Revision of the northern South American species of Mortoniella Ulmer 1906 (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae) * Author Blahnik, Roger J. Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. text Insecta Mundi 2017 2017-12-29 2017 602 1 251 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5170203 1942-1354 5170203 AB1A57F0-7CB4-4830-920B-DF219740A596 Mortoniella ( Mortoniella ) akrogeneios , new species Fig. 48 Mortoniella akrogeneios , n. sp. is superficially most similar to M. limona (Flint) , due to the shape of the apex of the dorsal phallic spine, which has a very pronounced rounded ventral projection in both species. However, the ventral projection of M. akrogeneios is narrower (and thus may appear more prominent). Additional diagnostic characters distinguishing it from M. limona include its apically projecting inferior appendages, short paramere appendages, and shallower emargination of tergum X. Also, M. akrogeneios has only small rounded, ventral projections on the phallicata, not nearly as projecting as those in M. limona and its two closely related species, M. gracilis , n. sp. and M. variabilis , n. sp. Adult —Length of forewing: male 3.0- 3.1 mm . Forewing with forks I, II, and III present, hind wing with forks II and III. Spur formula 0:4:4. Overall color (in alcohol) light brown. Wing bar not evident Male genitalia —Ventral process of segment VI laterally compressed, ventrally projecting, large, subtriangular, length about equal to width at base, process not retracted anterobasally. Segment IX nearly evenly rounded anterolaterally, length greatest midlaterally, posterolateral margin weakly rounded dorsally, narrowing ventrally; segment deeply mesally excised dorsally and ventrally, forming lateral lobes, separated dorsomesally by much less than ½ width of segment. Tergum X short, lateral margins subparallel, apical margin concave, apicolateral lobes very weakly projecting; apicomesal lobes visible in lateral view, rounded apically; ventrolateral lobes distinct, irregular, projecting. Inferior appendages without dorsolateral projections, apicoventral projections paired, projecting, upturned and acute apically. Mesal pockets of inferior appendage with apical processes short, posterodorsally curved. Paramere appendage short (much shorter than dorsal phallic spine) and relatively thick, apex acute. Dorsal phallic spine, as viewed laterally, with pronounced compressed apical expansion, upturned and acute dorsally, enlarged and rounded ventrally, dorsal and ventral projections connected almost linearly on posterior margin; spine, in dorsal view, very slightly widened in middle, apex acute. Phallicata with dorsal margin somewhat elevated and sclerotized, ventrally with pair of small rounded and sclerotized basal projections. Endophallic membrane short, with 2 pairs of enlarged spines (possibly phallotremal complex), 1 pair extending straight, the other strongly curved; ventromesal spine absent. Holotype male (alcohol)— ECUADOR : Pastaza : Puyo ( 27 km N ), Est. Fluvia Metrica, 4.ii.1976 , Spangler , et al. ( UMSP000097078 ) ( NMNH ). Paratypes ECUADOR : Pastaza : same data as holotype1 male (alcohol) ( NMNH ). Etymology —This species is named M. akrogeneios from a Greek word meaning “with a prominent chin,” and referring to the projecting ventral margin of the dorsal phallic spine in this species.