A new genus and 37 new noctuoid species from peninsular Florida and the Keys (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea) Author Troubridge, J. T. 23396 Mullins Ave Port Charlotte, FL, U. S. A. 33954 text Insecta Mundi 2020 2020-09-25 2020 789 1 56 journal article 7876 10.5281/zenodo.4585782 42735fab-49be-4bca-be2b-a271641121a8 1942-1354 4585782 2394D36E-6352-4798-8A9D-A596C7DA95F2 Sigela subincisa Troubridge , new species ( Fig. 17 , 89 ) BIN: BOLD:ABW8375 Diagnosis. Sigela subincisa is superficially like Sigela brauneata (Swett) . Both species exhibit a distinct blackish brown reniform spot and gray scales that form the ordinary lines of the forewing and hindwing. They differ in that the ordinary lines of S. brauneata are much darker and less distinct than those of S. subincisa , and the hindwing of S. brauneata is evenly rounded, whereas that of S. subincisa is indented at the tips of the cubital veins. Description. Antennae filiform, ciliate; head, vertex, labial palps and thorax light beige; first and second abdominal segments light beige; the remainder darker gray brown. Dorsal forewing (male). Forewing length 4–5 mm , quadrifine. Ground color beige; basal, antemedial, medial, and postmedial lines dark brown to gray brown with blackish-brown reniform spot present on postmedial line; submarginal line thin, jagged, light beige, edged basally with broad area of dark-brown to gray-brown scales; thin marginal line dark brown; fringe beige with light beige dots at tips of veins. Dorsal hindwing. Ground color beige, diffuse dark-brown scales extend into antemedial, medial, and postmedial areas from tornus approximately halfway across wing, fringe beige with light beige dots at tips of veins. Male genitalia ( Fig. 89 ). Valve unarmed, long, narrow, with even sides, rounded at tip, dorsal edge of sacculus heavily sclerotized, giving rigidity to valve. Vesica uninflated but two cornuti appear to be present; uncus talon-like, pointed, and downturned at tip. Female genitalia . Unknown. Type material. Holotype male: USA : Florida , Monroe Co. : No Name Key , 24.695°N , 81.329°W , 12.Mar.2018 , BOLD sample ID: KSLEP1274 , J. Troubridge , in the CNC . Paratypes : 2♂ : Miami-Dade Co. : 25.396°N , 80.566° W , 24.Sept.2016 , J. Vargo , 1♂ ; Monroe Co. : Big Pine Key , 24.673°N 81.363°W , Malaise trap , 8–22.Jan.2019 , J. Farnum , slide MGCL 5054 , 1♂ ( FSCA ) . Etymology. Subincisa refers to indentation along the margin of the hindwing at the tip of the cubital veins. Distribution. Sigela subincisa has been collected only in extreme southern Florida .