong-gun , Gangwon-do , Korea , 38°18′04.04″N , 128°34′10.08″E , 05 May 2021 ; 1 individual ( NIBRIV0000811823 ): Gangmun-dong , Gangneung-si , Gangwon-do , Korea , 38°49′22.35″N , 128°57′ 46.55″E , 27 April 2017 . Diagnosis. Body elongate, ovate (length 30 mm , width 16 mm ), ground color translucent white to light yellow. Rhinophoral clubs lamellate, stalks smooth. Oral tentacles short, triangular in shape. Dorsal cerata fusiform, with an orange or yellow band and a white pointed tip. Digestive gland in cerata straight, brown to black in color. Metapodium elongate, pointed posteriorly. GenBank accession number. OK143206. Distribution. Korea, North America (Alaska to central California), Japan , Russia . Remarks. The genus Antiopella includes eight taxonomically valid species ( WoRMS, 2021 ). This species is similar to A. barbarensis in external morphology, but distinguished by the color pattern of ceratal tip: In A. fusca , the cerata have an orange or yellow band with a white terminal tip, whereas A. barbarensis have cerata with sky blue-colored tips. The Antiopella species are found in inter- and shallow subtidal waters feeding on bryozoans. The occurrence of this species from Korean waters (East Sea) was firstly reported in 2006 ( Koh, 2006 ), but this study provides detailed information on external morphology, and molecular data of DNA barcode sequences.