Eighteen new species and fifteen new records of the genus Torodora Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Lecithoceridae) from China Author Yu, Shuai 0000-0003-3670-2701 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & yushuai 088 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3670 - 2701 Author Zhu, Yanmei 0000-0002-4373-4675 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & Department of Biological Science and Technology, Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College, Changji 832200, Xinjiang, China & zhumiss 116 @ 126. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4373 - 4675 Author Wang, Shuxia 0000-0002-9316-6661 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & shxwang @ nankai. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9316 - 6661 shxwang@nankai.edu.cn text Zootaxa 2022 2022-05-03 5133 1 1 39 journal article 55709 10.11646/zootaxa.5133.1.1 bc293418-9db2-4607-a5e5-c922e58aeb85 1175-5326 6521240 C9397533-5884-4D21-A48A-2E46A0EE8D76 Torodora spectabilis Yu et Wang , sp. nov. ( Figs 13 , 31 , 46 ) Type material. CHINA , Yunnan : Holotype , Qinlangdang ( 27°42′N , 98°16′E ), Gongshan County , 380 m , 29. V .2017 , leg. KJ Teng et al ., slide No. YS 20260 . Paratypes ( 5♂ 5♀ ): 5♂ 4♀ , same data as holotype except dated 29. V ‒1. VI .2017 , slide Nos.YS 19097 , YS18098 ; 1♀ , Pukawang Village , Gongshan County , 1335 m , 12. VI .2017 , leg. KJ Teng et al ., slide No. YS 20261 . Diagnosis. This new species is similar to T. serpentina ( Diakonoff, 1951 ) in both appearance and male genitalia. It can be distinguished by the valva narrowed from base to basal 2/5, parallel-sided from basal 2/5 to 3/5 and thereafter narrowed to apex, the juxta widened posteriorly and narrowed anteriorly; in T. serpentina , the valva is narrowed from base to apex; and the juxta is rectangular ( Gozmány 1978 : Pl. 49, fig. 145). Description. Adult ( Fig. 13 ). Wingspan 20.0‒21.5 mm. Head orange yellow entirely; antenna orange yellow in basal 2/3, greyish black in distal 1/3. Labial palpus orange yellow, third palpomere as long as second palpomere. Thorax and tegula orange yellow. Forewing with costal margin slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen shallowly concave; ground color orange yellow; dorsum with a large subrectangular purplish brown blotch from subbase to tornus, its inner margin reaching costal margin, upper margin reaching anterior margin of discal cell and stalk of R 3+4+5 , shallowly concave medially, outer margin obtuse; fringe orange yellow except purplish brown along dorsum. Hindwing grey except pale yellow around apex and along termen; fringe pale yellow along termen, grey along dorsum. Legs orange yellow except white on femora, purplish brown at apex of fore and mid tibiae, as well as at middle and apex of hind tibia. Male genitalia ( Fig. 31 ). Uncus elongate triangular, apex narrowly rounded. Gnathos with mesial process wide at base, narrowed to basal 3/5, distal 2/5 slender to a pointed apex, curved ventrad before apex. Valva broad basally, slightly narrowed to basal 2/5, parallel-sided from basal 2/5 to 3/5, thereafter narrowed to rounded apex; costa gently arched basally, shallowly concave medially, straight distally; ventral margin gently arched medially, extending obliquely dorsad distally; sacculus wide at base, narrowed to basal 2/5 of ventral margin of valva, straight ventrally. Vinculum narrow, rounded on anterior margin. Juxta widened posteriorly, narrowed anteriorly, shortly and widely produced on posterior margin, obtusely rounded on anterior margin; posterolateral lobe short, setose. Aedeagus shorter than valva, straight, broad basally, tapered to obtuse apex; cornutus situated distally, banded, about 1/3 length of aedeagus. Female genitalia ( Fig. 46 ). Eighth abdominal sternite notched medially on posterior margin, with a rectangular process at middle on anterior margin. Apophyses posteriores about twice length of apophyses anteriores. Antrum membranous, funnel-shaped. Ductus bursae about twice length of corpus bursae, narrowed posteriorly, twisted once medially, with sparse conic spines from about posterior 1/4 to middle; ductus seminalis as wide as posterior part of ductus bursae, arising from posterior 1/4 of ductus bursae. Corpus bursae small rounded; signum situated at middle, triangular, denticulate, with two larger, triangular teeth on anterior margin. Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin spectabilis , referring to the remarkable blotch on the forewing.