A systematic revision of Baconia Lewis (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini) Author Caterino, Michael S. Author Tishechkin, Alexey K. text ZooKeys 2013 343 1 297 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.343.5744 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.343.5744 1313-2970-343-1 Baconia redemptor sp. n. Figs 64 E-FMap 20 Type locality. BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro [ 22.9°S , 43.2°W ]. Type material. Holotype female: "Rio Janeiro" / "G. Lewis Coll. B.M. 1926-369" (BMNH). Diagnostic description. Length: 2.2mm, width: 1.7mm; body elongate, subparallel-sided, moderately depressed, most surfaces finely but conspicuously punctate; dorsum dully metallic, head, pronotum and pygidia greenish blue, elytra distinctly more bluish, venter rufobrunneus; frons weakly carinate above antennal bases, very shallowly depressed at middle, punctation of frontal disk coarse, rather dense, frontal stria present along eyes, curving inward at sides, broadly obsolete in middle, supraorbital stria absent; epistoma with apical margin convex, elevated above labrum; labrum about 4 xwider than long, apical margin weakly emarginate; mandibles with elongate apices and strong, acute median teeth; antennal scape narrowly subtriangular, club elongate oval, basal two-thirds mostly glabrous; pronotal sides subparallel in basal three-fourths, abruptly rounded to apices, marginal stria complete along lateral and anterior margins; lateral submarginal pronotal stria present along sides, carinate, approaching marginal stria near anterior corner, pronotal disk depressed along its inner edge; pronotal discal punctation conspicuous throughout, slightly denser at sides; elytra with one complete epipleural stria, outer subhumeral stria absent, homologies of other striae slightly unclear, all striae disrupted by punctation, especially apically, and fragmented, probable inner subhumeral stria close to 1st dorsal, sinuous, nearly complete, dorsal striae 1-2 complete, 3rd stria abbreviated in apical fourth, 4th and 5th striae absent, sutural stria present in apical two-thirds, elytral punctation becoming subrugose in posterolateral corners; prosternum narrow basally, weakly convex, keel narrowly and weakly emar ginate at base, carinal striae united along basal margin, subparallel in basal third, diverging, becoming obsolete anterad; prosternal lobe about one-half keel length, apical margin truncate, strongly deflexed, marginal stria well-impressed at middle, obsolete to sides; mesoventrite with anterior margin finely produced, marginal stria complete, mesometaventral stria absent; lateral metaventral stria curving posterolaterad toward middle of metacoxa, outer lateral stria absent, metaventral disk with only relatively sparse ground punctation medially; abdominal ventrite 1 with single complete lateral stria, middle portion of disk with slightly coarser punctures nearer posterior margin; all tibiae slightly broadened and flattened; protibia with 4 weak teeth and few weaker basal marginal denticles, outer margin not serrulate; mesotibia with 3 weak marginal spines; outer metatibial margin smooth; propygidium without basal stria, coarsely and uniformly punctate; propygidial gland openings very fine but evident, about one-fourth from basal and lateral margins; pygidium finely, more or less uniformly punctate, more densely near basal margin. Male: not known. Remarks. The faint metallic coloration (Fig. 64E), the frons with weak, incomplete transverse carina (Fig. 64F), conspicuous ground punctation, and the elytra with slightly irregular striae and fine, oblique apical rugosity will separate this species from all other Baconia . Etymology. This species' name alludes to the famous Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) statue which now stands near its type locality.