Synopsis of the genus Drosera (Droseraceae) in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo Author Rjosk, A. epartment of Biology, Institute of Botany, Faculty of Science, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany Author Neinhuis, C. epartment of Biology, Institute of Botany, Faculty of Science, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany Author Monizi, M. University of Kimpa Vita, Province of Uíge, Rua Henrique Freitas No. 1, Bairro Popular, Uíge, Angola Author Lautenschläger, T. epartment of Biology, Institute of Botany, Faculty of Science, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany text Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 2022 2022-06-30 67 1 1 14 journal article 10.3767/blumea.2022.67.01.03 7679465 9. Drosera pilosa Exell & J.R.Laundon Fig. 11 Drosera pilosa Exell & J.R.Laundon (1956) 213;J.R. Laundon (1959) 4; (1970) 26; Troupin (1978) 305; A.S.Rob. et al. (2017) 1452. — Type : A. Stolz s.n. (holo BM), Tanzania , Tanganyika territory , Kyimbila District, North of Lake Nyasa, 1885. Acaulescent, perennial herb ( Fig. 11b ). Leaves in a basal rosette; stipules c. 3 mm long, connate at the base, apex lacer- ated; lamina elliptic, ovate or obovate, 4–13 by 2–8 mm , the adaxial surface and margins bearing tentacles, abaxially pilose ( Fig.11a ); petiole 3–15 by up to 2 mm , gradually broadening into the lamina, abaxially pilose. Inflorescences cymose, with 2 – 6 flowers; peduncles 1 or 2 together, 2–16 cm long, arising laterally from the rosette, ascending, canaliculate, pilose; bracts elliptic, 2–3 mm long; pedicels 1–7 mm long, pilose. Sepals 5, ± elliptic, 3–6 by 1.5–2.5 mm , apex acute, pilose. Petals 5, c. 6 mm long, red to purple. Stamens 5; filaments c. 4 mm long. Pollen in tetrads, tetrads c. 40–45 µm diam, single grains 30–35 µm diam, echinate (to baculate; Fig. 11e ), echini broadly conical, 1–2 mm long, in high density with short clavate sculptural elements between them. Pistil : ovary subglobose, c. 1.5 by 2 mm ; styles 3, c. 2 mm long, bipartite to the base. Seeds ovoid, 0.3–0.5 by c. 0.2 mm , black, testa smooth ( Fig. 11f ). Distribution — Angola , Burundi , Cameroun , DRC , Guinea , Kenya , Malawi , Ruanda , Sierra Leone , Tanzania ( Fig. 11c ). Habitat & Ecology — Montane species. Additional specimens (see Fig. 11d for province map). ANGOLA , Cuando Cubango , Cuito-Cuanavale, Longa, vale do Cuiriri, alt. 1360 m , 19 Mar. 1960 , E.J. Mendes 3212 ( COI ) . – DRC , Sud-Kivu , Environs de Kitwabaluzi, S2°53' E28°35' , Dec.1942 , Coutreaux 999 ( BR ) ; Kabare,alt. 2200 m , 9 Dec. 1956 , Christiaensen 1953 ( BR ) ; Unknown province , Luemba, Sept. 1946 , Kunet 32 ( BR ) . Note — Very similar to D. burkeana but with pilose peduncle, pedicels and sepals.