Revision of Ephydrini Zetterstedt (Diptera: Ephydridae) from the Americas south of the United States
Mathis, Wayne N.
Marinoni, Luciane
journal article
Key to species of The
group of South
1. Mid- and hindfemora densely microtomentose, mostly pale greenish to gray....................................... 6
- Mid- and hindfemora thinly microtomentose to bare, coloration yellowish; if thinly microtomentose, generally appearing whit- ish................................................................................................. 2
2. Abdominal tergites 3–5 fasciate, anterior 1/2–2/3 of tergites brown to brassy, frequently subshiny, contrasted distinctly with dull colored bluish gray or greenish gray posterior margins..................................................... 3
– Abdominal tergites 3–5 not fasciate with brown anterior bands which contrast with bluish gray to greenish gray posterior mar- gins; if slightly fasciate, anterior band concolorous with posterior margin although coloration frequently more intense or shin- ier.................................................................................................. 5
3. Surstylus with lateral process extremely short, indicated as angulate bump and by medioapical patch of long setulae......................................................................................
N. abrupta
in part
- Surstylus with lateral process as a distinct, long, narrow process................................................. 4
4. Surstylus in lateral view tapered gradually to apex (
Fig. 73
); surstylus in posterior view long, gradually widened at base, lack- ing distinct lateral protrusions basally; epandrium in posterior view wider, with lateral margins more or less straight, not dis- tinctly sinuate......................................................................
N. chilensis
- Surstylus in lateral view distinctly curved at nearly a right angle subapically; surstylus in posterior view short and with broadly produced lateral protrusions basally; lateral margins of epandrium narrow, sinuate, pedunculate in posterior view...............................................................................................
N. zurcheri
5. Dorsum of thorax and abdomen brassy to metallic greenish blue; abdomen more bluish posteriorly; surstylus in lateral view with subapical enlargement before recurved apex......................................
N. ciligena
in part
- Dorsum of thorax and abdomen greenish brown to brassy, abdomen more greenish brown posteriorly; surstylus in lateral view more or less gradually and evenly tapered to apex, posterior margin gently arched.....................
N. caesia
6. Gena high, about 1/2 eye height; setae generally larger and more abundant........................................ 7
- Gena shorter, generally 1/3–1/4 eye height; setae weaker and less abundant........................................ 8
7. Legs entirely dark colored, more or less concolorous.............................................
N. lenti
- Tibiae and basitarsi reddish orange, contrasted with darker-colored femora and terminal tarsomeres.....
N. trichina
sp. nov.
8. Dorsum of abdominal tergites not fasciate, more or less unicolorous, mostly subshiny metallic blue....
N. zurcheri
- Dorsum of abdominal tergites fasciate, posterior margin distinctly contrasted with anterior darker fascia................. 9
9. Tibiae and femora concolorous, both dark colored......................................
N. ciligena
in part
- Tibiae generally paler in color than femora, more reddish orange............................................... 10
10. Lateral surstylar process long, length from base about 1/2 length of surstylus in lateral view......................... 11
- Lateral surstylar process shorter, length from base 1/3 or less length of surstylus in lateral view....................... 15
11. Coloration of anepisternum, especially toward posterodorsal corner, distinctly darker than whitish gray katepisternum..... 1 2
- Coloration of anepisternum and katepisternum more or less concolorous, if anepisternum much darker than color changes very gradual............................................................................................. 13
12. Surstylus in lateral view over twice as long as wide (width not including lateral prong); posteroventral margin of surstylus evenly curved subapically (
N. pravoneura
in part
- Surstylus in lateral view less than twice as long as wide (width not including lateral prong); posteroventral margin of surstylus shallowly recurved subapically, appearing slightly sinuate.........................................
N. inca
sp. nov.
13. Anepisternum and katepisternum mostly olivaceous brown.................................................... 14
- Anepisternum and katepisternum mostly gray to grayish brown (
N. pravoneura
in part
14. Surstylus in lateral view tapered evenly and gradually to apex; lateral surstylar prongs in posterior view distinctly protrudent.................................................................................
N. prionoptera
- Surstylus in lateral view with subapical swelling before abruptly rounded apex; lateral surstylar prongs curving inward, not protrudent in posterior view.......................................................
N. ciligena
in part
15. Anepisternum and katepisternum mostly concolorous, gray; surstyli in posterior view broadly produced to bluntly-rounded apex...................................................................................
N. penai
sp. nov.
- Anepisternum generally darker than grayish katepisternum, if more or less concolorous, both brown; surstyli in posterior view narrowed distinctly to acutely-pointed apex................................................................ 16
16. Epandrium not much wider than greatest width of surstyli in posterior view; lateral surstylar prong distinct; surstylus in lateral view tapered abruptly subapically
N. araucaria
- Epandrium much wider than greatest width of surstyli in posterior view; lateral surstylar prong barely evident; surstylus in lateral view tapered gradually to apex..................................................
N. abrupta
in part