Revision of Neodischistus Painter, 1933 (Diptera, Bombyliidae, Bombyliinae) Author Lamas, Carlos José Einicker Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Avenida Nazaré, 481 Ipiranga 04263 - 000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. & Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), fellow Author Yamaguchi, Carolina Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Avenida Nazaré, 481 Ipiranga 04263 - 000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-07-19 2540 48 58 journal article 1175-5326 Neodischistus currani Painter, 1933 ( Fig. 1 ) Material examined . Holotype Female : Panama , Corozal - Canal Zone , 19.I.1929 . ( AMNH ). Diagnosis . The female of N. currani can be easily distinguished from N. collaris and N. marstoni sp. nov. by the length and position of the style, which is diminutive and placed in a small groove near the apex of flagellum in both latter species, while conspicuous and on the anterior margin of a large dorsal groove occupying the apical third of the flagellum in N. currani ( Fig. 1 ). FIGURE 1. Neodischistus currani Painter : antennae. Description. Body length: 4.5 mm . Head. Dichoptic; frons dark brown covered with glossy dark brown scales; ocellar tubercle dark brown pollinose, with sparse short dark brown bristles; face light brown with dark brown pollen (dust), smoothly projecting, with patches of long silvery scales on each side with light brown hairs; oral margin light brown; gena dark brown with dark brown pile; antenna dark brown; scape twice as long as pedicel, with dark brown bristles on apical half; pedicel with small dark brown bristles on upper surface; flagellum dark brown twice as long as scape and pedicel together, with one flagellomere and a subapical long style ( Fig. 1 ), not placed in a concavity; proboscis dark brown projecting beyond oral margin for ¾ of its length; palpus short and slender about 1 / 9 of proboscis length, light brown with dark brown hairs; occiput dark brown pollinose with dark brown shining scales and patches of silvery scales on each side of head extending from middle of hind margin of eye to lower vertex, with a fringe of long, strong and truncate dark brown bristles. Thorax. Mesonotum dark brown pollinose with black hairs; scutellum dark brown with long sparse dark brown bristles on posterior margin; post pronotal lobe, with dark brown bristles; notopleuron with strong dark brown bristles, and supra alar callus with dark brown bristles; post alar callus with light brown hairs; pleura light gray-brown pollinose; anepisternum with dark brown bristles; katepisternum with dark brown hairs and silvery scales on extreme upper margin; anepimeron, meron and laterotergite bare; metepisternum with dark brown hairs and silvery scales; haltere dark brown. Legs light brown pollinose with dark brown scales; coxae light brown with dark brown bristles; femur I and II with yellowish brown hairs on ventral surface, femur III with strong bristles on apical third of anteroventral surface; tibia light brown with light brown bristles and apical spurs; tarsus with yellowish brown bristles; claws light brown with dark brown tip; pulvilli yellowish 2 / 3 as long as claws. Wing hyaline; r-m crossvein at basal 1 / 5 of discal cell and anal cell open on wing margin by little less than the length of the r-m crossvein; R2+3 and R4 strongly curved upward and R4 almost S-shaped. Abdomen. Dark brown with small polished dark brown scales and patches of silver scales laterally; tergite IV-VII with two patches of silvery scales dorsally and sparse dark brown hairs on the sides; terminal segment with a long fringe of golden hairs covering genital openings. Male. Unknown. Distribution. Panama (Corozal – Canal Zone).