A taxonomic study of the Indian species of Euops Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Attelabidae) Author Riedel, Alexander text Zootaxa 2009 2125 1 56 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.188214 80d07bd4-79e1-4933-88f7-32bf0aa3a538 1175-5326 188214 Euops (Parasynaptopsis) andrewesi Voss ( Figs. 1, 2 , 13–14 , 25–32 , 73–74, 78–80 , 89, 90 , 99 , 100 , 104, 105 , 116 , 123 , 130 , 158 , 161 , 168 , 177 , 183 ) Euops andrewesi Voss, 1935 : 96 ( type locality: Nilgiri Hills). Parasynatops (Pseudoeuops) andrewesi (Voss) : Legalov, 2003 : 381 . Pseudoeuops andrewesi (Voss) : 2007: 224. Indoeuops ammattiensis Legalov, 2007 : 236 ( type locality: South India , S. Coorg-Ammatti [Ammatti, Kodagu (= Coorg), Karnataka, 12° 15' N , 75° 51' E ]) syn. n. Diagnosis. Wrinkles of pronotum arranged concentrically around short midline; surface of elytron dull, with marked sculpture consisting of numerous transverse carinae and irregular wrinkles, resulting in rasp-like appearance; tarsi and antenna ferruginous, remainder of body dark, either largely brownish ( Fig. 25 ) or metallic green ( Figs. 1–2 , 13–14 ); protibia in female with ventral margin medially subangulately projecting ( Fig. 130 ), apex uncinate but without premucro ( Fig. 90 ); mesotibia in male subapically simple ( Fig. 123 ); TA as in Figs. 29–30 , 158 . FIGURES 25–32. Euops andrewesi , lectotype: (25) dorsal aspect, (26) lateral aspect, (27) frontal aspect, (28) labels; 29–32: genitalia, (29) aedeagus, dorsal aspect, (30) aedeagus, lateral aspect, (31) pedon, (32) tegmen. Redescription. Lectotype , male. Body length: 2.98 mm . Coloration. Antenna and tarsi light ferruginous, remainder darker with more or less marked metallic lustre. Rostrum ferruginous with bronze lustre. Pronotum basally bluish, midline with narrow greenish-golden band, submedian kidney-shaped patches dark bronze, anterior margin and sides of pronotum of same reddish metallic colour as dorsal surface of head. Scutellum metallic green-golden. Elytra dark reddish brown with bronze lustre except lateral interstria in basal half with bluish lustre. Sides of thorax with reddish lustre. Pygidium and sides of abdomen deep blue. Venter of abdomen and thorax greenish-golden. Head ( Fig. 104 ). Gena 0.91 x as long as width of head behind eyes, genae weakly converging anteriad. Vertex rugulose to punctate-rugose, wrinkles concentric around point somewhat behind middle; with row of punctures along posterior margin of eye; with constriction behind eye, posteriorly convex towards base. Eyes in dorsal view moderately prominent, set off from lateral contour of head, large, dorsally contiguous in middle for 0.5 x their length. Ventral surface transversely rugose, anteriorly between eyes somewhat irregularly rugoso-punctate. Rostrum 1.72 x longer than mouthparts, sides subparallel to slightly beyond antennal insertion, then diverging and subapically rounded, at widest point 1.4 x wider than at base; in cross section dorsally moderately rounded; dorsum with weak depression behind antennal insertion, without prominence above antennal insertion, level to apex, surface microreticulate, punctate, with scattered subrecumbent long setae; interantennal area with weakly convex margins converging anteriad. Clypeus somewhat uneven but without marked incisions or extensions, with very shallow median incision. Basal lateral groove indistinct, punctate; reaching ventral surface, evenly weakly curved, anteriorly concave. Venter poorly set off from head, weakly sinuate to apex, basally with indistinct submental median carina and with pair of shallow lateral impressions. Submentum shining, with scattered long, stiff, suberect setae. Prementum ( Figs. 73–74 ) at base 1.8 x wider than long, ca. 2.3 x wider than at apex, surface medially impressed, especially apically, sides sinuate, converging apicad; anteriorly with 3 moderately long apical processes, the median shorter, retracted dorsad behind level of lateral processes. Antenna ( Fig. 116 ) slender. Proventriculus ( Fig. 100 ) with eight sclerotised gnathal ridges; without secondary folds; gnathal ridge in profile of subtriangular shape, cutting edge pointing posteriad; posterior to each gnathal ridge with indistinct pulvillus, a diffuse patch of sparse thin setae. Thorax. Prothorax 1.05 x longer than wide, subbasal constriction shallow, sides towards apex rounded, with shallow preapical constriction; disc costulate, wrinkles arranged vortically around midline changing their course from ovate at middle to subrhomboid towards pair of very shallow depressions; surface between wrinkles punctulate, dull, weakly shining, sides coarsely punctate, areolate; prepectus shorter than postpectus; with ridge in front of procoxa. Mesosternum simple, without protrusion. Metanotum with lateral lobes; without sutural spines but margin weakly subangularly protruding backwards near middle. Metasternum ventrally rugose, laterally densely deeply punctate. Height of pterothorax 0.78 x length of elytron. Elytron 2.22 x longer than wide; humerus simple; striae moderately impressed; surface dull, with marked sculpture ( Fig. 89 ) of numerous transverse carinae and irregular wrinkles resulting in rasp-like appearance, these carinae and wrinkles partly crossing and continuing over several intervals, additionally with more gentle sculpture of swellings and depressions: intervals 1–3 basally swollen, 2–4 posteriorly with shallow depression, 3–5 behind middle with impression, 5 before apical declivity widened and swollen, transverse sculpture of other intervals arranged vortically around swelling of interval 5. Legs. Procoxa simple, 1.12 x longer than wide, approaching anterior margin of prothorax; in anterior aspect coxae with inner contour diverging in convex line; anterior surface markedly punctate. Femora simple, without teeth or knobs, sparsely setose with thin recumbent setae; anterior surface dull, markedly coriarious, with irregular wrinkles, granulate; posterior surface rather shining, with shallow wrinkles and punctures. Profemur subsymmetrically clavate, moderately swollen, thickest at 0.38 of length from apex, at base with indistinct stalk; anterior contour convex; posterior ventral and dorsal contours sinuate. Protibia long, in dorsal aspect straight; in anterior aspect evenly curved ventrad, dorsal and ventral contours parallel; ventral surface sparsely denticulate, each denticle bearing a suberect setae; uncus terminal; anterior distal comb slightly shortened ventrally; posterior distal comb strongly oblique behind tarsal articulation, dorsal and ventral third shortened. Mesotibia ( Fig. 123 ) subapically simple, without dorsal extension; dorsal edge of meso- and metatibia distinctly crenulate. Protarsus somewhat elongate; tarsomere 1 subequal to 2+3. Abdomen. Suture between ventrites 1–4 fused but distinctly impressed. Venter laterally densely punctate, rugulose, punctures becoming sparser ventrad; disk flat to constriction between ventrites 4 and 5; surface medially subglabrous, ventrites 2 and 3 on each side of this polished area with indistinct patches of sparse suberect setae. Pygidium relatively long, 0.84 x wider than long, weakly microreticulate, densely deeply punctate, sparsely setose. Terminalia. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 161 ) evenly sclerotised, at apex medially with broad angulate notch, sides angulately projecting and with long setae, sides converging in straight line from base to apex, base subtruncate, sides weakly extended basad. Tegminal plate ( Fig. 32 ) narrow, sides converging to shortly before rounded, evenly setose apex. Aedeagus with apical lobe of pedon ( Fig. 31 ) ca. 0.63 x as long as wide, broadly rounded, semicircular, tectum somewhat hourglass-shaped; sides concave, apex truncate, medially weakly sclerotised, lateral margins more distinctly sclerotised; TA ( Figs. 29–30 , 99 , 158 ) with frame ca. 2.25 x longer than wide, in middle with shallow constriction, transfer processes indistinct, not projecting beyond frame, dorsal plate distinct, elongate, ca. 0.5 x length of frame, apically deeply concave, internal support structures of ductus ejaculatorius long, reaching level of basal sclerite, the latter ca. 0.42 x of total length of TA, 1.8 x longer than wide, basally with lateral hook-like extensions. Endophallus with cuticle densely denticulate. Female (specimen from Kotagiri). As lectotype except: Length 2.80 mm . Coloration of scutellum coppery red, of pygidium bronze, apically coppery, of abdomen coppery bronze. Head ( Fig. 105 ) with gena 0.89 x as long as width of head behind eyes; genal contours in dorsal view markedly converging anteriad. Rostrum 1.63 x longer than mouthparts. Prothorax 0.95 x as long as wide. Elytron 2.16 x longer than wide. Height of pterothorax 0.84 x length of elytron. Procoxa 0.98 x as long as wide. Profemur shorter. Protibia ( Fig. 130 ) shorter; in anterior aspect straight; dorsal contour convex at base, in straight line to apex; ventral contour markedly bisinuate; ventral anterior edge in middle with lobiform extension; ventral surface sparsely denticulate at lobiform extension, sparsely setose with suberect setae. Tibial apex with uncus in middle, ventral angle projecting and with granules but without premucro. Abdomen with ventral setose patch 1.38 x longer than wide, ventrites 1–3 each with a double row of modified setae, ventrite 4 with sparse, nonmodified setae not arranged into transverse row. Pygidium 1.1 x wider than long. Ovipositor without hemisternites. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 168 ) much smaller than tergite VIII; apex well defined, base without apodeme. Spermatheca ( Fig. 177 ) with body moderately tapering apicad; spermathecal gland small. Intraspecific variation. Size: length 2.10–2.98 mm (n=18, x =2.61 ± 0.18); prothorax 0.94–1.05 x longer than wide in males (n=11, x =0.99 ± 0.03), 0.94–0.98 x in females (n=7, x =0.96 ± 0.01); elytron 2.11–2.26 x longer than wide in males (n=11, x =2.12 ± 0.02), 2.06–2.24 x in females (n=7, x =2.10 ± 0.06); height of pterothorax 0.77–0.83 x length of elytron in males (n=11, x =0.78 ± 0.01), 0.78–0.85 x in females (n=7, x =0.79 ± 0.01); abdomen with patch of modified setae in female 1.25–1.67 x longer than wide (n=7, x =1.46 ± 0.16); pygidium 0.84–1.01 x wider than long in males (n=8, x =0.97 ± 0.06), 1.04–1.14 x in females (n=7, x =1.09 ± 0.03). Coloration: a dimorphic species; dark colour form as in lectotype ( Figs. 25–27 ), elytra with either bronze or bluish lustre, pronotum with green midline basally more or less shortened and sometimes reduced to small patch in anterior half, size of dark submedian patches variable, either extensive and medially fused or almost absent, dorsal surface of head commonly greenish golden, rarely reddish as in lectotype ; more vividly coloured form ( Figs. 1–2 , 13–14 ) with torso including elytra more or less uniformly bright metallic, mainly greenish-golden, coppery or greenish-bluish, tarsi and antenna light ferruginous, tibiae and femora deep ferruginous, partly concealed by metallic lustre. Material examined . Male, lectotype by present designation ( Figs. 25–32 ): INDIA : Nilgiri Hills; labels: 1) [white, rectangular] "H.L.Andrewes. Nilgiri Hills. [printed]" 2) [white, rectangular] " Euops andrewesi n. sp. [handwritten], Det. E. Voß [printed]" 3) [white with red margin, round] " Type [printed]" 4) [white, rectangular] “Pres. by Imp. Inst. Ent. B.M. 1934-130. [printed]”; 5) [red, rectangular] " Lectotype , Euops andrewesi Voss , det. A. Riedel 2008 [printed]"; condition: left protibia broken in middle, apical half missing; apical part of right protibia broken, glued to card; point-mounted; aedeagus in Canada balsam, remainder of genitalia in glycerol, microtube ( BMNH ). Other specimens. INDIA : 1 male , 4 females , Karnataka, W Ghats, 20 km W Talguppa, Jog Falls, N 14°14´E 74° 44´, 500± 200m , leg. P. Pacholátko, 22–28.V.2002 ( ARC ); 6 males , 5 females , Tamil Nadu, 11 km SE Kotagiri, Kunchappanai, 11°24´N , 76° 56´E , 1100± 100m , leg. P. Pacholátko, 3.–15.V.2002 ( ARC ); 2 females , Tamil Nadu, 15 km SE Kotagiri, Kunchappanai, 11°22´N , 76° 56´E , 900m , leg. D. Hauck ( ARC ); 3 males , Tamil Nadu, 11 km SE Kotagiri, Kunchappanai, N 11°22´E 76° 56´, 1100± 100m , leg. Dembický & Pacholátko, 17.–22.V.1997 ( RDCP ). Distribution ( Fig. 183 ). INDIA , Karnataka (Jog Falls, Coorg), Tamil Nadu (Nilgiri Hills); elevation 900–1000 m . Notes. In the original description, Voss (1935) stated type specimens to be deposited in two different collections, and therefore more than one specimen formed the basis of his description. However, he did not designate a holotype and provided no illustrations of any specimen. One syntype was examined in this study and is here designated as lectotype to ensure stability of nomenclature in case additional syntypes are discovered that belong to different species. A close relationship of this species with Euops apicalis , as asserted by Voss (1935) , appears unlikely as the latter, a Philippine species, belongs to the clearly defined subgenus Suniops . Instead, there is good evidence suggesting that E. andrewesi is closely related to E. yunnanicus , sharing with this species not only the general characters given above for Parasynaptopsis but also the derived microsculpture of the elytra, consisting of transverse wrinkles and carinae, and the markedly concave sides of the scutellum. Moreover, certain characters of the elytra exhibited in relatively indistinct form in E. andrewesi are more pronounced in E. yunnanicus , namely the swelling of elytral interval 5 and the protuberances on intervals 1 and 3 next to the scutellum (a swelling only in E. andrewesi ) followed posteriorly by a depression.