Typifications and nomenclatural notes on Neotropical Balanophoraceae Author Cardoso, Leandro Jorge Telles Author Braga, João Marcelo Alvarenga text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-02-27 340 3 263 270 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.340.3.6 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.340.3.6 1179-3163 13720353 Scybalium glaziovii Eichler in Candolle (1873: 133) Type ( lectotype , designated here):— BRAZIL . Rio de Janeiro : Nova Friburgo, Alto Macahé [Macaé de Cima], 1400 m , A . F . M . Glaziou s.n. ( P barcode P 05349686!, the image of the lectotype is available at http://coldb.mnhn.fr/catalognumber/mnhn/p/p05349686). Nomenclatural notes :—In the protologue, Eichler (1873) ,quoted three gatherings:“Super Myrsineae et Melastomaceae radices ad Alto Macahé de Novo Friburgo prov., Brasiliensis Rio de Janeiro , in altitud. 1400 metr. ( A . Glaziou n. 4070 β! et 4700!); loco non indicato ejusdem ditionis (Lhotsky!)”. Referring to the type of S. glaziovii , Hansen (1980) wrote: “Types. Glaziou 4070b and 4700 , Brazil , Rio de Janeiro , Alto Macahé, novo Friburgo, alt. 1400 m (mixed collection, lectotype , P ; isolectotype , C )”. Hansen (1980) designated a specimen from P as the lectotype , considering both Glaziou 4070b and 4700 gatherings in the lectotypification. This action does not agree with Arts. 8.1 and 8.2 of the ICN and can’t be considered as effective typification. In the search for the types of S. glaziovii , the lectotype from herbarium P ( Hansen 1980 ) was not found, and according to the current curatorship, it is lost. We traced in P a specimen barcoded P 05349686 ( Glaziou s.n. ) collected in the locality cited in the protologue ( Eichler 1873 ). Considering that Glaziou 4070b and 4700 are the only collections of S. glaziovii made by this collector in Brazil ( Glaziou 1905 ), we can consider the specimen P 05349686 also part of the original material. This material consists of unique individual plant (divided into two fragments), assuring that it is originated from only one of the collections made by Glaziou ( 4070b or 4700 ). Thus, we designate the herbarium specimen P 05349686 as the lectotype of Scybalium glaziovii . Other original material preserved in alcohol are housed in B , C and M herbaria: B (B-594/165!), C (C-1192! and C-1193!), and M (M-21/4- 2162!).