Review of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Tobochares Short & Garcia, 2007 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae): new lineages, new species, and new records Author Giron, Jennifer C. Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA & Natural Science Research Laboratory, Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA Author Short, Andrew Edward Z. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Division of Entomology, Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA text ZooKeys 2021 2021-02-22 1019 93 140 journal article 1313-2970-1019-93 740EFFB93ADA4B2ABD23A839AAE71FB2 68E025484FB95656A3666768A4D97EF1 Tobochares atures sp. nov. Figs 3B, G , 7D, F , 11G , 13 , 15F Tobochares sp. 8: Short et al. (2021) Type material examined. Holotype (male): Venezuela , " T. F. Amazonas/ Puerto Ayacucho (40km S)/ El Tobogan , Cano Coromoto/ 26 Jan 1989, stream edge/ at upper shelter", "collected by/ PJSpangler/RAFaitoute & CBBarr" (MIZA). Paratypes (357 exs.): Venezuela: Amazonas : "40 Km S of Puerto Ayacucho, at Tobogan ; upper seep; 18.i.1989; leg. Spangler, Faitoute, Barr" (34, USNM); same, except "; colln #1; collected by pouring water over stream bank and washing riparian insects into seine;; leg. Spangler and Faitoute" (3, USNM); same, except "sandy margins; colln. #10; 23.ii.1986; leg. P. Spangler" (38, USNM); same, except "colln. #14; 25.ii.1986" (16, USNM); "40 Km S of Puerto Ayacucho, El Tobogan , Cano Coromoto; seep, at upper shelter; 26.i.1989; leg. Spangler, Faitoute, Barr" (55, USNM); same data as holotype (174, SEMC, MIZA, USNM); "5°62'N [Sic!], 66°23'W; 1250 m; Cerro Guanay; Exp. Terramar; 5-12.ii.1995; leg. J. Clavijo" (1, MIZA); Tobogan de la Selva; old "Tobogancito" on seepage area with detritus; 8.viii.2008; leg. Short, Garcia , Joly; AS-08-080b (16, SEMC including DNA voucher SLE1032); same, except "Tobogan de la Selva; wet rock covered with detritus; upstream slide; 14.i.2009; leg. Short, Garcia , Miller, Joly; VZ09-0114-01F" (16, SEMC); same, except "partly shaded wet rock with algae; leg. Short and Miller; VZ09-0114-01G" (2, SEMC). Bolivar : " 6°13'4.6"N , 67°14'26.4"W ; 60 m; ca. 25 Km E of El Burro; rocky morichal; 12.i.2009; leg. Short and Tellez ; VZ09-0113-01X" (1, SEMC). Figure 15. Tobochares habitat in Guyana and Venezuela A, B habitat for T. arawak , Guyana, upper Potaro River (collecting event GY14-0312-01B) C, D habitat for T. luteomargo , Venezuela, rock outcrop by Rio Cuchivero, (collecting event VZ10-0710-01A) E habitat for T. luteomargo , Venezuela Campamento Rio Aro (collecting event VZ10-0711-01B) F type locality and habitat for T. atures , Venezuela, Tobogan de la Selva (collecting event VZ09-0114-01F). Differential diagnosis. The general habitus and coloration of T. atures is similar to that of several species in the Tobochares communis group, nevertheless, the elytral punctation in T. atures is relatively distinct: all the elytral punctures are shallowly impressed, longitudinally aligned, and have two different sizes: the serial punctures, which are slightly impressed, are larger, whereas the interserial punctures are smaller and denser (Fig. 3B, G ). In addition, the overall shape of the aedeagus, especially the shape of the median lobe of T. atures is unique among members of the Tobochares communis group: the median lobe gradually and slightly narrows towards a rounded apex, and the gonopore is located at the apical third of the median lobe (Fig. 11G ). Description. Size and form : Body length 2.0-2.2 mm. Body elongate oval, moderately convex (Fig. 7D ). Color and punctation : Dorsal and ventral surfaces of body dark brown, with prothorax and lateral margins of elytra slightly paler (Fig. 7D, E ); mouthparts and antennae yellow, with slightly darker apical third of maxillary palpomere IV; legs orange to reddish brown with paler tarsi (Fig. 7E ). Ground punctation on head, pronotum and elytra rather shallowly marked. Head : Eyes in dorsal view with anterior margin oblique (anteriorly directed), and outer margins slightly bulging from outline of head (e.g., Fig. 2D ); in lateral view, eyes not emarginate (Fig. 2E ). Thorax : Elytra with longitudinal rows of shallow punctures, not forming grooves; punctures in two different sizes: serial punctures larger, interserial punctures smaller and denser (Fig. 3B, G ). Metafemora mostly glabrous on anterior face (Fig. 7F ). Elevation of mesoventrite forming a low transverse carina (Fig. 7F ). Metaventrite with distinct median, longitudinal, narrow glabrous area extending along posterior half (Fig. 7F ). Abdomen : Abdominal ventrites uniformly and very densely pubescent (Fig. 7F ). Aedeagus (Fig. 11G ). Basal piece nearly 0.5 x the length of a paramere; parameres nearly 0.4 x greatest width of median lobe, with outer margins weakly and uniformly convex, and rounded apex; median lobe roughly triangular, widely rounded at apex; gonopore situated nearly at apical third of median lobe. Etymology. Noun in apposition. Named after Atures, the municipality where the type locality is situated. Distribution. This species is known from several localities along the northwestern edge of the Guiana Shield in Venezuela. See Fig. 13 . Life history. Most specimens were collected on granite seepages that were adjacent to permanent streams. See Fig. 15F .